Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 860: Bounding

Latest URL: Enemy Attack.

There is no need for Tai Hao to remind you, everyone present is instantly ready to respond to the enemy.

Two flames appeared in the hands of the raging fire, Ambori, Zhanlu, and Chixiao drew their swords,

Wang Hu transformed into a thunder wolf, with pale hairs all over his body, shimmering with electric light,

Ding Shinji’s [Shanhai·Kuiniu] mecha engine roared, holding the [Insect Sound] high-frequency cutting knife in his right hand, and the circular shield removed from [Shanhai·Hujiao] in his left hand.

“Twelve o’clock, straight ahead, two kilometers!”

As a member of the [Ingenuity] guild, he shouted loudly that the drones he dispatched were being destroyed one by one at an extremely fast speed, and communication was lost.


The sound of breaking the air one after another, four flying swords of different shapes, attacked at high speed from outside the line of sight,

The speed is so fast that even they can only see afterimages.


The wild fire threw two fireballs, the fireballs expanded sharply in the air, and blew off the flight path of the two flying swords.

Amberley also used the [Tide Messenger] machete to pick up a piece of gravel from the ground and hit it at will, using the Tide Messenger’s area attack effect,

At a distance, it hurts the other two flying swords and smashes them into the air.


The sound of the blade piercing through the body sounded,

Looking at his chest,

I saw my chest, easily penetrated by a dark, slender, hilt-like blade like a blade—this sword, under the cover of other flying swords, concealed its traces, and actually deceived Tai Hao vigilance,

Completed the fatal blow to the weakest of these people.

The body of Zhiming disappeared in place, but the others had no time to worry.

At the end of the line of sight, more than 20 figures came galloping, all of them wearing ancient oriental costumes—or rather, exotic costumes that showed similar characteristics to the ancient orient in the real world.

Scholars, Taoists, monks, disciples of demons.


Tai Hao’s eyes focused on four of them, and they were all strong with a certain trait, which made him instantly lock on the leader of the other party.


Dan Chenzi, who hurriedly arrived with the flying sword, hovered suddenly in mid-air 100 meters away.

He looked down at Tai Hao and the others with a blank face, and said in a serious voice, “Stop your useless resistance.

If you retire now, you can leave alive and safe.

There is no need to continue fighting.

You should all be the strongest in your own world, right?

If all die here, all kinds of natural disasters in your world will be unsolved, causing even greater losses. “

“…It’s too late to say this now.”

Tai Hao’s eyes narrowed into two gaps, silently driving the “Ten Gan Twelve Branches” exercise, ready to take action at any time, “If someone must retire, why not you?”


Dan Chenzi let out a long sigh of relief, a feeling of regret inexplicably raised in his heart.

The world he lives in has long been planned for today.

They made a long and painful sacrifice, and made detailed and thorough preparations.

This is an unequal and unfair war. The chances of victory for these extraordinary beings from the so-called earth are too slim.

“In this case,”

Dan Chenzi, who was stepping on the flying sword, silently clenched his palms. The four swords scattered in different positions hummed and flew to the back of Dan Chenzi, spinning slowly like lotus petals.

Even the dagger with the hairpin tied in the miniature cyclone broke free from Taihao’s control and flew back to the lotus sword formation.


Dan Chenzi opened his palm slightly, and the lotus sword array bloomed behind him, turning the tip of the sword towards Tai Hao and the others diagonally downward.


The Lotus Sword Formation consisting of five swords suddenly expanded,

With the sharp voice, five long swords came down and shot.

Tai Hao, who had already mentioned Qi Qi, retreated sharply, and in his palm blasted out a lifelike dragon composed of dense clouds and mist,

The air dragon opened its **** mouth and bit a blade,

With a flick of the dragon’s tail, combined with the fireball blasted by the raging fire, and the slash of Amberley, the other four swords were knocked into the air,

Wang Hu in the form of thunder wolf howled, stomped on the wall with four legs, jumped against the wall, and rushed towards Dan Chenzi who was stepping on the flying sword,

The flickering wolf claws popped out barbed nails as sharp as knives in mid-air.

Facing Thunder Wolf, Dan Chenzi was not in a hurry, stepped lightly on the soles of his feet, and jumped up lightly,

The flying sword shot out from under his feet, hitting Thunder Wolf’s chest and blasting it out.

It didn’t run through…

Dan Chenzi frowned slightly. In his expectation, this sword should directly stab the Thunder Wolf in the opposite direction.

The scales on the opponent’s chest are extremely strong.

“Distraction on the battlefield is not the quality of a swordsman.”

Yuyou’s voice sounded overhead, Dan Chenzi instinctively summoned the flying sword that just hit the Thunder Wolf, ready to defend himself,

However, there was a dense, rain-like collision of gold and iron above his head——Zhan Lu drew a circle with his long sword, and the blade was as strong as the soft light of the moon,

With incredible and exquisite control, Feijian who is trying to defend can’t escape the control of the blade Gangqi,

Instead, like a high-speed rotating sawtooth, it fell towards Dan Chenzi himself.


A black shadow strikes Zhan Lu as fast as lightning from beyond the line of sight,

Zhan Lu was forced to turn his sword blade qi to block the front.


The interlacing sound of gold and iron is shrill and harsh,

Zhan Lu’s face turned pale, and he fell heavily on the ground, his palm with the sword cracked.

The human-shaped shadow also fell to the ground with Zhan Lu,

Topless and wearing a skull necklace, the young man from the Demon Sect stood up slowly,

With him, there are also scholars in green shirts, monks with closed eyes,

And a total of more than 20 practitioners from the Academy, Liwei Mountain, Jingnianzong, and Demon Gate camps.


Crazy Fire squinted his eyes and sucked his teeth in annoyance,

The exotic aura emanating from these people made her particularly annoying,

Especially the leading ones, the power fluctuations escaping are not inferior to herself or even Taihao.

No, did these foreigners grow up on gold?

Or is it that the gravity of their planet is ten times that of the A newborn baby can crush a wolf to death, a three-year-old child can pull ten crossbows, and a seven- or eight-year-old can carry two elephants around the street?

“No, careless.”

The demon youth reminded Dan Chenzi, and he twisted his neck expressionlessly, making a crackling sound of bones colliding.

Scholar in green shirt holding a scroll stopped striding and fell to the ground,

The closed-eyed monk hovering about a palm on the ground also stopped flying and stood side by side with several others.

Footsteps are still being heard.

The one-eyed giant tortoise standing on two feet, with thirty demons, hurriedly arrived from the back of the tunnel,

Following behind, is a red and black two-color evil dragon with purple horns on the top of the train car-like huge.

Tai Hao’s expression became more and more solemn, and the air in his hand slowly swirled, condensed but not released.

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