Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 874: Support

Not good.

Tai Hao could even imagine how pale his face was. The wild lion’s demon flames did not emit much heat when they burned. On the contrary, the temperature of those demon flames was far below freezing.

Hohenheim’s spell, the psionic energy on the side of truth, and his sea of ​​air have become the fuel for the expansion and expansion of the demon flame…


The red lotus demon flame, which expands like a prairie fire, instantly covers the ground of the entire space. Wherever it goes, the soil freezes into ice, and the metal ruins crack and crumble.

Li Ang casts the ladder to the clouds, stepping on the invisible ladder, and ascending into the air,

Stepping on the wild flame of the flame, dragging Ambori, he also climbed up—Dan Chenzi and other exotic monks in the distance were brought into the wind eye area by the wild lions, and they were not attacked by the red lotus flames. The monk with his eyes closed also took back the phantom of Arhat.

As for Zhan Lu, who can’t fly freely, he wears the same jetpack as Yu Yi’s heart.


In Zhan Lu’s eyes, a sea of ​​boiling red lotus fire with no temperature was reflected, and in front of the detector, he exclaimed, “It’s too exaggerated, isn’t it?”

“Welcome to the world of the top five in personal combat.”

Wildfire grinned, “Now you know that ordinary people face Michael’s despair?”

“It’s no ordinary person who can stand in front of Michael.”

Li Ang took a deep breath. He had not yet seen what Michael himself looked like.

He glanced at the boiling sea of ​​low-temperature fire below his eyes, and then glanced at the shadows of the wild lion, Dan Chenzi and others in the hurricane of demonic flames in the distance. He silently had a calculation in his heart and asked, “These demonic flames can devour energy, Continued expansion and high mystery.

Do you have any skills that can theoretically be restrained? “

“I have,”

Amberley nodded and looked at Crazy Fire, “But the distance must be close enough to the target.”

The hurricane flames around the wild lion have not been canceled, and they must be crossed or smashed first.

As long as it does not possess a particularly versatile power system, the range of his abilities can be obtained by arranging and combining the equipment, props, and skills of the superhuman.

Figure out what can and cannot be done.

“Forbid energy attacks, if only rely on physical damage,”

Zhan Lu said in a deep voice: “I have a skill.”

Li Ang raised his eyebrows and said, “Your sword?”

“Yes.” Zhan Lu nodded and corrected: “Lu Dongbin’s sword…”

On the other side of the space, Tai Hao controlled the air dragon, which was a few circles smaller, and carried himself out of the sea of ​​fire,

Not far away, Hohenheim, who was in the Klein bottle-shaped container, also rose from the sea of ​​fire. The Klein bottle he was in could compress the influx of flames and reduce it, so that the Hornsea could not be damaged. M himself,

Of course, there are cracks all over the bottle at the moment, covered with frost, and it doesn’t look like it will last long.


The waves of the sea of ​​fire swayed, and a pitch-black spherical object similar to the imprisoned stars summoned by the nebula rose from the sea of ​​fire.

The sphere kept shrinking and seemed to be sucked in by the demon flame that could absorb energy, but at least it broke away from the karmic demon flame and disintegrated on its own before it completely burst, revealing the side of truth that was smoking all over it.

“Hoo, it’s good not to die.”

Hohenheim breathed a sigh of relief and put away the Klein bottle.


The floor shook like never before, and the players suspended in the air only felt that the dome was crumbling, and tens of thousands of tons of gravel, like the sword of Damocles, hung dangerously above their heads.

Around the security gate where the hurricane was located, the figures of the so-called sect in gray robes also pushed the singing to its peak,

The loud sound of giant tentacles crawling across the dome was heard again.

“We’re running out of time.”

The side of truth threw the last bottle of magic potion to Hohenheim, and said in a low voice: “Which of you still has a physical attack type skill that can break through flames?”

“This will be discussed later, the flame has contracted.”

Tai Hao pointed his finger downwards, interrupting the conversation between the two.

I saw the low-temperature flames on the flat ground below, gradually converging and gathering, rejoining the hurricane, leaving a large area of ​​icy ground.

A gap opened under the hurricane, and Dan Chenzi and the monk with closed eyes stepped out of it,

Through the gap, the bronze bell-shaped static force field, the grey-robed man, and the wild lion can be seen.

The wild lion in the depths of the wind’s eye was expressionless, stretched out its palm, and lightly touched a large stack of summoning tokens suspended in the void.


The space shook slightly, and dozens of ripple-like ripples suddenly appeared in the air. A group of monsters jumped out of it and landed on the sides of Dan Chenzi.

Tai Hao and others did not know the names of the two demon generals Yanshan and Evil Jiao, but this did not prevent them from seeing the one-eyed giant tortoise-shaped demon general Yanshan in his hands.

Holding a giant pipe, a light blue orb, and a silver-white crossed sword.

“Sandman, Heaven and Earth, Saint…”

Tai Hao’s voice is indistinct,

These three pieces of equipment belong to the two vice presidents of the Demon Scientist Alliance, Sandman and Tianjing, and the t-rank that belongs to the Inquisition is only one place behind Taihao.

“…More than that, there are Wang Bu Liuxing, the **** of the north wind, and the breath of Balalaika.”

Under the hood, the voice on the side of truth is as calm as ever,

No wonder they haven’t received the news of Tianjing’s disaster for so long. Have they been attacked by demon generals…

“The ritual begins immediately,”

The wild lion stared indifferently at the demons who were all injured except the demon general,

The voice, like a bell, can still be heard clearly in the whistling hurricane, “Stop them.”

After speaking its body floated up and floated above the security gate,

Although the gap of the hurricane was closed at this time, Hohenheim still saw the last scene that happened inside——

The tough leather clothes on the wild lion’s body burst open inexplicably, forming thirteen wounds.

A steady stream of blood poured out from the gap in the wild lion’s body,

Under the influence of the singing of the gray-robed people, the blood was suspended in the air and divided into thirteen bundles, all of which led to the thirteen gray-robed figures.

“The wild lions are providing energy to those gray robes…”

Hohenheim’s voice gradually softened, and he looked at the evil Jiaojiao who first smiled grimly, and then opened his **** mouth. His pupils contracted, and his figure instantly disappeared into the wall.


A devastating beam of light spewed out of the Evil Flood Dragon’s mouth, and it instantly spanned a distance of several hundred meters and arrived at the location of Hohenheim and others.

In the face of the destruction beam, the tough wall is worse than tofu,

The wall is like an eraser, leaving a long, twisted trace of annihilation.

The beam fades out,

The evil Jiaojiao with the horns on its head swept across the audience with snake-like vertical pupils, spit out a snake letter, and casually said to the nearby rocky mountain in an exotic language: “It didn’t hit.

Did you smell it? The smell of Qingqiu. “


Yanshan nodded, and looked at Li Ang and the others whose expressions suddenly changed in the distance with one eye, “It seems that they were killed…”

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