Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 898: Stargate

“Player fierce()”

Lee Ang logged out of the game square, as before, camouflaged and lurked, left Yin City, and took the worm nest submarine to the Pacific Ocean.

It was late at night, the vast sea was surging with waves, the salty sea wind was blowing, and the sky was thick and cloudy, and the stars could not be seen.

Li Ang, wearing an airtight raincoat, sat on the floating wooden board and snapped his fingers,

Insect nest units disguised as fish around the plank immediately scattered and dived to the bottom of the water surface to cooperate with the birds circling in the sky to detect and probe.

A moment later, the hive unit sent back the result that there were no ships or human detection devices in the surrounding seas.

In that case, let’s get started.

Li Ang opened the backpack column, and his thoughts condensed in the last column, the “item” called the door.


The dazzling starlight emerges from the palm of the hand, slowly rotating, surrounded by a colorful halo.

Li Angtuo held the door that was as light as nothing, and he had an intuition about the real use of the door.

He raised his arms and pushed the door slightly forward.

The starlight detached from the palm, hovering in mid-air, and the slow rotation speed gradually increased.


With the slight sound of low frequency, the diameter of the stargate continues to expand, from half a meter to one meter, two meters…


As soon as Li Ang’s thoughts moved, the stargate instantly stopped the expansion trend, quietly suspended above the turbulent sea, maintaining a stable distance from him.


The warm and peaceful sunlight penetrates through the star gate, and the other side of the star gate seems to be facing the sky.

On the blue sky, there are a few soft white clouds like cotton candy, and there are a few black dots passing under the clouds, which seem to be high-flying birds.

Li Ang felt a strong sense of sight in his heart, but he did not follow the instructions for using the door in the sense of sight to directly pass through the star gate,

Instead, he quietly observed it for a while.

The star gate lasted for ten minutes. During the whole process, Li Ang’s spiritual power dropped slightly, but the drop was very low, and it didn’t recover quickly.

If he hadn’t been promoted to demigod, he was very sensitive to his physical condition and might not have noticed it.

“After testing, I can choose to expand or shrink the door. The minimum size of the stargate that can display the scene is 1.5 meters, and the smaller it is, it will be transformed into the starlight of the stargate itself.”

“Under the trend of the mind, the stargate can expand to both sides at a constant speed of 0.71ms. Before it expands to 10 meters, it will not consume spiritual power, and after it expands to 10 meters, it will continue to expand. The consumption level is gradually increasing. The spiritual power value of maintaining the stargate is also higher.”

“The stargate does not seem to be affected by gravity, and always remains in the position it was first summoned. After being summoned, the user cannot change the orientation and angle of the stargate, nor can he detect the exact location on the other side of the stargate. “

“The user can freely close the stargate with his mind. This ability is still effective at a relative distance of 1,200 meters, and it is estimated that it is possible to go further. After closing the stargate, the backpack will be The door appears again. Personally bound, no one else can plunder.”

“At the star gate, light penetrates in, but the flow of air cannot be detected. Spiritual power, divine power, psychic energy, ripples and other energies have also lost contact after passing through the star gate.”

“In other words, is entity detection necessary…”

Li Ang groaned, took out the cheapest smartphone (without a SIM card, turned off the Internet connection), turned on the camera,

I used alchemy to make a selfie stick, a balloon filled with sea gas, an open glass bottle, and a thermometer.

He put the phone on the selfie stick, and fixed the balloon, open glass bottle and thermometer on the sides of the stick,

Extend the selfie stick toward the stargate.

This process was much easier than Li Ang imagined. When the selfie stick touched the star gate, it felt sticky as it pierced into the low-density gel, and then easily passed through.

The shaft looks slightly deflected, just like chopsticks placed in a water glass, creating a refraction effect of light.

Spiritual power has dropped by a very small amount…

Li Ang held his breath, held the selfie stick in his arm, and rotated it smoothly. The whole process lasted for thirty seconds.

Thirty seconds later, after Li Ang took out the selfie stick, his spiritual power dropped slightly again.

He immediately closed the star gate, and a large amount of slender plant fibers poured out from the palm of his hand, covering the surface of the mobile phone, balloon, and open glass.

On the other side of the star gate, it is indeed another world.

Although the thermometer showed 21°C, the balloon did not burst or self-explode due to the sudden change in air pressure on the other side of the stargate,

But the gas content in an open glass is indeed different from Earth.

The normal earth air composition, calculated by volume, is nitrogen 72%, oxygen 21%, helium-neon-argon and other rare gases 0.939%, nitrogen dioxide 0.031%,

The gas collected in the open glass,

The nitrogen composition drops to 51%, the oxygen is denser, and the air has a lot more methane, chlorine and hydrogen cyanide than the earth – in other words, the air over the stargate is toxic to ordinary ~The most important thing is,

In the analysis of swamp vines and biological masters, the DNA sequences of microorganisms stained on the glass are very different from those on earth,

And in the sky picture taken by the mobile phone, there are also two stars and a huge brown gaseous planet.

“Well, two stars, we can be sure that they are not modern or ancient Earth.”

Li Ang played the video on his mobile phone back and forth, his eyes narrowed slightly, “The angle of the picture, or the position of the star gate in another world, seems to be above an island,

The island is surrounded by azure blue ocean. There are a lot of green vegetation on the surface of the island, which is completely different from the earth. There are no traces of civilization similar to humans on earth, and no large creatures have been seen for the time being.

It is not ruled out that there is a setting of ‘the wood elves living in harmony with the forest’ in the fantasy works in the other world…”

Li Ang’s mind turned sharply, thinking about one possibility after another.

As the ultimate reward for the battle for the gate, the star gate does not seem to be able to provide a large-scale, individual combat power blessing in a short period of time,

But the entire world behind the stargate is an unimaginable wealth.

Soil, mineral resources, the living space of civilization, the biological gene bank accumulated for 10,000 years in another world, and even the knowledge of extraordinary power developed by civilization…

The only thing to be afraid of is the threat contained in the other world to the owner of the stargate itself.

“If it really is a whole ecological planet that can be colonized, the hive can’t give up.”

Li Ang immediately made up his mind and snapped his fingers. Dozens of worm nest units disguised as flying birds in the sky swooped down, accepting Li Ang’s adjustment, adding a breathing self-circulation system and a poisonous gas filter.

Afterwards, these worm nest units were all put into the star gate by Li Ang.

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