Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 850: Token (Quad K)

Latest URL: Information.

A large amount of redundant and complicated information is stacked and deposited in the mind.

Lee Ang was driving the Jaguar II high-speed motorcycle vehicle, galloping through the dark floor,

The dark motorcycle helmet reflects the emergency lights on the walls on both sides of the lonely space, passing like meteors.

The brain worms use the reconnaissance soldiers to collect information, and then classify, organize, and summarize the information.

Transmit unusual and noteworthy information directly to Li Ang through the divine link.

Before the worm nest was still on the seabed, just beware of possible human civilization detectors,

After the insect swarms have established their nests in the trenches and all the worker insects have completed their mimicry, the amount of information transmitted will be much smaller.

And now, after the worm’s nest was lifted, the amount of information suddenly increased, forming bursts of cluttered noises in Li Ang’s mind that could not be shielded, consuming Sanity Points at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Transmitted with the help of the Cthulhu figure clay, not only information, but also some other things, such as… the emotions of the brain worms.

The infinite longing and reverence for the Creator, the thirst for knowledge, the hope for the approval of the loving Father and the Holy Maiden, and even the envy and envy of other accomplished cerebral worms (probably many cerebral worms themselves do not aware of this).

A brain worm with self-awareness naturally produces various thoughts and emotions in the process of contacting and interacting with the outside world.

These emotions, which are still shallow at present, are mixed in the messages they pray to the Creator, and they accumulate into a tower, forming a murmur.

Let Li Ang accept the feedback of the will of the worm’s nest all the time, resisting the erosion of many complex emotions.

The downside is that Li Ang has to concentrate the whole time, without any slack and distraction,

The advantage is that in this process, he constantly actively and passively faces his heart and knows himself,

The cognition of “Li Ang” is getting deeper and deeper.

Self-knowledge is actually a very long, painful and difficult process,

It is necessary to observe oneself for a long time and objectively, to make a calm judgment and evaluation of one’s own thoughts, desires, and behaviors, and to analyze the causes of all these from the perspectives of internal and external factors, past and present.

Like looking at yourself in a mirror, seeing your own appearance in the mirror, seeing every hair, every pore that hides dirt, every dirty and twisted mite,

It is even necessary to analyze the inner skeleton that constitutes the outer appearance through the skin.

Li Ang matured far earlier than most of his peers, and his mind was like a solid rock that has been deliberately wrapped in rock formations for a long time.

It is difficult for outsiders to imagine and guess Li Ang’s true thoughts,

Even he himself is sometimes confused by the disguise created by the identity of “Li Ang”, as if he has faked a smile for too long, forgetting what a real happy smile is.

The spiritual cleansing of the hive turned out to be a good opportunity,

Li Ang gradually realized the state of his own thinking and memory, and was able to control his own psychological activities to a certain extent. If the puppet master observes the puppet like a puppet, looks down on himself, and has insight into himself,

Make one’s own will, anchor unchanged,

To resist the washout of the will of the hive.

The high-intensity tempering of the mind has made Li Ang’s psionic level advance by leaps and bounds, and the skills of psionic ability have also made long-term progress.

The door to third-level psionic power was vaguely pushed open.

Adding psionic power can increase the maximum sanity value and increase the sanity value recovery speed, which just offsets the sanity value consumption caused by the divine link.

Allows him to act normally without showing any sluggishness.

“Are the wind chasers in jail…”

Lee Ang drove a motorcycle, turned the corner, left this trivial matter behind, and handed it over to the brainworm.

He has more important matters to deal with.

The scouts of the Hive have spread everywhere, and it is gradually determined that there is indeed an unknown force in the Lost World.

They are composed of monsters and humans. They have various and complex power systems. They appear randomly on each floor and attack players in the world.

Kill it,

Or use a special rope, tie it securely, and take it to the floor below.

However, due to the swiftness of these individual lives and their keen perception, the scout soldiers cannot follow too closely,

If you don’t pay attention, you will be thrown off by the opponent’s too flexible maneuvering speed.

Even so, Li Ang and the hive brain worms still thought of a way – let the scout soldiers carry different types of trace spores to each floor to spread,

As long as you pass through the spore-spreading floors, you will be picked up by a subtle, very small odor of spores that gradually changes over time.

The Hive can use the spore trajectory to determine the direction of movement of all living creatures in the Lost World.

“Judging from their behavior, it is almost certain that they are foreign players. The only problem is the reason and purpose of their presence here.”

Li Ang’s mind turned sharply, thinking: “The system’s statement about the lost world is that players can attack each other. When the surviving players become fifty, the remaining players will automatically enter the official gate battle. If the time limit expires If there are still more than 50 people, they will be eliminated to 50 people according to their performance.’

There is no foreign player involved…”

Let’s think about the other world players that Li Ang officially met, and it seems that they are the two beings who are shown by Yuri and Gandalf in the script task of [High-Dimensional Hacking].

They allowed Li Ang and others to complete the task, and after completing the task, they kindly reminded them to go back and remind other players in the world that they must win the battle for the door.

Since it is “win”, it will not be internal digestion, but there will be competitors,

Perhaps at the time, Yuri and Gandalf were hinting at the current form of the lost world…

“There is still too little information.”

Li Ang’s eyes flickered, and he said silently: “The current observation is that the alien life is tied to the earth player, and it will be merciless.

And the kidnapped Earth players are obviously at the bottom of the top 300.

If you want to use the blood sacrifice of earth players, or use earth players to refine puppets, then naturally the more quantity and the higher the quality, the better.

If you think so, maybe the other party’s purpose is to control the number of players on Earth,

Reduce the number of players gradually to 50, and artificially trigger the competition for the door ahead of time-if the fifty Earth players who advance are weak, it may be beneficial to them. “

Li Ang thought quietly: “Of course these are just assumptions.

The most efficient way is to kidnap an exotic player directly, extract memory, and figure out their plan.

If possible, try to frustrate the opponent’s plot.

Since the hive can’t be too far away from me,

Now is also the time to let the identity of ‘Li Risheng’ officially appear in a reasonable way…”

Thinking about the joints, Li Ang drives the vehicle at speed on the surface, and his thoughts are surging in his heart. The strong personal will of the psionicist is conveyed to a large number of worm hive units with the help of the divine link.


A battle that broke out on the 42nd floor is drawing to a close.

The nebula of the Global Occult Alliance floats in mid-air, with bright starlight flowing in the eyes, and the palm of the hand stretches forward and presses down, summoning out of thin air the astral matter that can absorb energy and individual mind (non-solid Liquid non-gaseous substance, similar to supercritical state)

Trapped hands and feet of two people in ancient clothing.

“Who the **** are you?”

Alina, who was standing on the ground, asked in a deep voice, “Why are you here? Why are you attacking us?”


The nebula drives the astral matter, breaking the palm of one of them – he is trying to take out and press a golden token.

The token fell to the ground, and the man’s face also showed a resolute look. He shouted an exotic language to his companion, and their bodies swelled like a balloon that was inflated.

Even the astral matter summoned by Nebula cannot be suppressed.


The explosion rang through the floor, and the location where the two were staying had turned into a deep pit with a diameter of ten meters.

The pit was charred black, filled with sulfurous smell, and some mud could be vaguely seen due to the high temperature burning, showing glass-like crystallization traces.

“He killed himself…”

The nebula slowly descended from mid-air, her face pale. At the moment of lightning, she used the astral material to create a giant shield in front of the two of them, barely blocking the shock wave of the explosion.

Alina supported Nebula and asked in a deep voice, “Are you all right?”

“It’s fine.”

Nebula shook his head, and with some fear he removed the riddled star shield, glanced at the deep pit, and muttered: “That token…”

“With me.”

Alina held up the golden token that two foreign players took out in her hand. Instead of directly touching her palm, she used the updraft generated in her palm to suspend the token on her palm.

[Name: Private Engraved Aid Deed]

[Type: Consumables]

【Quality: Perfect】

【Special effect: Aid God. Summon the existence contracted by the Deed of Aid, so that the latter can directly teleport to appear around the token, or transmit the extraordinary power to the body of the person who uses the Deed of Aid in a private way]

[Consumption: None]

[Cooldown: None]

【Conditions for use: Intelligence attribute is higher than or equal to 10 points, perception attribute is higher than or equal to 10 points, the user is Liweishan Shoulu Mage]

【Remarks: The longer the distance, the worse the transmission effect and the greater the loss of energy and information】

【Remarks: Contractors can refuse to respond to the God-aiding Pact】

【Remarks: This deed of aid belongs to Liweishan Shoulu Master Dan Chenzi】

[Remarks: Call the wind, call the rain, call the gods, dispatch generals, descend to the altar, **** the dead, exorcise evil spirits and suppress demons]

The token turned out to be a perfect consumable item?

Surprise and consternation surfaced in Nebula and Alina at the same time.

“This should be the instrument that Eastern Taoism often uses in the ritual of fasting.”

As a mentor of the Wind Chaser program and an experienced and broad-minded senior player, Alina has naturally read the information on the power inheritance system in different regions of the world, and is no stranger to Eastern Taoism.

“Most of the eastern ritual activities, whether it is to present documents to the gods, pray for rain, pray for snow, or drive ghosts and gods, all need to use tokens made of jujube, pomegranate, cypress, etc. Give orders, otherwise the ghosts and spirits will not obey them.

The whole process of making tokens, using tokens, and refining tokens is extremely cumbersome for outsiders. “

Alina paused and said in a low voice, “The name of this item is [Privately Engraved Aid Deed], and in the remarks, the existence of the token contract is also indicated.

Considering that tokens are only perfect consumables after all, not epic or legendary items,

It is estimated that there is no ability to transmit energy across the world.

In other words, the contractor of the token, the so-called Liweishan Shoulu Master Dan Chenzi, is inside the Lost World. “


Xingyun nodded and said solemnly: “And this item requires that the user must be Master Liweishan Shoulu, which means that the two players who committed suicide just now belong to the Liweishan faction.

You said, will they be from the Abnormality Society…”

“Probably not.”

Alina shook her head, “We have never heard of the so-called Liweishan forces in the East, and even the Abnormality Society can’t hide it so well.

What’s more, if they are really branch players of the Abnormality Society, they will definitely not decide on their own in front of the detector – the power system of the Abnormality Society has extremely terrifying requirements for talents,

The number is small, the inheritance is difficult, and each member is extremely precious.

Even if captured by other forces and deprived of the ability to surrender,

There will also be trades, handing over items and equipment in exchange for a way to retire and surrender. “

“What the **** is this…”

Nebula frowned, vaguely guessing something, and looked at Alina, burying the possibility of an exotic player in his heart, and did not say it in front of the detector camera.

They are senior operators of the Global Occult Alliance. They have access to secrets and have seen some information about players from other worlds.

Machine beasts, security guards, unknown “When the Stars Return” series comics, cannibalistic earth players,

Now there are more players from other worlds who are similar to the ancient Eastern Taoist inheritance system…

Cumbersome information gradually forms an intricate cobweb in my mind, and I can vaguely see the shape of something, but it can’t really see it.

Alina and Nebula were silent. As time passed, the system detector on the side exceeded the staring time limit and disappeared automatically.

“What do we do now?”

Nebula scanned the location of the missing detector and asked in a deep voice.

“It’s a different story if there are foreign players.”

Alina thought for a moment and replied: “The previous struggle is still the competition within the earth. No matter which force wins, the final prize will be the forces of the earth.

But now there are outsiders, and judging from their performance, the comers are not good…

I think we need to unite other Have you recorded the scene of the encounter with the alien player just now? “


Nebula nodded and tapped the button-shaped camera on the chest of the Global Occult Coalition Alliance uniform with her fingers.

Alina breathed a sigh of relief, “Okay, if we meet other players in the world, we will use the recorded video to persuade them to join us, unite, and figure out the current situation…”

The voice has not yet finished, and the sound of intensive stomping comes from a distant tunnel.

An ant colony.

A large number of giant ant colonies fill almost the entire tunnel, and all of them are densely packed.

The detector that had just disappeared appeared again, clearly recording the shocked expressions on Alina and Nebula’s faces, as well as the exclamations in their mouths,

“Ant King?”

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