Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 914: Hash rate (5K)

“I should have immigrated sooner.”

Thomas’ voice was weak, “Rebel forces have sealed my city,

Ports, roads, flights, all suspended,

The coastline and trails are also full of checkpoints.

I thought it was just an accident,

But after finding out that Ohm’s life and death were unknown, I realized it was a trap.

Trap for wizards.

If mailers really want to rule the world through data and information systems,

Then, those of us who are disobedient, most powerful, and most likely to find him are undoubtedly a stumbling block in his path – he simply doesn’t need too many people to share his power with.

Ohm is dead, and the mailman has started to command the armed forces again, searching my city area, and it will not be long before they reach my area. “

Thomas sighed slowly: “I can’t contact American intelligence agencies, he must have controlled surveillance satellites in low-Earth orbit, infiltrating every corner of Venezuela.

Once an agent from the US intelligence agency is dispatched and wants to take me to the safe house, he will instantly lock my location,

Possibly even firing missiles to destroy my street in order to seal it.

Also I can’t confirm the extent of the Mailman’s infiltration of American intelligence agencies – maybe the Mailman is an insider of the intelligence agency himself, or a shadow system behind a revolving door,

Unwilling to be reconciled to the decline of American hegemony, they secretly and maliciously subvert other forces.

Maybe these are all deceiving me, and he just waited for me to panic and throw myself into the net.

The only way I can now is to find out his real name before he finds me,

Threatening him with his true identity.


If you hear this message, my plan has failed.

My end is self-evident. “

Thomas smiled wryly: “My old friend, now you have three choices.

The first option is to sit in the seat and pretend nothing happened. After the recording is over, leave the castle, hide it well, and inform the intelligence agencies of different countries,

Let them ramp up their search for the Mailman—Venezuela is relatively poor and backward, and has no international strategic significance,

The unrest here is clearly an experiment, a massive attempt to subvert other political entities.

A wizard in a foreign country can use automated decision-making systems in all parts of the world without even moving his fingers,

This fear will definitely make the intelligence agencies of all countries act quickly.

And as long as the news spreads enough? Then even if the Mailman’s behind the scenes is really the US Social Security Administration or other departments, they must also explain to other political entities that are greatly shocked.

Stop the Mailman project altogether? Or World War III…

The possibility of the latter is relatively small. After all, America’s ‘Zeus’ system (a military satellite in low-Earth orbit that can launch lasers to destroy intercontinental missiles)? It is not the only one in the world.

Even if a world war breaks out, there will be no intercontinental nuclear bombs flying all over the sky?

Instead, it has become a traditional warfare for conventional armies on land, sea and air.

The second option is to no longer perform plane walking? Completely abandon the brain-computer interface device.

Enjoy the rest of your life in peace? Watch the Mailman’s madness on the sidelines.

Your whereabouts have not been fully revealed, and the mailer has not found your real name,

Now you live in the mountains and forests with your savings and the Internet is completely cut off. Maybe the third world war without nuclear missiles is over, and you don’t know what happened.

And the third option…”

Thomas’ normally frivolous voice suddenly turned serious, “After leaving the message? I’ll start trying to wrest control of several supercomputers in South America?

If the plan goes well? Can I take over the giant calculator smoothly? Start cleaning the data centers in South America – Mailman is always in control of Venezuela’s automated decision-making system?

He has to hide his whereabouts and call a large number of processors to perform calculations so that he can adjust the automated decision-making system,

Then he will definitely not set the computing location too far, it must be near the mainland of South America,

Otherwise the bandwidth for cross-border transfers would be too obvious.

Top wizards, like you and me, will soon find out.

Assuming that the major data centers in South America are not found, then I will start to check the communication satellites in low earth orbit one by one. “

Thomas’ voice was marked with a hint of cunning, “This is my conspiracy, too,

Whether my plan to find the mailer is successful or not, I’ll be wreaking havoc at the data level.

When you hear this message,

If there is news of [South American data center hacked by wizards] in the real world,

Then my guess is correct, the Mailman, or at least his computing program, is hiding in the data center.

I will fight him to the death.

If the real world didn’t have the news of [South American data center hacked],

Then my guess is also correct, the mailman is hiding in the data center, but his power is far greater than mine,

Completely hold me back before I start destroying.

If there is news of [South American data center hacked] in the real world, but no news of [low-Earth orbit communication satellite hacked by wizards],

Prove that the mailer is hidden inside a communications satellite. “

Thomas finished this tedious, tongue-twister-like speculation, and said solemnly: “I may not be able to defeat the Mailman, but at least I can seriously injure him, or leave a mark in the center of the battlefield.

You can go to the center of the battlefield to find clues.

No matter how talented the Mailman is, at this stage, he wouldn’t risk a complete exposure and destroy a data center or communications satellite — he probably doesn’t have that ability either.

In short,

Whether you go against him or not, the choice is yours.

When my message is over, remember to delete the chat log of the castle waiter program. Good luck, my friend. “

With a beep sound, the message player program embedded in the chessboard is automatically formatted,

Li Ang picked up the last sunspot and slowly lay down on the seat.

He can hear, not far behind, Merlin and Ohm, still acting like salesmen,

Marketing their “great business” with the Mailman.

If Thomas hadn’t lied, Ohm, standing there with a simple and honest smile, would have long been an empty shell…

During the time when Li Ang was playing chess, Merlin and the others did not look over,

The typewriter, too, was sitting well on the table, showing no sign of auto-typing at all.


Li Ang rubbed the dragon’s whiskers on the mask, his brain was running fast,

Distinguish the truth from the false, calculate the risks, and assess the gains and losses.

His impression of Thomas is entirely from Brown Murphy’s memory,

But the voice in the message is half frivolous and half heavy,

Thomas’s black and white round face (Thomas’s image in the virtual world is the little train in the classic children’s animation) slowly emerges in front of his eyes and is extremely clear.


Li Ang let out a sigh of relief, threw the chess pieces on the table at will, and snapped his fingers, making the chessboard disappear.

He turns his head and looks around, as if bored by the long absence of Thomas himself.

After waiting for a while, he slapped his thigh, stood up from the sofa, and walked towards the castle gate.

“Sammaster, are you leaving so early today?”

Mei Lin, who was standing not far away, smiled and waved at Li Ang, “Aren’t you going to stay? There’s a reception tonight.”

“Not today.”

Li Ang waved his hand, walked straight to the main entrance of the castle, pushed it open, and walked out.

Leaving the Wizards of the Coast stronghold is much more convenient than when you came,

The complexity of the transparent ladder plummeted. Li Ang stepped on the hanging ladder without hesitation, passed through the canyon, and came to the opposite side of the rift.

The female investigator’s incarnation of a cricket lies on the trunk of a tree, motionless, for fear of causing an attack from the surrounding automated programs-her talent for walking on the data plane can only be said to be average,

Besieged by program “death” is small,

It’s great to get the attention of other wizards and even mailers.

Seeing that Li Ang finally walked out of the castle, the tentacles on the top of the cricket’s head flicked,

Li Ang’s palm hooked imperceptibly, and the cricket immediately bounced off the bark and landed in Li Ang’s palm.

The cricket said nervously: “How is it, the message from the mailer.”

Li Ang didn’t answer in a hurry, and quickly walked through the entire rainforest, away from the scope of the Coastal Wizards Association.

As the distance increases, the rainforest gradually disappears and turns into an ordinary wasteland scene.

As Li Ang strode forward towards the fiber optic network, he spoke at a very fast speed and informed him of Thomas’ message he had heard.

Thomas’ speculation that the recent unrest in Venezuela is manipulative,

The female investigator and the Social Security Administration behind her were shocked. For a few minutes, the cricket seemed to have turned into a statue and remained motionless.

The Mailman’s plan is not just to usurp power in America, he even wants to rule the world vertically,

Venezuela, with a population of 31 million, is just the first piece of the map for him.

Li Ang ignored the frozen cricket,

At this time, the authority of the female investigator and even her superior is definitely not enough, and the information has definitely been reported layer by layer.

Although America’s decision-making system has always been sluggish and lazy, it is a matter of life and they have to move faster if they don’t.

Soon, the cricket’s tentacles flicked,

The female investigator’s voice was mixed with a hint of undetectable fear, and her tone was much calmer and polite, “What do you want to do?”

“Give me control of the entire federal data system, let me operate all the data computing centers in the federation, open to me the confidential local area network including military systems, and let me retrieve all obsolete data.”

Li Ang’s tone was flat, as if he wanted to eat egg fried rice tonight,


The female investigator didn’t want to directly refuse, “One mailer is trouble enough, we don’t need a second one.”

The wizard’s talent for data manipulation is extraordinary power,

The computing power of the processor owned by the wizard is the upper limit of the total amount of extraordinary power,

The bandwidth mastered by wizards is the output efficiency of extraordinary power.

Let Li Ang access the data system and open all permissions to him,

It means that Li Ang can see all the secrets that the federal data system has accumulated for decades at a glance,

As small as a person or a group is greedy and accepting bribes,

From classified records of military operations to the exact location of missile bases.

“You guys are holding guns to my head in the real world, okay? If I’m not mistaken, you also have snipers in the houses near the community.”

Li Ang said helplessly, “If I do anything, you can kill me with one shot.”

“Your application will not be accepted.”

The female investigator’s voice calmed down again,

Wizards have many and complex methods, and Li Ang can do countless dangerous acts in the short period of time he takes over the authority.

Leaking secrets and letting hostile forces know about the deployment of American military forces is the lightest,

If he took the opportunity to hack into military systems and launch missiles – even if only one or two succeeded, it would be enough to cause the greatest man-made disaster of this century,

Uh…the Venezuelan turmoil that broke out earlier doesn’t count.

“But we can help you otherwise.”

The cricket said, “Where are you going now?”


Li Ang’s words were neat and tidy. He stretched out his hand and touched the outside of the fiber optic tunnel, and his figure disappeared instantly.


The feeling of traveling through the fiber optic tunnel is similar to the transmission of the killing field system.

The next second, Li Ang jumped out of the tunnel and came to the Venezuelan network node.

The image here, like a modern city,

There are row upon row of high-rise buildings (large data centers),

There are also small bungalows (servers for SMEs) dotted around,

The streets are lined with automatons responsible for vigilance.

In fact, there is no news of [South American data center hacked by wizards] in the real world today,

But that doesn’t mean Thomas guessed wrong.

Li Ang was suspended in mid-air, and the invisible and intangible divine power poured out to the surrounding,

Shine like the sun on the surface of the city.

The high-rise buildings transformed from large data centers immediately revealed flaws,

The surface melts like a candle, revealing its devastated nature.

Last night, a war broke out here. Both sides were top wizards, but one side’s computing power was obviously superior, not only eliminating the opponent, but also creating the illusion that everything was normal…

“Intruder detected.

Strategy: Clear. “

The automatic program omnic on the surface, its eyes turned from black to red, attacked Li Ang without any hesitation,

At the same time, the edge of the city also quickly raised a dark sky, covering the entire network node.

This is a trap.

Li Ang’s mind flashed this idea, and the green data in his hand flowed, forming the appearance of a tyrant.

A sweeping sweep, smashing the rush of antivirus programs.

Bang bang bang.

The Colt revolver continued to fire, with each shot clearing more than ten antivirus programs.

The world of script does not need to suppress strength,

Li Ang easily cleared the obstacles and rushed to the most dilapidated data center.

Suddenly, the wind blew up,

Li Ang’s pupils shrank, the soles of his feet stomped heavily on the steps formed by [Tiyun Vertical], and his waist twisted back at a counterintuitive and strange angle,

The tyrant’s crossbar lance held in his hand stopped in front of him.

Boom! ! !

A giant fireball with a diameter of 20 meters flew from nowhere, instantly engulfing Li Ang’s figure,

Explosive flames shot into the sky.

After a few seconds, the flames dissipated,

Li Ang landed on the edge of the wall of the wreckage of the data center, the white lab coat on his body was torn and full of burn marks.


Li Ang remained silent, patted his palm lightly on his chest, and alchemy was activated, causing the dragon head mask and white coat to grow again.

was attacked,

The sneak attack was Merlin who was slowly descending from a distance.

“Sammaster, Sammaster.”

Merlin held a staff, shook his head, slowly landed on the top of a tall building, and sighed, “Why are you so stubborn?

I don’t want a good opportunity to become a superior person. I have to fight against us. “

“Are you following me?”

Li Ang glanced at the palm of his hand. The green cricket incarnated by the female investigator did not withstand the impact of the fireball just now and has dissipated.

Looking up again, the dark sky has shrouded the entire network node,

Invisible stars in the sky symbolizing communication satellites.

This place has been blocked.

Well, since the Mailman can play the Venezuelan armed forces in the palm of his hand, it is not difficult to send troops to directly take over the data center in the real world.


Merlin shook his head and said, “Your skills are not as strong as you think, and I’m not as weak as you think.

Thomas thought he was awesome, but he ended up dying at my hands.

With his character, it’s impossible not to be behind.

After playing a game of chess with the bot he left behind, you left the castle – too obvious.

You are in a hurry. “

“It was you who fought him yesterday? When you say death, do you mean the data world or the real world?”

Li Ang frowned: “Wait, you should know that Ohm, who was the first to work with the Mailman,

Died in real-world Venezuela?

The Mailman wants to rule the world, and he needs to be eliminated one by one.

First Ohm, then Thomas, then me.

Your cooperation with him is tantamount to seeking skin with a tiger…”

Merlin seemed to have not heard Li Ang’s words, his expression was calm, and he said to himself: “I will give you one last chance, agree to cooperate with us, and I can let you live.

If you don’t agree, I’ll kill you and find out your real name,

Finally in the real world, kill you again. “

“You know.”

Li Ang’s eyes flashed, “You know Ohm and Thomas are dead, and you don’t care at all…

What benefits did the Mailman give you?

No, with your character,

No matter how much the mailman promises, it’s not worth mentioning in the face of death.

You’ve decided that the Mailman can’t do anything to So you and the Mailman are in a real-world partnership? You got his real name? Or are you the mailer? “


Li Ang’s self-sufficient attitude made Merlin sigh, clenched the wooden staff, and said leisurely: “If you don’t want to cooperate, then die.”


The wooden long stick is heavy on the roof of the building,

The server that originally belonged to a company in Venezuela was instantly taken over by Merlin, providing a large amount of computing power.

A large number of tree people grew out of the soil, waving their branches and arms, striding towards Li Ang.

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