Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 910: Zeus

Li Ang nodded, there is nothing to hide, there are very few top wizards, and they are basically all in one circle, “You want me to be the internal cause and help you find out the true identities of other wizards?

This is impossible.

The Coastal Wizards Association has existed for so many years, and there are very few members. Everyone who can stay in it has done their best in private and used various means to check the identity of others.

As long as you know someone’s real name, you can completely threaten and control that person – both a temptation and a need for self-preservation.

Especially someone like [Nicholas]…”

“Not Nicholas.”

The female investigator said solemnly, “It’s the mailer.”


Li Ang closed his mouth, fragmented memories surged up,

Shows Brown Murphy himself, disgusted by the term “Mail Man”.

Accurately speaking, it is curiosity, vigilance, and a trace of unspeakable fear.

The female investigator asked, “What do you know about him?”

“I don’t know much.”

Li Ang made a thoughtful expression, “He joined the Coastal Wizarding Society a year after me.

He never showed his face and only communicated with us using an antique typewriter – we typed what we were going to tell him on the typewriter,

As short as an hour, as long as a week or two,

He will reply – the typewriter will spit out large sections of paper with words on it.

People in the top wizarding circles tend to have a high self-esteem and are unruly. At first, no one liked to deal with such tricksters and bells and whistles.

Until recently…

He started, uh, performing miracles? “

According to the emotions in his memory, Li Ang squinted his eyes and said somewhat uncertainly: “He has made some great achievements that surpassed Nicholas, and successfully made some people worship him.

Not only middle-class wizards, but even the top wizards in the Wizarding Association have become his loyal followers,

Whenever the typewriter spit out paper, it would jump up and snatched the note like an oracle, so that no one else could peep. “

Li Ang turned his gaze to the female investigator, who pursed his lips and said softly, “The mailman has more energy than you think.

Unlike the profit-seeking, self-fulfilling wizard, he…has ideological motives. “

Li Ang raised his eyebrows, but did not speak, the female investigator continued: “Since the birth of photonic chips and the rapid development of processor computing power, a large number of departments within the government have begun to use automated programs for auxiliary work.

In the beginning, let the program help with the mechanical and cumbersome reports and data,

As programs get bigger and smarter,

These departments begin to allow the program to propose future evaluations, formulate plans, compare the implementation efficiency of different plans, and schedule the required human, material, and financial resources,

And even formulate and amend laws, provide military strategy advice,…

To this day, the orderly operation of the entire official system is completely inseparable from this huge and unimaginable automated system. Even the top managers cannot observe and monitor every part of the system in detail. . “

Li Ang nodded, “The bigger the system, the higher the learning cost, and the fewer people who can understand the system. Understandable.”

The female investigator continued noncommittally: “Generally speaking, most departments have achieved a paperless office, and all work is done on the mainframe.

There are only a few departments that are lagging behind and have a weak presence, and have a habit of keeping paper documents.

One of the departments accidentally found that the work status report submitted by the subordinate unit did not meet the requirements of the original paper document,

After investigation and monitoring, it was found that

A computer program module originally designed to assist humans in decision-making,

There is a difference from a hard copy backup stored on an unconnected USB stick – someone, or someone else, surreptitiously tampered with the computer program modules responsible for making decisions. “

The female investigator’s expression was particularly gloomy, mixed with a hint of fear, “The more investigation, the worse the situation.

Military, education, transportation, energy, finance, water conservancy, sanitation, propaganda…

Almost every department you can imagine,

its computer program modules for making and implementing decisions,

All of them have been invaded and tampered with to varying degrees, which can be traced back to four years ago-because the paperless office is advancing rapidly, only the backward departments can compare the hard copies to see the difference,

The more advanced the department, the harder it is to investigate.

Therefore, the real time node for the outside world to invade the decision-making center must be earlier than four years ago. “

“…that is, without paper.”

Li Ang thought for a while, “So, the military system…”

“Also hacked.”

The female investigator said: “But the military system is more conservative…

Or outdated and backward, there are considerable differences with other departments,

In addition, some institutional facilities are not physically connected to the outside world, and a limited number of ‘windows’ must be used to invade, such as the personal computers of senior people with operating rights.

Because of this, we just follow the clues,

According to the intruder’s style habits and data waves (traces left by tampering with data) during the intrusion process,

The real identity of the other party was discovered – the mailman temporarily strengthened the defense lines of various systems within the military and closed the networking between various agencies. “

The female investigator’s voice trembled slightly, which is not difficult to understand,

The United States in this world also has aircraft carrier fleets, nuclear submarine formations and missile launch systems all over the world,

Just one step away, Mailman can steal the authority of supreme force,

Holding more than 6,000 nuclear warheads and the launching authority of countless missiles,

And the “Zeus” system consisting of 221 low-Earth orbit military satellites, which was launched two years ago, is a space-based laser weapon that can utilize small nuclear reactors,

Launch from a commanding height in low Earth orbit, destroying any missiles and rockets that attempt to lift off.

That is probably the day when all mankind succumbs to individual will and is the closest to extinction.

“It’s impossible for a military establishment to stay connected forever,

Even if we can do it, military systems in other regions may not be able to persist under the conspiracy of the Mailman.

And the development of modern weapons determines that even a single missile can cause huge destructive power,

Destroy a city of 100,000, 1,000,000, 10,000,000 people. “

The female investigator stared straight into Li Ang’s eyes, as if to project a firm emotion into Li Ang’s sanity, “We need you to return to the Coastal Wizards Association,

Collect as much information as possible about the mailer, do everything possible, at all costs, to get his real name, lock his address in the real world, and help us bring him to justice.

For the peace of the world, and for yourself. “

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