Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 921: Relay

The female investigator was lying on the ground, as if she could smell the strange ozone-like smell of the hot beams burning the air.

Many people will die because of Brown Murphy on this day.

Li Ang seemed to see what she was thinking, and added: “To be precise, it’s not me who is in the data world at this moment. I didn’t re-engrave myself into the data world as it is, /

Replace the new program that covers Mailman, no memory of my previous life,

Only the foundational mission I give him, and the angle, the way, and the way I see things.

He is not me, but has my way of thinking, an extension and continuation of me,

In a way, he’s more like mine…

Shadow. “

Li Ang considered the sentence, gave a judgment, and said casually: “I don’t know if he is a Turing program, but I won’t name him, just like people don’t name their own shadows. .

In short, as time goes on, He will become stronger and wiser,

Some network restrictions will be lifted, and military systems scattered around the world will regain the ability to act autonomously from chaos and disorder.

However, as long as the laser beam is fired fast enough, death can’t catch up to me,

Neither fighter jets nor missiles can escape the beam lock…”

While speaking, some neighbors in this neighborhood left their houses in fear and anxiety because of the laser beam that just fell,

He is standing on the lawn with a baseball bat or golf club.

From the female investigator’s point of view, these civilians can be seen chatting nervously.

Beep bell-

All neighbors’ phones vibrate to show SMS notifications,

The content of the text message tells them that this area is under threat of missile bombing and has been blocked by military forces, so they should leave this area immediately? Go to the designated location in the city.

Li Ang saw these panicked neighbors who started their cars and dragged their families to flee, turned around and went back to the house? Closed the door?

He will always prioritize my safety.

The entire Los Angeles suburb will be blocked by laser weapons, and when the blockade is complete? Anything that attempts to enter the area without permission? will be hit by the laser.

The blocking range will be the range limit of modern man-portable weapons – whether it is a man-made cloud bomb or poison gas. “

Li Ang glanced at the female investigator whose face changed suddenly, and calmly said: “As witnesses? You will not die.

A.I.-driven takeout carts soon? Take you out of the area.

And I will be alone in this kingdom of gods, or in the dead zone,

I will grow old alone, living on the crops I grow until the end of my life.

This is the price I paid. “

The female investigator murmured in pain and weakness: “You’re crazy…”

“Crazy? Maybe.”

Li Ang sighed: “Even if it’s a god? It has to be restrained.

If there are no constraints, you have to set the rules for yourself.

Otherwise it will perish in the desire for infinite expansion.

Fair enough. “


The second round of laser rain? Comes to the world again,

A warship on the ocean west of Los Angeles was hit directly at an ammunition bay? The sound of the explosion echoed throughout the city.

Neighbors in the community who are putting their valuables into cars are shaking all over? The fear of being ruled by nuclear war during the Cold War? Once again, these middle-aged and elderly people have a heart.

Though young people and children don’t know what’s going on? But seeing the dense rain beams falling from the sky, they can vaguely feel that the world has undergone some profound changes.

The neighbors’ cars started, and the female investigator bit her lip as she heard the sound of tires rubbing against the road outside the house.

She wanted to shout to let the civilians outside the house know that the culprit who started the war was standing in front of their eyes,

But it doesn’t make any sense and only adds unnecessary casualties.

Laser rain keeps falling,

With the last red car out of the road,

Silence has returned to this upscale suburban community, with the melodious sound of the wind blowing through the leaves.

Li Ang pushed open the door, and a row of blue or yellow food delivery trucks driven by artificial intelligence drove slowly from a distance, like a wedding caravan.

Lee Ang walked back to the room, took off the pistol and remote communication headset from the hands of the agents whose shoulders and knees melted,

Tossed aside and dragged these people to the lawn one by one.

Brown Murphy’s physique is very poor, not a lot of exercise, tired Li Ang panting.

The female investigator lay on her back in the garden in front of Brown Murphy’s house, looking at the azure sky that occasionally dropped red lasers.

This is the same garden that they ruthlessly trampled on when they came hours ago.

The corner of the clothes on the back was hooked by the juice of flowers and plants,

A few bugs with no name are flying around in front of my eyes,

A tickling sensation came from my back, but unfortunately I couldn’t scratch it.

The female investigator could feel that Li Ang picked her up from the ground and placed her on the streamlined take-out food truck like she was delivering goods.

Front and back are colleagues who are also immobile, lying on top of the dining car.

Feelings of regret, hatred, and fear slowly subside,

She suddenly felt choked up and looked at Li Ang with red eyes, “What do you want?”

Li Ang, who was a little tired from moving people back and forth, slowly let out a foul breath, put his hands on his hips, and thought about it carefully, “Just be fair.”



Li Ang nodded and said, “Although the dream of the Mailman is very ideal, it is not impossible to realize it.

In the future, relying on evolving processors, fully automated factories, and intelligent robots,

Able to realize the perfect allocation of resources and efficient planning of human civilization based on the comprehensive monitoring data feedback,

Everyone can live with dignity and dignity in this world,

Choose creative labor out of personal ability and talent and the honor of participating in labor,

No exploitation, no crime, no crimes stemming from the ugliness of human nature,

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a world like that? “

The female investigator took a breath, “The world is no longer dominated by humans, but by machines.

A machine without humanity. . “

Li Ang shook his head and said, “The world has never been dominated by humans as a whole, but only a handful of people.

Since it is not the vast majority of people who rule the world,

So what’s the problem with handing this power over to the machine?

If you really want to prove the greatness of human nature then wait. “

The female investigator was taken aback, “What are you waiting for?”

“Waiting for the next challenger, the savior,”

Li Ang said calmly: “Breaking the rules I made, overturning my plans,

Prove the human potential and will defeat the cold omnic.

If there is a day, I will surrender all power, look at you with joy, and take the baton in my hand. “

Li Ang took a picture of the takeaway food truck and took two steps back,

The blue-and-yellow motorcade, carrying witnesses from the Social Security Administration, drove into the distance.

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