Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 90: Wardrobe

For the next few days, Li Ang has been fiddling with equipment and props in his living room for the next script task.

“Counting the time, it’s almost coming.”

One afternoon, Li Ang, who was debugging a drone in his living room, finally received a system prompt.

[Task Type: Scenario Task (Single Player)]

[Task Name: Fool in Dangerous Buildings]

[Mission objective 1: Eliminate the gang leader Tamar Riady]

[Mission goal 2: Eliminate gang members 0/100]

[Task time limit: 10 hours]

[Task reward 1: 300 experience points]

[Task reward 2: 500 game currency points]

[Quest Reward 3: Random Quality Skill Scroll*1]

【Mission Failure Penalty: Obliteration】

【There are still 5 minutes to send, do you want to send it immediately]

“It’s finally here.”

Li Ang’s heart moved. Taking advantage of the five minutes before the teleportation, he quickly packed everything in the room and stood in the center of the living room fully armed.

This time, the script mission is to be carried out alone, without teammates, without a team.

The task name is “Dangerous Building Fool”, it seems that the scene of the plot task should be in a building,

Considering the mission objectives, is it to eliminate the gangsters and their leaders within a limited area… The number of 100 is too exaggerated.

The name Tama Riadi sounds very Spanish, where could it be?

Spain, Mexico, Cuba, Colombia, the Philippines… Or maybe the entire script mission is located in an alternate world.

The brief time of 5 minutes passed quickly, and as the second hand of the wall clock on the wall turned to 12 o’clock, the scenery in front of Li Ang’s eyes changed rapidly.

Exhale, inhale.

Li Ang’s position at the moment is a rather narrow confined space, with wooden boards up and down, left and right, and a wooden stick on the top of his head.

Li Ang, who was in a shy posture, barely lifted his foot, and found that the touch under his feet should be a mass of soft clothes, and the air in the confined space was also filled with a slightly musty stale smell.

“This seems to be… a wardrobe? By the way, why should I hide in the closet? Am I playing the role of a 25-year-old Pharaoh who slept with the eldest woman and was hunted down by the entire underworld? “

Li Ang did not rush out of the closet, but calmly groped for his clothes in the dark.

He is holding a SCAR-H with a 7.62mm caliber bullet, model CQC close combat type, 251mm short barrel, and AimpoitM2 red dot sight.

The upper body is equipped with, MICH Kevlar tactical bulletproof helmet, ear bone headset, goggles, combat uniform, modular tactical vest,

The waist is equipped with a nylon belt, a KimberLAPDSWATCustom II pistol on the left and right sides of the belt, both pistols are equipped with silencers, and the right pistol is also equipped with a portable gun light.

In addition, there are waist-mounted pistol holsters, waist-mounted handheld communication radios,

The legs are equipped with BHI leg-mounted gas mask bag, leg-mounted magazine clip, two shock bombs, two smoke bombs, two grenades,

Knee pads, elbow pads, gloves, GSG9 combat boots are all available, and a leather dagger scabbard is installed in the left boot.

It is no exaggeration to say that Li Ang’s current dress is armed to the teeth, but he is not happy at all, “I am playing a member of S.W.A.T.”

The so-called S.W.A.T., the abbreviation of SpecialWeaponsAndTactics special weapons and tactics, refers to the anti-terrorist special operations unit with advanced technology and tactics,

Originally originated in the 1960s, the LAPD Los Angeles Police in the United States established a special weapon attack team for the proliferation of firearms. It has achieved quite good results in many actual combat tests.

SWAT is established in every country in the world, and the equipment configuration of its operators varies according to the region, but they are all synonymous with “elite”.

No matter how weak the officials are, they can still beat the so-called gangsters.

A bulletproof and explosion-proof vehicle, a high-point sniper equipped with a thermal infrared imager, plus one or two armed helicopters, a set of procedures is completed, let alone a mere gangster, even a Mexican big reader has to drop two drops of urine .

Just as Li Ang was thinking about it, he heard the system prompt again.

[In this mission, the player is in full play mode, retains attribute points to strengthen, and can freely use items in the backpack, but cannot use skills and equipment including title abilities]

[Task briefing has been sent]


Li Ang hurriedly clicked on the player panel and found that except for the attribute bar and backpack bar, all other areas had turned gray and white, and no matter how much he clicked, there was no response.

“Are you going to let an ordinary person with a stronger physiology to fight 100 militants? The system really has you.”

Li Ang complained for a while, and honestly began to read the mission briefing sent by the system.

This is the capital city of Lanao del Sur Province, the capital of the Philippines, Mindanao, the city of Malawi.

Since Duterte came to power, the lawyer-turned-president has launched an all-out war against criminals in the country on the grounds that “the Philippines is terminally ill, has been overrun by the government, and the democratic judicial system is completely incapacitated.”

The problem of guns in the Philippines is extremely serious. At least 600,000 firearms are illegally possessed, most of which are in the possession of Du Xiao.

In order to fight against the reading force, Duterte not only dispatched official forces, but also distributed free guns to the “leaders of Baranga” (the Philippine version of the village gentry and sages), encouraging the public to attack the reading sellers and shoot them to death Killing is not illegal, and there are even generous bonuses to claim.

Such an all-out war naturally caused a **** storm, and many low-level readers were wiped out by the vast Filipino There are many media outlets in Western society who stand and talk without backache, citing “persecution of human rights” as an excuse , constantly condemning such “atrocities”, but the Filipino people, who have been deeply victimized by reading traffickers, stand firmly on the side of the scanning war.

Unwilling to perish, the few big reading owls unite with the rebel forces and decide to do a big job. The target of this mission, Tamar Riadi, is one of them.

In just three months, two mayors and a deputy mayor have died in Malawi City, Philippines, both of whom were shot in their offices.

Due to the deep-rooted corruption and reading power in the city of Malawi, the high levels were corroded, and even enough armed forces could not be drawn out to destroy the reading lords headed by Tama Riyadi.

At the same time, a large number of rebels, in cooperation with the Duxiao forces, are also marching towards the city of Malawi.

Three days later, the Philippine government forces will be in direct contact with the latter’s combat effectiveness is extremely poor, and it is estimated that they will collapse at the touch of a button.

By then, the city’s 200,000 civilians will be in the midst of fighting brought by the insurgents.

Manny Pacquiao, captain of the Marawi City Special Weapons Assault Team, received news that Tama Riyadi will meet with rebel leader Cruz Aquino in his apartment building today. brother, Santos Aquino,

As a result, the special weapon attack captain decided to bypass the upper levels of the police station (he suspected that they were all bought by Tama Riadi), and led a 20-person tactical team under his command to raid Tama Riadi’s place. apartment,

Plans to cut through the mess quickly, eliminate Tama Riadi, kidnap Santos Aquino, and prevent the rebels from advancing into the city – at least a few days of delay, so that the Philippine government forces can be more prepared.

Unfortunately, it backfired.

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