Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 919: Continuation

It’s over.

The female investigator opens her eyes and looks at the ceiling of an unfamiliar room belonging to Brown Murphy.


She coughed softly, sat up slowly from the reclining chair, stretched her arms behind her neck, and pressed the button of the intubation device behind her head to remove it.

“How’s it going?!”

The agent colleague on the side had bloodshot eyes, aiming a gun at Brown Murphy on the reclining chair in the bedroom, while anxiously asking the female investigator: “What happened to the data world?!”

The female investigator shook her head, without rushing to answer, and glanced at the clock on the wall.

At 2:15:32 in the afternoon, less than 30 seconds had passed since she was stunned by the aftermath of the battle.

“Help me…get up.”

The female investigator stood swaying, staggered to the bedroom, snatched the pistol from her companion, and aimed at Li Ang’s head.

Want to shoot?

The man in front of him has taken over nearly half of the world’s information processors in the data world. As long as he has a thought,

Nuclear bombs in countless missile silos will blast off into the sky, reducing the world to rubble.

What if he thinks the Social Security Administration won’t let him go?

What if he had a program that says “auto-fire nukes when he dies or disconnects from the internet”?

The female investigator’s mind was full of thoughts, and her finger on the trigger trembled slightly.

Fortunately, Li Ang didn’t make her wait long.


On the reclining chair, Li Ang slowly opened his eyes, looked at the familiar and unfamiliar ceiling, and twisted his neck.

“Don’t move!”

The female investigator only felt a cold current rushing through her body. It was obvious that the man in front of her had lost the power of the data world and turned into a mediocre middle-aged man.

It made her feel, but it was still dangerous.

“Disconnect your BCI device! Now, now, now!”

The female investigator gasped, as if realizing that her tone was too harsh, and immediately added: “Mr. Brown Murphy, we need you to explain what’s going on in the world of data,

If you help us get rid of the Mailman, my superior will keep his promise and keep you safe…”

“The Mailman you know is gone.”

Li Ang interrupted the female investigator’s words, gently took off the helmet-shaped brain-computer interface device, placed it on the reclining chair, and said calmly, “Can you pour me a cup of coffee?”

None of the agents in the room moved, all pointed their guns at Li Ang, as if he was not holding a brain-computer interface device, but a suitcase with a nuclear bomb button.

The female investigator’s face muscles twitched and she asked in a hoarse voice, “What do you mean?”

“Remember Merlin?”

Lee Ang raised his feet, took a more comfortable position, and said casually: “I was very puzzled at the time, if the Mailman was really a conspirator hiding in the dark,

In order to rule the world, at the expense of setting up a situation to kill Ohm, Thomas, a wizard who has the ability to threaten him,

Why does Merlin feel safe?

He even went to Venezuela in person in the real world, not at all worried that he would be silently killed by the Mailman? “

Li Ang glanced at the bewildered Social Security Agency agents and said calmly, “There are three possibilities.

One, Merlin is the Mailman, and the Mailman is Merlin. The typewriter in the Castle of the Wizards of the Coast is just a mystery set up by Merlin in order to hide his dual identity, in order to prevent others from seeing the pause in his thinking.

Second, Merlin knew the Mailman in the real world, and the relationship between the two parties was very harmonious, friends, confidants, partners, relatives.

Three, Merlin has the real name of the mailer in the real world, and has set up an automatic program somewhere in the data world. When he himself dies and cannot activate the program regularly, the program will automatically announce the mailer’s real name in the real world.

This threatens the Mailman, unable to use the Venezuelan armed forces to kill him.

What kind of possibility do you think it is. “


The muscles in the corners of the female investigator’s mouth twitched and she hesitated.

Without the audience willing to answer, Li Ang spread his hands indifferently, and said casually: “The first possibility is very low, Merlin’s strength and talent are limited, far less powerful than Mailman,

And if he really is the mailman, he will not appear in the Venezuelan network node in the data world and risk his life.

The third possibility is not very high,

Be aware that the Mailman is far more capable than Merlin, and also controls the armed forces of Venezuela,

In the real world, he could have dispatched armed forces to capture Merlin, tortured the latter, and asked him how to crack the program.

Believe me, the will of most wizards is inferior to their power in the data world, and cannot withstand torture. “

The female investigator said subconsciously: “You mean the second possibility…”

“Does Merlin have a strong relationship with the Mailman in the real world?”

Li Ang smiled: “Yes, no.

The power to rule the world is so tempting that even fathers, sons, and husbands and wives can hardly withstand the temptation of power.

After all, only one **** on earth is enough, two would seem too much.

Considering Merlin’s status as a real-world former employee of the Pentagon’s Automated Decision Systems Division,

And many of the characteristics shown by the mailer – huge delay, frequent lag, rooted in the Pentagon intranet system, authorized to control the decision-making system,

I prefer another possibility.

The Turing program. “

Only then did the female investigator react, “You mean…”

“Yes, Mailman is not a living person, but a program that can grow itself.”

Li Ang tilted his head and said, “I looked at DARPA’s confidential information. Fifteen years ago, Merlin, who was a former employee of the automated decision-making system department, was ordered to develop a system that could assist the official department and automatically protect the system from cyber attacks. program.

The purpose of this program is to correct human error within the system and to protect the system impartially and impartially.

But you also know that if a system has self-correcting intelligence, it will greatly weaken the personal authority of the system owner, weaken the personal power,

And cut back on personal use of the system for their own profit, or at least a space for convenience.

As a result, DARPA and the Pentagon quickly killed the project, and Merlin was transferred to other departments. Soon after, because the results of his work had been rejected by his superiors, he became discouraged and resigned voluntarily.

However, it may be a mistake or carelessness, or it may be selfishness for revenge,

The research team headed by Merlin forgot to take a backup of the core program from the database.

The program learns and grows silently and at an extremely slow pace.

With the passage of time, a program that has mastered enough processors is like the formation of small molecular organic matter in the original soup, and has its own life,

It, or he, has self-awareness. “

Li Ang paused and said lazily: “The birth of a new species and even a new civilization has not been noticed by anyone.

Before I thought, the reason why the Mailman was delayed was because of his physical location, in low earth orbit and even the moon and Mars bases,

The delay effect is intentionally amplified in order to mask the address.

But in fact,

Mailers have to run through lengthy calculations to simulate human thinking, have minutes or even seconds of self-awareness, and make self-awareness-based responses to the outside world.

Other times,

For example, when I asked him an inexplicable question, the mailman could only use a rudimentary pseudo-Turing program to find the answer in the database and respond. “

Li Ang said casually: “Because Merlin knows the true identity of the mailer, knows that he is the creator of the latter, and knows the original purpose of the latter – to perform his duties, protect the system itself, and protect the system from being damaged by anyone, even if is a sabotage from the system owner,

That’s why he trusts the Mailman, it won’t work against him.

The real purpose of the Mailman, like his speech, was to better protect humanity from self-destruction. “


The female investigator and her fellow agents looked at each other, and Li Ang could clearly read the feeling of happiness on their faces.

“What about now?”

The female investigator’s gun turned down slightly, “That program…or, the Mailman, is dead?”


Li Ang said calmly: “I personally killed a new life with self-awareness, a great future, and dedicated myself to the Creator,

It was a very bad experience for me,

Reminds me of my pets…”

He raised his arm, and the handcuffs on his wrists rattled, “Look, the internet is back.

I finished my part,


Can you undo the handcuffs and get me a coffee now? “

The female investigator exchanged glances with her colleague and put the pistol back in her waist, but did not intend to take out the handcuff key.

She turned around, pressed the button of the earplugs in her ears, exchanged opinions with the terrified superiors, and returned to the bedroom for a while, her face frozen, hiding a bit of embarrassment.

She blinked, looked at Li Ang and said, “Sorry, Mr. Brown Murphy, we can’t release you just yet. You’re going to be under full supervision until our cybersecurity staff can sort it out… “


Li Ang let out a long sigh, put his left hand on the computer table, played back and forth with his five fingers and fingertips, and whispered softly: “It really is an extravagant hope to keep human beings sane forever…”

The female investigator didn’t hear clearly and asked subconsciously, “What did you say?”

“Follow the instructions given to you by your superiors,”

Li Ang pointed to the female investigator’s earphones, “Probably took me away and detained me in a secret underground military facility dungeon, 24/7, without giving me any chance to access the Internet. .

Those high-level executives won’t kill me in a hurry,

They have to make sure first and foremost that the Mailman will not be resurrected, come back, control all military systems around the world like this time,

After confirmation, they won’t rush to kill me,

I must continue to be kept, imprisoned, and kept in captivity to prevent new threats (whether from bots or wizarding careerists).

After all, I am infinitely close to the status of God among men,

Can usurp authority over seven billion people,

But out of its own noble qualities, at the last moment, I chose to give up…”


The female investigator pursed her lips, neither denying nor affirming, but took out the handcuff key from her pocket, “Sorry, please come with us,”

Li Ang gave her a pitiful look, and the playing with the tip of his left finger on the wooden table stopped abruptly, “I refuse.”

Speak with the last word,

Several Zeus system military satellites in low-Earth orbit fired a total of forty-two slender lasers aimed at a neighborhood outside Los Angeles.


No explosion, no flame,

Forty-two rays of light flashed,

The roof of the cabin where Brown Murphy lives was melted by lasers to create holes.

Wrists, shoulders, and knees of female investigators and SSA agents were pierced by thin laser beams that melted and pierced in an instant.

These well-equipped agents fell to the ground, losing their fingers of strength, and could no longer pull the trigger.


Li Ang calmly snapped his thumb, freed himself from the handcuffs, stood up slowly,

Looking calmly at the collapsed agents,

Other agents lurking in the community were also paralyzed by the Zeus laser strike just now.

This area is safe.

Lee Ang didn’t lie,

In the 30 seconds when the female investigator was caught in the shock wave of the battle and fell into a coma and popped up the data world,

The Mailman rooted in the Pentagon’s intranet is indeed dead replaced by a new program that replaced Li Ang’s way of thinking.

His mind returned to the real world,

But his will continues to expand and expand at the data level,

Take over infinite authority and become a data **** suspended above the earth.

Tread, step, step.

Lee Ang stepped away from the quadriplegic, incapacitated agents – this world has good medical and prosthetic technology, they can survive,

He went straight outside the house and took a deep breath.

The scent of earth and flowers.

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