Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 899: passing

After the hive unit entered the stargate, the power link was instantly interrupted,

Li Ang watched the flying soldiers disappear from sight and waited quietly for five minutes.

Five minutes later, the flying soldiers flew out of the stargate collectively, returned to the real world, and sent the information they collected to Li Ang through the re-established divine link.

“The planet is larger in diameter, has a slightly slower autobiography, has a gravity 1.063 times that of Earth, and has air that is toxic and denser for humans, orbiting a gaseous planet similar to Jupiter.”

“There is a huge tropical cyclone on the surface of this gaseous planet, like an eye. Except for the planets opened by the star gate, this gaseous planet has at least three or more planets, two of which have white clouds clearly visible on the surface And the blue ocean, it is uncertain whether there is life or civilization.”

“The planet where the stargate is located has a very strong magnetic field. It is not yet certain whether it is the characteristics of the planet itself, the characteristics of local areas, or it is affected by gaseous planets.”

“The location of the star gate is above the island, above 700 meters above sea level. The scout soldiers observed that there are flat flying creatures in the sky similar to manta rays, with thin biological carapaces and wings on the body surface. It stretches to seven meters in length, and there is a block-shaped airbag similar to an airship under its body. There are small gregarious fish creatures on the ocean surface, and there are no traces of man-made buildings on the surface of the island beach, and no complex garbage generated by civilization…”

Li Ang quickly filtered out useful information in his mind. After a brief thought, he sent more flying soldiers to enter the stargate to investigate the island.

Half an hour later, one hundred and fifty-two scout soldiers successfully flew back, and twenty-nine died.

The detection results show,

The whole island covers an area of ​​about 1300 square kilometers, with three peaks, the highest altitude is 700 meters,

The surface of the island is covered with towering plants similar to tropical trees, the coastline is long and winding, and there is no trace of civilization,

But there are a wide variety of dangerous creatures inhabited,

Including but not limited to slender, gregarious canine creatures with a total length of more than two meters, paddle-like tails, and carapace-covered bodies;

A washbasin-sized spider lurking under the tree canopy, using a spider web woven at the top of its six arthropods to actively capture its prey;

A banyan tree-like plant that can detect the movement of living creatures and use the fruit to emit toxic gas to poison the living creatures and accumulate fertilizer for the soil under their feet;

The forest on the island is full of dangers, and the creatures that inhabit it are wonderful and highly dangerous. Even a Lv10 player who wants to walk across the island with both feet will have a high probability of death.

The more dangerous it is, the more valuable the planet’s biological gene pool is.

Li Ang thought for a moment, then decisively dived to the bottom of the sea, heading for the pitch-black trench.

After a long period of construction, the body of the worm’s nest has become extremely huge. For the sake of concealment, the brain worm ordered the worker worm to melt and dig out the rock wall of the trench, and bury the nest into the rock wall of the trench.

The nest is not a whole, but is divided into different parts,

In order to facilitate the mass production of soldiers suitable for surface combat, some of the worm nests are completely isolated from the sea water through several isolation doors and pressurized and decompressed chambers, and the interior is filled with oxygen.

Li Ang passed through the isolation door, and the vines on his body instantly drained the seawater from his body, leaving no salt particles.

The cerebral worms in the worm nest have already been linked by divine power and know the news of the creator’s presence, control their bodies in advance, and wait by the hatching pool.

“Let’s get started.”

Li Ang gave a light command, and the cerebral worms all bowed and stood up, exuding psychic energy fluctuations in their bodies.

In the green hatching pool, countless bubbles are churning, and the eggs that have not hatched are instructed to adjust the body structure of the soldiers in the eggs,

The hatched soldiers enter the egg-shaped cabins in the biological factory, where they are debugged and their organs replaced.

The whole worm nest is in full swing in an orderly manner,

Ten hours later, the first army of soldiers adapted to the surface environment of the planet was fully assembled.

Li Ang stood on the bank of the hatching pond, stretching his palms to the sides,

The star gate emerged from the palm of the hand, and was gradually expanded and expanded by Li Ang’s will.


Accompanied by Li Ang’s voice, the formation of huge flying soldiers with airbags and wings, like transport helicopters, grabbed the land troops and flew into the star gate;

The fortress-level soldier insects shaped like airships also carry a small insect nest base, a large number of worker insects, and creep seeds, and enter the star gate.

The mighty hive army, like dense black raindrops, fell in the sky of the other world,

Exoplanets have denser air, making them easier to fly.

The airship approached the coastline, and slowly landed under the guard of soldiers and insects. The limbs like hydraulic rods extend from both sides of the body surface to support the weight of the floating airship.

After landing,

The armor plate under the airship bounces off to both sides, and the gantry crane erected inside the airship fortress will slowly lower the platform carrying the small worm nest base.


The platform touches the beach ground,

The pyramid-shaped small insect nest base, its four surfaces bloom like the petals of a flower, with the help of the crane hook, it spreads out in all directions, and slowly falls to the ground, revealing the biological factory hidden in it.

A large number of worker insects are in action at once, planting creep seeds, laying creep, building spore chimneys, collecting biomass, activating bio factories,

Soldiers of all levels explore and detect from the three planes of sea, land and air.

Collect biological samples, search for traces of civilization, measure planetary data,

And even let the specially evolved special worker insects comparable to astronomical telescopes to observe the starry sky and draw star maps.

The cerebral worms have long deduced and simulated the plan for the colonization and expansion of the hive countless times,

The entire process is smooth and efficient.

After the worm nest was laid and the operation was on the right track, Li Ang gradually reduced the size of the stargate, drinking the potion to restore spiritual power one by one.

When the diameter of the stargate exceeds ten meters, the spiritual power required to maintain the stargate will increase linearly,

And, whether it is throwing dead objects into the stargate or transporting living objects, it will consume Li Ang’s spiritual power,

The more mysterious the dead, and the stronger the life essence of the creature, the more spiritual energy is spent – a bit like paying road money.

This charging link is valid even for items and players in the killing game,

Li Ang put one of his fingers into the star gate, and instantly consumed a small half of the divine power gauge,

And if you take out the biological master, the Mirage red mane coat, and the dice of shining destiny in the inventory,

The amount of power spent will be slightly reduced – you can’t put supernatural items in the backpack slot, and smuggle into the stargate without paying the toll.

Ordinary people only need to pay ordinary people’s spiritual power to enter the stargate,

When players enter the stargate, they need to pay for the energy contained in their body and the equivalent spiritual power of all supernatural items they carry.

A whole worm nest base, even a small one, has hollowed out Li Ang’s spiritual power and divine power, and has to drink potions.

It took nearly half a day to transport the remaining hive units in batches.

Drinking magic potion continuously for a short period of time will cause temporary drug resistance, and the recovery effect will get worse and worse.

It’s good to transport the small worm nest base, if the worm nest base over there develops, the number of soldiers will be tens of millions,

Want to use the Stargate to transport the Hive Troops back to the real world…

The amount of spiritual power consumed will be an astronomical figure.

In other words, even if the hive base can cover the entire land of the alien planet,

The number of Zerg that Li Ang can carry back is also limited by his own upper limit of spiritual power.

However, this is strong enough…

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