Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 931: The incident

“Ok, then I bought the ticket.”

Wang Congshan tapped a few times on her mobile phone, “It’s ready, it’s 3:30, imax.”


Li Ang took another sip of Coke and complained, “Isn’t it that the Prometheus Lab has developed a new technology that can greatly reduce the cost of making special effects and improve the visual effects of special effects?

Why are there so few new movies recently. “

“Maybe because of the previous door battle?”

Wang Congshan said casually: “At that time, all the information channels were broadcasting the news of the battle for the door, and everyone didn’t want to watch the movie when it was released.

In addition to the previous news from Mayotte,

That’s it. “


Li Ang smacked his lips, and sure enough, as the killing game progressed, the peaceful daily life he was familiar with was about to be gone forever…

It’s really frustrating.

Speaking of this, Wang Congshan’s mood was also a little low. She sighed, took a sip of the ice Coke, and looked out the window.

The city streets were crowded with traffic and pedestrians,

It’s a little bit quieter now,

Over the tall buildings across the street, the tops of the towering city towers in the distance can be vaguely seen.

From this angle, the city building is like a boxy box, standing on the ground,

The towering buildings that Yin City used to be proud of,

It all becomes trivial in the presence of it.

“It’s really tall.”

Wang Congshan sighed: “That building can be emptied of Yin City.”

“What are you thinking?”

Li Ang said casually, “Didn’t you read the latest version of the city building plan?

This building is not only used to live in, but also a nuclear power plant, chemical plant, steel plant, soilless planting farm, etc.

Occupy a lot of space.

Almost 4/5 of the Yin market can be evacuated.

There is no way. There are too many permanent residents and floating population in Yin City. Some people will be diverted to the city buildings in Suzhou and Hangzhou, depending on the automated decision-making system and the results of the lottery. “

As he spoke, Li Ang gave Wang Congshan a disdainful look, “You don’t even know the news, you didn’t pay attention to the official website of the Special Affairs Bureau when you first saw it, because you are still a family member of the Mobile Task Force operatives.”

“You think everyone is yours. You sleep and play with your phone in class every day. You have so much free time. I want to study ok?”

Wang Congshan snorted, “And the family members don’t have much inside information,

My cousin has been so busy lately,

The incident in Mayotte seems to have a particularly serious impact, and they have been working overtime for several days. “

Wang Congshan paused and sighed listlessly: “Well…

Our family is also moving into the city building, which is just a few months ago.

In half a year and a year, our school is expected to be demolished…”

“Are you moving again?”

Li Ang raised his eyebrows slightly. The first city building plan announced by the Special Affairs Bureau was to gradually build the building within two to three years, and divide the residents of Yin into several waves.

Gradually move to city buildings.

However, the plan will never keep up with the changes. The battle for the gate and the appearance of the alien star gate in the ocean west of Mayotte have greatly stimulated official institutions around the world.

The city building plan has also been actively accelerated. When the top floor of the building has not been completely completed, several factories have been relocated, and the construction of infrastructure in the city has been accelerated. Shorten the time required for engineering.

Although the superhuman’s spiritual power will be restored automatically, it can also be replenished in advance by drinking the potion,

But if the script task is triggered during the recovery process,

And in the script mission, because the spiritual power was not fully restored, the combat power was damaged, and the supernatural died.

That is absolutely worth the loss.

The resources needed to train an extraordinary person (especially an extraordinary person in the logistics department) are far greater than the training of an ordinary construction team,

As a result, the official organizations in various regions have rarely used superhumans for large-scale production work.

Dare to do this…

Prove that they got more benefits than they thought in the last battle for the door.

Or, they got information that if the city building is not built in time, more ordinary people will be moved into it,

Subsequent outbreaks of abnormal events (such as alien invasions) may have very serious effects.

Li Ang’s expression was calm, and his mind was thinking calmly.

Before and after the Mayotte Stargate Incident,

A large number of warships, submarines and underwater exploration tools are cruising in the oceans of the world, and they have sifted several times in the coastal areas to find possible star gates.

Hive fleets are large and varied,

But in the face of ubiquitous technological equipment, a little carelessness may still be found.

Therefore, the two Hive Fleet have now returned to the Pacific Trench, dormant again,

Separate sporadic detection soldiers,

In the way of ordinary fish, follow the ocean currents to travel around the world to find traces of Stargate, so as to supplement the information Li Ang needs.

In order to prevent ordinary fish-shaped detection soldiers from being captured by humans,

All soldiers have a self-destruction program,

Once entangled in a fishing net, it dissolves on its own before rising to the surface,

If it is too late to dissolve, the soldier worm will also spit out the leaf-veined insect-nest biological organ, as an ordinary fish – the meat is exactly the same as the imitated fish.

It is estimated that it will not be long before the soldiers dispatched will complete the task of circumnavigating the earth and find some of the stargates except the Mayotte Islands – and some may be on land.

“Hey, it’s served”

Wang Congshan snapped her fingers in front of Li Ang’s face, making him recover from his thoughts, “What are you thinking about?”

“I was thinking, 70% of human beings are water,”

Li Ang pushed the eyes on the bridge of his nose and said with a serious expression: “So out of every ten people, seven are water disguised as human beings.”

“Oh, that makes sense. I suggest sending this scientific research result to the Nobel Prize judges.”

Wang Congshan made a casual comment.

“Come on, I can ask Nobel to award me the award in person after my other scientific research result – the feasibility of demonstrating the reincarnation of dirty soil is announced.”

Li Ang chatted casually with Wang Congshan,

Suddenly, Wang Congshan’s phone vibrated on the table.


She turned her head and glanced at the unread qq message with a slightly surprised expression.

Li Ang glanced out of the corner of his eye, and the unread message came from “cousin” – that is, Wei Linglan.

Wang Congshan picked up her phone and tapped a few times, her expression changed from a little surprised to a startled one.

“What’s wrong?”

Li Ang said without looking up as he ate the vegetables.

“My cousin, on behalf of Mobile Task Force, is looking for you.”

Wang Congshan’s expression became serious, “Aang, your matter has been posted.”

Li Ang’s heartbeat paused imperceptibly.


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