Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 851: Traitor

Latest website: No wonder these two were so shocked. They had played against the Ant King in the Sky Arena and the Realm Corridor before. They knew that the so-called Qiwuhai was actually a player who specialized in summoning.

Can use a special item called [Ten Thousand Ant Nests] to summon a large number of alienated ants, and drown opponents with the advantage of numbers.

At that time, they decided that the true strength of the ant king was definitely higher than his ranking on the leaderboard,

I just didn’t expect it to be so high…

Nebula stepped on the ground, her figure was suspended in mid-air, and two clusters of astral matter emerged from her palm, which quickly expanded and turned into a truck-like fist.

Double fists smashed out, blasting countless soldier ants,

In an instant, the carapace shattered, the juice splattered, and the pace flew, but in the next second, more soldier ants swarmed to fill the vacant position.

Alina took out a pistol-shaped detection device from her backpack and pulled the trigger toward the tunnel,

The muzzle shoots a conical blue light beam, quickly scans the entire tunnel, and makes a “beep” sound,

Indicates that there are no life forms with energy beyond the norm – that is, the summoner who controls the ant colony.


Nebula’s face changed abruptly, he folded his fists, and his body retreated sharply. He grabbed Alina’s arm at the moment when he swept the ground, and flew to the back of the tunnel with his companions, without any intention of fighting.

In order to target the players of the Summoning Department, the two members of the Global Occult Alliance specially carried a scanning device – the summoner usually cannot leave the summoned object too far, just use the scanning device to lock the position of the summoner,

Break through the defense line of the summoned object and shorten the distance,

You can easily deal with the weak Summoner.

This scanner is a perfect level of advanced equipment, and it didn’t even find the ant king…or the latter has the same level of props to counter it,

Or, the strength of the ant king is still beyond their imagination,

Able to remotely control the ant colony outside the 1,500-meter detection range of the scanning instrument…

The two quickly traveled through the complex terrain, the ant colonies in the rear bit the distance, and the winged soldier ants continued to fly out of the tunnels on the left and right sides.

The bodies of these soldier ants are equipped with various human civilization weapons, machine guns, machine guns, grenade launchers, individual rocket launchers…

At a distance, firepower is poured towards the two.

In order to prevent other players from collecting discarded shells and taking them to the real world to check and find any clues, all the weapons and ammunition currently used by the Hive units are from the human players captured by the Hive before.

In fact, some specialized organs of the Hive Factory can achieve the effect of industrial machine tools by themselves. They can use the raw materials of the Lost World to produce light weapons and ammunition, but the efficiency and cost performance are too low, so it is better to robbery.

Boom boom boom!

All kinds of ammunition poured on the astral material barrier shaped by the nebula, hitting the spherical barrier with ripples, almost shattering.

Alina clenched her teeth and raised her right hand towards the rear. A cone of cold current like a fire extinguisher sprayed from her palm, which froze a large number of soldiers, but it was only a drop in the bucket and was of no use.

After all, when I fought against two players from the otherworld of Liweishan, my spiritual power was consumed a lot, and it has not been fully recovered until now…

The two were helpless and angry, and shouted at the ant colony, asking the ant king to stop,

The news of the existence of foreign players will be announced in front of the detector camera, asking the ant king to stop attacking, unite and cooperate,

If they don’t believe it, they can give each other the belt they have seized.

However, the ant colony did not respond to this,

More than a dozen rocket armor-piercing projectiles came at a rapid rate, and the low-altitude and high-speed flying nebula made maneuvers to avoid the armor-piercing projectiles, and its body was compressed into an electric light,

Instantly rushed into a narrow crack that was ten meters long.


A large number of ants crashed into the wall where the crack was located, jamming together,

The ant colony stomped on the ground, making a rustling sound,

After discovering that the crack could not be drilled,

The ants immediately slashed the wall around the crack with their sharp, sickle-shaped upper jaws in unison.

“Hoo, ho…”

The sound of their breathing resounded in the dark space.

“Damn the ant king.”

Xingyun gritted his teeth and said, “I won’t settle his house after I go out. This is not over.”

“Temporarily dumped.”

Alina didn’t have the heart to curse the Ant King. She looked through the crack and glanced at the airtight ant colony outside the crack. She turned her head and looked at Nebula with a bit of happiness deep in her eyes.

If you are trapped by an ant colony, you will probably be consumed to death.

“It’s so dark here.”

Nebula turned his head and glanced at the pitch-black space, frowned slightly, raised his palm and snapped his fingers, and a tiny ball of light immediately appeared on his fingertips, emitting a warm glow.

“Huh? Are there lights on this wall?”

The nebula was stunned for a moment, only to see not far ahead, there was a dark and smooth curved wall with eight yellow light bulbs the size of a washbasin installed on the wall.

Arranged in an inverted trapezoid, the top is large and the bottom is small. Under the starlight, it emits a faint brownish-yellow light.

Alina took a step forward, her brows furrowed as well.

Suddenly, she seemed to realize something and said in astonishment: “This is not a wall, this is…”


The black curved smooth wall moved back slowly, revealing a wide circular tunnel,

It was only then that the two of them could see clearly that the so-called basin-sized light bulbs were actually the eyes of creatures.

That wall is the skull of a giant ant-shaped insect crawling in the tunnel with its head resting in front of the crack.

And around the giant ants, there are also massive ant colonies as many as the previous tunnels…

The cold current rushed through the two bodies in an instant,

Without any hesitation, Alina raised her hands and summoned a gust of cold wind mixed with a large number of ice crystals, blowing condescendingly towards the giant ants and the ant colony,

The nebula also uses the astral material to create spears, arrows, and swords, and shoots down.

But in the next second, the giant ant shook the tentacles above its head, with strong psionic power, shaking the air and turning it into a shock wave visible to the naked eye,

Causes cold snap winds and ectoplasmic weapons to gradually slow down.

Psychological conversion system, first-level power, second-level shock wave.

The giant ant seems to be a fortress-level worm nest individual unit, but in fact, there are a total of ten brain worms hidden in its abdominal cavity. Conduit, draining amber-like energy mined from the Lost World.

Under the superposition of the power effects of the ten psionicists, they managed to temporarily block the attacks of two first-tier players who were in poor condition.

Buying enough time for the countless soldier ants lying around, let them each pick up their weapons and aim at Nebula and Alina on the platform above.

Various types of cannonballs slanted down like raindrops, but there was an invisible barrier in front of the two of them, and there was no way to retreat.


A bullet hit the giant ant’s head from a distance, spinning and tearing through the air.


The head shell of the giant ant is like being hit by a tank shell, directly bursting into a spherical pit, and the psychic shock wave that is being released is also stagnant.

“Come here!”

In the cross-shaped tunnel behind the swarm, Li Ang, who was driving an armored vehicle, slammed on the brakes, stuck his right hand out of the car window, pulled the trigger of the Colt revolver, and fired a magic bullet, hitting the giant ant again. department.

The sturdy head shell of the giant ant sank again, and the huge body swayed and took a few steps back, and the psychic energy dissipated immediately.

Of course, giant ants have no self-awareness themselves,

The solid head, with the ganglia in the head, is just a decoration,

The ten brain worms who are really responsible for controlling the giant ant’s body, responding to the creator’s command at this moment, all pretended to be struck by lightning,

In order to prevent Nebula, Alina and others from being able to see the brain worm itself through the giant ant’s body.

To make a play, make a full set.

Liu Wulan, who was sitting in the passenger seat next to Li Ang, gave instructions to the mechanical golem standing on the roof of the armored car, causing the golem to shoot a crimson beam and sweep across the ant colony.

Without hesitation, Nebula dragged Alina and dived down, bypassing the giant ant and jumping onto the top of the armored vehicle.

Li Ang stepped on the accelerator, and the run-flat tires of the armored car turned rapidly, setting off metal debris,

Driving into the left side of the cross-shaped tunnel before the cannon fire of the massive army ants.

Lee Ang can see things in the dark without turning on the lights, driving an armored vehicle at high speed through complex tunnels, around corners, and through narrow gaps,

The hissing sound of the ant colony behind changed from loud to soft until it was completely inaudible.

The vehicle slowed down slowly, Li Ang turned on the headlights, glanced at the rearview mirror, and after confirming that there were no pursuers behind, he was relieved, opened the door and got out of the car.

Nebulas and Alina also jumped off the roof, looked at Liu Wulan and Li Ang, and said gratefully, “Thank you two, we are members of the Global Occult Alliance…”

They showed their identities in a few words. In fact, Liu Wulan knew who they were. After all, the show “Wind Chaser” is too popular, and the exposure rate of the two mentors has never been lower.

As for Liu Wulan and Li Ang, their popularity is actually not that low. After all, the number of players in the first and second echelons is limited, and the top 300 players must have seen other people’s profiles.

After a brief introduction, Alina asked in confusion: “How did you two save us? Do you know about the foreign players?”

“Exotic players?”

Li Ang was a little surprised, “No, we were chased by the swarm all the way,

I saw you being attacked and I saved you – as you can see, this floor is full of dense insects,

The passage to the lower level is also guarded by bugs.

One or several players may not be able to break through the defense of the swarm, so I saved you. “

“So it was.”

Alina nodded, and the reason why the other party was willing to save her, in addition to uniting her people,

I am afraid it is also because they are members of the Global Occult Coalition and have a certain reputation.

However, thinking of the almost endless swarm of insects, Alina felt a little gloomy in her heart. I wonder what happened to Qin, Eva, and Ju Tianren…

“That’s right,”

Li Ang asked, “What’s the matter with the foreign players you said?”

Alina and Nebula looked at each other, took out the button-shaped surveillance camera and token, and played the footage they had taken before interrogating two Liweishan players,

And explain it.


Li Ang narrowed his eyes and pondered, “You said just now that the swarm of insects that surrounds and suppresses players on this floor is controlled by the ant king?”

“Highly likely.”

Xingyun nodded, since the ant king attacked first, she didn’t need to take into account her official identity, and she directly revealed: “He has a tool called [Lest of Ten Thousand Ants], which can be stored, released, Transforming soldier ants.

Recent ground collapse and subsidence in Rio de Janeiro,

It is caused by the ant king raising ants in the real world, the underground city of Rio.

I just didn’t expect him to keep such a large scale of soldier ants…”

Li Ang and Liu Wulan looked at each other. They had also met the Ant King’s subordinate 13MARK in the last mission.

“Then have you told him about the exotic players?”

Li Ang asked: “He attacked the players in this layer mainly to eliminate potential competitors and to get the belt as much as possible, right?

If you tell him about the foreign players, he might stop attacking…”

“It’s useless.”

Nebula frowned and said The power system of the ant king allows him to perceive the summoned ant colony units, especially those special and powerful ant colony units.

We’ve informed about the exotic players before, but the ant colony hasn’t stopped at all. “

“…Didn’t hear it? Or did he have taken refuge with an exotic player?”

Li Ang pondered: “If it is said that he has taken refuge with foreign players, then it all makes sense.

The number of ant colonies increased because he collected amber energy from the lost world and solved the problem of energy shortage,

And the ant colony is rich in species, with a large number of mutant insects,

It’s because he took the genes of native creatures from lost worlds, or got extra help from exotic players…”

Alina is silent. At this moment, all forces in the real world are definitely using their power to thoroughly search the area controlled by the ant king in the real world.

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