Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 849: Hypoxia (Six K)

Updated URL: There is definitely a conspiracy behind this!

The ant king suppressed his breathing, his mind turned sharply, and he thought desperately.

There are two possibilities for those bugs to turn into their own ants.

One, the insect tide is controlled by a certain existence, and it wants to frame and trap itself.

The possibility of this hypothesis is possible, but it is very, very low – the ant king can’t imagine how terrifying brain computing power is required to control such a large-scale insect tide.

Secondly, even if there is a certain independent consciousness that controls the insect tide behind the scenes,

There is absolutely no need to waste energy to entrap myself, who has run out of ammunition and food, and is in a desperate situation.

Second, the swarms are just out-of-control experimental creatures that are native to the lost world. They devoured the ant units they sent out before and absorbed the genes of the ants, so they evolved into ants.

This hypothesis is slightly more likely, but there are loopholes – why didn’t the swarm continue to attack?

Is it possible that the insect swarm that absorbed the genes of the ants, inherited some of the former’s characteristics, still recognizes itself as the former creator?

The cold touch of the blade on the neck pulled the Ant King from his thoughts back to reality.

He took a deep breath, and out of the corner of his eyes, he swept across the solemn expression of the black sky and hypochondria. Just as he was about to say something, he heard the sound of “dang bang bang dang” coming from the tunnel far away .

An armed armored vehicle with four run-flat tires galloped from a distance, and two headlights illuminated the tunnel like daylight.

The driver is Agares of Gen-Sys Biotech, and in the passenger seat is Abel of Prometheus – the latter’s rib cage is completely sunken, and the rib wound can be seen all the way out. Blood sprayed.

As for the bruised young man standing at the front of the car…

David? !

Ant King’s heart jumped, the European Heavy Industry Group and the FBI’s Special Accident Division, as well as Prometheus, Gen-Sys Biotechnology Company and other forces, had formed an alliance before,

Guarantee that if you encounter in the Lost World Stage, you will give priority to cooperation, solve other forces, and then share the benefits together.

The ant king could not imagine what kind of situation would make the combination of David, Agares and Abel so embarrassed that they were even forced to flee for their lives.

“You three, get in the car if you don’t want to die!”

David stood at the front of the car with the Judgment Spear in his hand, turned his face to the side of the car and roared at the Ant King and others, and continued to look at the dark tunnel in the direction of the rear of the car.

The expression was extremely gloomy, and there was a hint of… fear in the eyebrows.

The armored car came at a gallop, and Da Kuang Tian glanced at the ant king, turned around and accelerated and ran a few steps. At the moment when the vehicle passed by, he grabbed the handle on the side of the armored vehicle and jumped onto the vehicle.


Hypophobic delusional eyes narrowed, iris distorted, gradually turning into obscure patterns,

The colors in sight quickly dimmed, but in turn, everything became crystal clear.

She saw something in the dark in the distance-

It was a huge bear-like creature with a broad forehead and a slightly shorter face. Its limbs were relatively slender compared to the body, but it was also a circle or two thicker than the thighs of ordinary people.

The black bear named [Short Face] stepped on a floating metal plate and flew towards this side,

It’s head hangs down, and the black hair on its body is flying wildly,

Wherever they pass, the sand and metal fragments are gently bounced and floated due to the change of the surrounding environment’s gravity,

It didn’t fall to the ground again until the short side left 50 meters away,

A long depression is formed on the surface of the tunnel,

Like a trail cloud pulled by an aircraft high in the sky.

Without any hesitation, the hypochondriac delusions let go of the ant king directly,

Take out a yellow-green two-color skateboard from the backpack, step on it, activate the sprint function of the skateboard, and quickly keep up with the armored car of David and others at a speed not inferior to that of a sports car.

And the ant king, after seeing them so embarrassed, also summoned winged ants the size of a car, stepped on the latter’s back, and chased after them.

Seeing everyone following, Agares slammed on the accelerator and turned into a narrow road,

David stood on the roof of the car, took a deep breath, condensed the remaining spiritual power, used his skills, and threw the judgment spear emitting a shining golden light, smashing it towards the dome in the rear space.

The dome shattered and collapsed, dropping a large amount of rubble, burying the narrow road.

With a grasp of his palm, David retracted the Judgment Spear in the distance, staggered under his feet, and almost failed to stand firm,

Fortunately, the **** sky next to him helped him so he wouldn’t fall off the car.

The armored vehicle turned off its lights, slowly slowed down, and muted its roaring engine, silently traversing the pitch-dark environment.

“You are…”

Da Koku hesitated for a moment, then said softly, “Meet Michael?”

“No, but not much better.”

David sat down slowly on the roof of the car, looking at the blocked intersection at the back for the time being without movement, turned his head, and said to Da Kuroten and the Hypoxic Delusion and Ant King who were following him: “Let’s go to the lower space. Do you know where the elevators and passages are?”

“I know.”

The ant king reported several directions and said solemnly: “The four elevators and three passages we explored are all under the control of the swarm, but there are two others that have not been discovered by the swarm for the time being. It just might take some detours.”


David frowned. They had a conflict with the short face and the **** before. They killed the chameleon **** and saw the opponent’s body dissipate, confirming that the opponent was indeed an exotic player.

But Cain was also caught in the short side of rage, torn in two, and quit the game, not sure if he would survive.

The three surviving people took the elevator and descended all the way, avoiding the pursuit of the short side, and had never seen the swarm.

“Forget it.”

David shook his head and said quickly, “In the current situation, you absolutely cannot support it alone.

If there is no combat power, it is better to retire directly to save lives.

If you still have power, come down with us. “

“Go down?”

Da Hei Tian asked consciously, “Where are you going?”

“To assemble, all who are still alive.”


41st floor, above the Hive City.

“At twelve o’clock, thirty meters away, a team of reconnaissance soldiers flew by, waiting for them to pass.”

A micro-device implanted directly in Pei Youzhen’s cochlea, stabs the auditory cells, generates nerve impulses, and simulates sound signals to the brain.

At this moment, she and her three companions, Jean and Eva, are wearing special gloves that can absorb metal, hanging under the dome above the Hive City.

They are all sprinkled with a special dust called [Mist of Tricks], which can bend the surrounding light and achieve a stealth effect,

A large amount of special grease is also applied to the surface of the clothes and body, which can isolate the odor and reduce the sound of the body when it comes into contact with the outside world.

The three Qingxing Deng, along with Bai Haozheng and Qimian Xuantian, were divided into two groups, not far from the left and right sides of the three wind chasers.

The body is also smeared with the mist of deceit and occult grease.

After a few discussions before, they decided to meet up and rescue the trapped Ju Tiansheng, Tuyumen Xiaoman and others together.

The ingenious giants are responsible for creating noise and attracting the hive’s attention when they sneak in,

Nina is responsible for hiding on the 42nd floor, observing the movement of the insect nest, and providing instructions for everyone to ensure that the infiltration plan will not fail.

“…Okay, the scout bug has passed, and Team B can move on.”

Nina’s voice sounded in her mind, and Pei Youzhen and her two companions kept switching on and off the magnetic gloves and crawled forward silently.

Those captured players are indeed still alive, and the life paper closely related to the vital signs of the players in the Special Affairs Bureau has not withered and annihilated, which proves that Ju talent has not died, or has escaped from the lost world.

The same is true for similar props on Tsuchimikado and others.

Just because you don’t die, doesn’t mean you don’t have misfortune,

Especially in the face of the Zerg who obviously possess superb biological modification technology, it may be better to die than to live…

Three groups of players silently crawl forward.

I have to say that, looking down from a height, the entire Insect Hive City looks even bigger and weirder.

The man-made city originally made of reinforced concrete is now covered with a layer of lichen-like mushrooms like moss and lichen,

These mushrooms cover the roads, bridges and even the rooftops and walls of high-rise buildings, constantly wriggling in small steps, twisting into various indescribable patterns, as if they have their own lives.

Curved chimneys grow on the top floors of some tall buildings.

The surface of the chimney named [Spore Smoke Tower] is covered with holes, similar to dead corals (some of them look like tentacles), and every ten seconds, spores of different colors will erupt.

The spores are fluttering in the wind, and if they land in the right area, they will absorb nutrients and grow rapidly to form mushrooms, or creeps.

Creep can collect, produce biomass, produce fruit, and provide raw materials for the nest,

The hive soldiers usually need the worker insects to inject the energy substances extracted from the digester into their bodies to provide energy for the body,

However, if necessary, the Hive Soldiers can also directly eat the fruit produced by the Creep, and even eat the Creep directly, to maintain life.

In addition, Creep can also modify the surrounding soil, water, and air composition, making the environment more suitable for the growth of living units and buildings.

At the same time, the Creep also has the ability to hunt. Some animals, such as deer, cows, horses, and rabbits, must escape in time if they accidentally step into the Creep area.

Otherwise, the limbs will be caught by the tentacles of the creep, and the corrosive solution secreted by the creep will dissolve and digest into nutrients…

Several players who came to the rescue didn’t know the specifics of the spore smoke tower and creep, but they could imagine with their toes that nothing good would happen if they came into contact with those smoke.

They strictly followed Nina’s instructions, carefully bypassing the shrouded area of ​​the spore smoke tower, and gradually approached the location where Qingxing Deng said, “showing the life characteristics of Yumen Xiaoman” – a skyscraper.

Strange, why are these bugs running around?

Pei Youzhen hangs in the dome above the skyscraper, overlooking the scene below, and an ominous sign surges in her heart.

A large number of worker worms spewed out of the ground cave worms at the outermost periphery of the worm nest,

They use their teeth and chelicerates to cut the creep, rolling up the creep like artificial turf and shrinking in the direction of the city.

The worm’s nest factory integrated with the high-rise buildings in the city also peeled off in all directions, cut and disassembled by the worker insects, and placed on the back of the burrowing sandworm.

The soldiers of all levels who originally stayed in the Hive City and maintained a state of stagnation and low energy consumption, left their original positions one after another, split into a group, and marched forward along the tunnel, and soon disappeared in the far corner.

The entire Hive City is active.

This is… moving?

Doubtful emotions emerged in their hearts. The players who used [Mist of Trick] looked at each other, made gestures, and finally decided to make a surprise attack.

Half the Hive’s main force is out, now is the best chance.




As Bai Hao retracted his fingers, an explosion sounded outside the Hive City.

The side walls of the wilderness cracked and collapsed, and a wooden snake-shaped puppet resembling a large rock snake suddenly burst out of the crack. The giant body more than forty meters long plowed across the wasteland like a road roller.

Flying dust and countless worker bugs.

The soldiers and insects at all levels responded quickly, and the shells poured out like raindrops towards the wooden snake-shaped puppet controlled by Juzi.

The ballista and machine gun mounted on the back of the snake-shaped puppet also fired,

The snake body twisted back and forth, throwing away the soldiers and insects that climbed up.

For a time, the wasteland flew sand and rocks, smoke and dust filled the air, and the sound of artillery fire and beast roars shook the sky.

It is now.

The eight players hanging from the dome released their palms and fell down.

Bai Hao is drawing out a long sword of light quality, Yu Yi pulls out a long sword in his heart, Master Haifang smashes his mace, and Qingxing Deng summons a ghostly blue fire…

Players made attacks to end the effect of [Fog of Tricks] early,

The soldiers of all levels who felt the energy fluctuation looked up to the sky, and some flying units vibrated their wings and rushed forward in spite of everything.

Ground units also use ranged weapons, aiming at exposed players and firing ammunition.

But it’s still a bit slow,

All kinds of skills hit the tall building, tearing the mushroom creep covering the outside of the tall building, revealing a huge gap.

All the players rushed into the gap, Bai Haozheng smashed the flesh-and-blood curtain in front of him with a sword, and the master of Haifang waved his mace and smashed the low-level worker insects that rushed over.

“Ten o’clock!”

In his hand, he held a green lamp that could show the location of the unearthed Yumen Xiaoman. He took the lead and rushed to the front, constantly throwing out blue flames in his hand, burning out the biological weapons that were blocking the way.

The group traveled through the intricate worm nest, and the deeper they went, the more difficult it became.

The number of insect swarms ahead is getting denser and denser, and the quality is getting higher and higher. From the beginning of the squire class, the beast class, to the guard class, and even the guard class.

The evolution speed of the worm’s nest is terrifying. After entering the lost world, it first absorbs the bones of the indigenous people in the abandoned hibernation chamber and absorbs their genes.

Reabsorb the shadow dragon blood from Longxiang Leopard, and the demon blood from Tuyumen Xiaoman and others,

And the demonized ants of the ant king.

Although these genes are difficult to be perfectly utilized by the nest for a while and cannot be completely reproduced,

But it can also provide evolutionary ideas for the nest,

Let the cerebral worms learn from others and try various specialization evolutions on the eggs produced by the hatching worm nest.

Because of this, the guard-level soldiers that Bai Haozheng and others faced became difficult and difficult to entangle – the back carapace of some soldiers was integrated with a large amount of Lost World metal substances, which could withstand the bombardment of machine guns. ,

It also has a pretty good defensive effect against energy shocks.

Whether it’s Bai Haozheng’s light-quality long sword or Qingxing Deng’s ghost fire, the damage that hits the carapace must be discounted.

Seeing that everyone’s advancing speed has slowed down again and again, there is a faint trend of being separated, divided, and fighting each other.

Bai Haozheng gritted his teeth and took out a perfect bomb prop in the shape of a blue crawler called [Withering Heart Attack]…


Hive, deep.

Ju Talent, still held in the mummy’s coffin-like container, blinked.

In front of him is a gypsum blackboard,

Ten nest units resembling seven-star ladybugs lie on the blackboard, constantly using tail stings to write dense human characters on the blackboard.

These words originate from Ju Tian’s brain — ten conduits with nerve fibers embedded in Ju Tian’s head start from Ju Tian’s head and connect to the back of the ladybug.

Things in the mind of the genius will be converted into neural signals and transmitted to the seven-star ladybug through the pipeline,

Have the latter write quickly on the plasterboard.

Because the senior staff of the Special Affairs Bureau and the Abnormal Society have done brain protection, some crucial organizational secrets will not be leaked.

Ju Tiancai slowly recalled the lowest level of Qi training methods circulating in the Abnormality Institute, trying to let his mind empty, and only using his vague subconscious to think about how to escape from here.

Other players who were captured together, such as Longchamp Leopard Change, have been moved to other rooms in the worm nest and are expected to be subject to the same interrogation.

These bugs…really weird.

Some of their bio-modification technologies, such as spore smoke towers and creeps, are simply biological disasters,

However, in terms of memory retrieval, it still relies on nerve fiber conduction, rather than directly absorbing brain plasma and memory;

The vast majority of workers and soldiers in the hive have no self-awareness, no reason or fear,

But the most advanced of them, the Hive Lord, has the concept of “self”, and even compromises, negotiates, and learns human languages ​​in order to maximize profits…


A dull, long sound came from outside the room

Hive Lord Cerberus, who was sitting in a chair reading the interrogation materials, stood up.

Ju Tiantian sighed and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Your companion,”

Cerberus said in a low voice, “I’m here to save you.”

Ju Talent’s complexion changed slightly, and the faces of Bai Haozheng and the others instantly appeared in his mind, and he felt a little regretful.

With his knowledge, he naturally knows what kind of terrifying power is contained in the body of the worm hive lord in front of him,

Bai Haozheng and the others have never met the Hive Lord before. If they use their experience in eliminating guard-level soldiers to deal with Cerberus… they will probably encounter misfortune.

“We agreed,”

Ju Tiantian said in a deep voice, “As long as I tell you the information, you will let us go.”

Cerberus glanced at him indifferently, and said hoarsely: “I let ‘you’ leave.

However, these people were not within the scope of the agreement at the time. “

After saying that, the Hive Lord stepped forward and walked towards the main entrance of the room.


The sound came again, and the whole room shook.

Ju Talent takes a deep breath and activates the God’s Mark engraved under the skin on the back of his head.

Xuanming’s divine power leaked out, and the coffin of the mummy that bound Ju Talent was instantly frozen into ice cubes,

The cold air spreads to the surroundings with visible fluctuations,

Everywhere I passed, the floor, walls, and ceiling were frozen, and the temperature of the huge room plummeted.

The powerful feeling of familiarity, returning to itself,

Ju talent is crooked,

He spit out a cold breath mixed with ice crystals at Cerberus.

Cerberus gushed out of psionic energy fluctuations, and cast a first-level ability of the spiritual creation system to create a rectangular stellar object, which was shot forward,

Using the stellar object to temporarily block the cold air, the figure suddenly retreated and retreated beyond the killing range of the cold air.

Strangely, the Hive Lord did not make any further offensive moves, but stood there, silently staring at Ju Talent.

There was a strong uneasiness in Ju Talent’s heart, but the arrow was on the string and had to be fired.

He expended his divine power, whipped up a cold wind around him, tore apart the mummy’s coffin, and the conduit connected to the top of the coffin’s head, breaking free.

Then, he fell to the ground.

The word fall is very accurate,

Looking back to the sky, Ju Tian looked back at his body, and what he saw was not the torso and limbs, but a bunch of mutated, twisted and intricate living organs.

Heart, airway, lungs, blood vessels…

These organs produced by the worm’s nest were originally fixed inside the mummy’s coffin, and absorbed nutrients through the catheter to maintain the life of the innate talents.

At this moment, as Ju Tiansheng broke free from the mummy’s coffin, all the sticky and greasy internal organs also fell and smashed onto the floor of the room that was frozen into ice.

No more,

My torso, my limbs…

Deprived of the ability to sense touch and pain by the worm nest, the scene in front of me quickly darkened, because of fear, anger, and despair,

Also because the internal organs are dying and the blood supply is insufficient.

Tread, step, step.

Cerberus walked quickly, smashed the ice crystal ground along the way, and picked up the talent,

Extremely skillful, he took off several conduits from the ceiling and inserted them into the grooves that had been opened on the top of Talent’s head.

Oxygen-laden blood circulated again, leaving only the head of Ju talent, who survived.

A large number of worker insects climbed into the room, took away the broken coffin fragments, cleaned up the thick layer of ice left by the mysterious power, and moved in a life support device of the same shape,

The Ju talent was placed back again.

“If human brain cells lack endogenous oxygen for a long time, it will cause irreversible damage to the brain.”

Cerberus said in a low voice: “I can regard your escape just now as a blind offense that doesn’t know where you are. Forgive your mistake.

But the error is only once. “

Cerberus looked at Ju Tianhe, who was gradually becoming conscious, and said hoarsely: “The contract between us is still valid, until I bring back your new companion,

Hope you could write more. “

After saying that, Cerberus strode out of the room, looked at the other Hive Lords who also walked out of the room, and walked towards the direction of the loud noise, looking for those intruders.

Only these hive lords know that it is a hive brain worm specializing in bio-engineering technology, [Sphinx], who designed and made players to strip their limbs, only their heads, and maintain them with conduits hanging from the ceiling. The complex technology of life.

The inspiration for this technology seems to come from a human cartoon called “The Gourd Brothers”, which was praised and appreciated by the Holy Maiden at that time,

Won the Silver Medal of “The 1st Hive Cup I Love Invention Grand Prix”, much to the envy of other brainworms.

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