Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 85: Wait

You are so rude.


The old woman looked at Li Ang, and then at the surveillance camera located high at the intersection,

The deep ravine-like wrinkles on his face twitched a few times, and his pale lips pursed.

In the end, she still didn’t say anything, took a step back indiscernibly, lowered her head, and pretended not to have seen Li Ang.

She doesn’t mind having an extra meal,

But now it’s under the surveillance camera. Considering the possible pursuit of the special affairs bureau after the incident, let’s bear with it for the time being.

The old woman was silent, while Li Ang stepped forward, pretended to have a long wine burp, and asked with concern, “What’s the matter with you? Why didn’t you speak? It was because of my armpit sweat just now. ?”

God is so sweaty, you will die if you don’t speak?

The old woman’s mind was like thousands of alpacas galloping past. After a few deep breaths, she decided to ignore the suspected drunkard.

Li Ang raised his arm and sniffed his armpit, after confirming that there was no smell,

Angrily, he asked the other party, “No smell, why don’t you talk to me, are you looking down on me? Let me tell you, I am an honorable Green Diamond member, and no one can ignore me.”

Then you are really good.

The old woman’s eyes twitched and she turned her head away.

Finally, when the green light came on, she took the cloth bag and trembled down the steps and onto the zebra crossing.

Li Ang chased after her, and caught up with her in three or two steps, going hand in hand with her,

Raises her legs high, swings her arms desperately, pretending to be sprinting while humming the theme song of the movie “Rocky”, “GonnaFlyNow”

“Deng deng deng~~deng deng deng~deng deng deng~~deng deng deng~”

This song is high-spirited and positive, it is very suitable to listen to when running at night,

But in the old woman’s ears, it was all a noise.

She unknowingly increased the speed of her footsteps, and Li Ang also accelerated slowly, just shoulder to shoulder with her.

The old woman, like a thousand flies buzzing in her ears, is really annoying, and a flame mixed with malice and anger rises in her heart.

She just kept her head down and walked forward. After walking the zebra crossing, the moment she stepped on the steps, she pretended to slip and stumbled and fell to the ground.


The sound of bones colliding is particularly evident at the silent crossroads,

“Hey, eh…”

The old woman gave a cry of pain and moved to sit on the steps by the side of the road, shaking her ankles.

Seeing this, Li Ang took a step back and pretended to be terrified, “Grandma, I have never met you before, please don’t deceive me, there are surveillance cameras here.”


The old woman groaned weakly while hugging her ankle, and sighed, “You didn’t hit me, boy, but I slipped my foot. Alas, this man is useless as he gets older.”

“Hey, I can’t say that, Lao Ji Fuzheng, my ambition is a thousand miles away.”

Li Ang comforted: “Uncle Zhang, who used to live opposite my house, likes boxing since he was a child, and he can play two or three sets of military boxing in his eighties.

Last time his grandson hanged himself on the electric fan in the living room. Just as he kicked off the chair with his front foot, Mr. Zhang got interested and put on boxing gloves. “

? ? ?

The old woman opened her mouth, she didn’t know what to say for a while, she took a long breath, and said faintly, “Young man, my foot is sprained, can you please take me home?” /

“What do you want to do?”

Li Ang instantly became vigilant, clutching his chest and saying, “I warn you, I’m not the kind of casual person.

The last time I was dating a half-old **** online, she pulled me by the sleeve and said to go to her house at night, and have a heart-to-heart with their mother and daughter. My heart, that thumping, I didn’t even think about the test, I just agreed,

As a result, when I went there at night, I saw the 70-year-old mother of the half-old milf, sitting in front of the mirror with heavy makeup…”

God is so talkative, who wants to sleep with you! ! !

Can’t you take a photo of yourself when you pee? !

The old woman’s desire to complain was almost overflowing. She suppressed her almost deformed expression and forced a smile and said, “You are thinking too much, young man, I just want you to help me go home. .

Alas, my son and daughter are all out of town, and there is really no one at home. How about I pay you some money? “


Li Ang looked straight, frowned and scolded: “Grandma, this is your fault. You said that talking about money hurts feelings. Whoever we are with, you should get an advance payment of 5 million.” /

“….” The old woman could hardly keep her smile, “Five hundred lines?”

“Hey, you’re a real bargain hunter.”

Li Ang nodded, walked in front of her and crouched down, stretched out his hands, “Come up.”


A faint smile flashed across the old woman’s face, she slowly stood up on one foot, and climbed up Li Ang’s back.

Li Ang weighed it, stood up slowly, and looked around the intersection, “Which direction is your home?”

“Over there.” The old woman stretched out her hand and pointed to the northwest, and said softly, “It’s just a few steps ahead.”

To the northwest, there is an urban village, full of old houses of 20 to 30 years old, with narrow roads, low houses, and many blind spots for surveillance.

There, is her temporary residence.

“Okay, sit tight? The Thomas train is moving!”

Li Ang raised his legs high and rushed forward, the old woman could only hear the wind whistling in her ears, and her eyes could hardly be opened.

So fast!

Just after rushing out a few dozen meters, Li Ang suddenly slowed down and panted, “Hey, I’m exhausted, grandma, now it’s your turn to carry me.”

? ? ? ?

The old woman lying on Li Ang’s back was stunned, her eyes blinked, and she tried her best to interpret the word “innocent”.

Fortunately, he was just joking and didn’t throw the old woman to the ground.

Li Ang slowed down, carried the old woman on his back, and said, “Grandma, what’s your surname?”

The old woman was worried that she might be thrown to the ground if she didn’t answer.

Li Ang nodded, “I’m not asking if you are happy, I’m asking what your surname is.”

Blue veins appeared on the old woman’s forehead, “My surname is Hu!”

Li Ang frowned, “I know you are happy, I am asking what your surname is, do you understand? Surname is the first character of a person’s name.”

The old woman felt that her blood pressure began to rise again, “My surname is Hu… Gu Yuehu.”

“Oh, I understand when you say that,” Li Ang nodded, “Grandma Gu Yuehu, where is your lover.”

“Dead.” The old woman replied angrily, “I drowned in the water when I was electrocuting the fish.”

“Ah? I’m sorry, I touched your sadness.”

Li Ang said with empathy: “Alas, I used to like electric fish when I was in the country,

Later, when I entered the city, I also thought about how to relive the feeling of electric fish all day long. It’s a pity that the swimming pool administrator at the Civic Center will not let me go into the water with the electric fish machine on my back. “

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