Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 848: Seal (Quad K)

Latest website: Wanjun sea water rushes and roars along the pipeline. The waves of more than ten meters are shot down like the palm of a giant. The jagged reefs made of metal debris, like insignificant gravel, have been flattened and submerged.

Amberley, with long red hair, stepped on the waves, holding the flying pirate triangle hat with his left hand, and holding a long and narrow scimitar in his right hand, squinting, looking at the tiny figure far away in front of him.

She took a deep breath, the sea breeze was as salty as ever,

Step forward half a step, move the center forward, hold the long knife in both hands, lift it up, and chop down heavily when the waves reach the highest point.

The machete named [Tidebringer] quietly releases power,

All the obstacles in the cone in front of them first floated on the surface with a rippling light of sea water, and then they were divided into two parts, fractured and shattered without any warning, and sank into the sea water.

Except, the figure standing on the hanging ladder.

An ordinary man named [Zhan Lu] erected a dark, broad and sharp bronze blade in his hand, blocking him.

A light of water lit up on the sword body, and before it bloomed, it was extinguished by the sword energy.


Meeting on a narrow road, there is no way to retreat, not to mention that the other party has seriously injured and abused his subordinates in the Realm Corridor stage.

New hatred and old hatred came to my mind, but Zhan Lu’s heart was still calm,

He didn’t say anything,

Just take half a step back, hold the sword in the right hand, the blade is parallel to the ground, and hold the middle ridge of the blade with the **** of the left hand, in a sword pose.

The waves ahead are like white horses neatly arranged in battle formations, with the sea breeze as their horn, carrying Amberi and rushing forward.

Two hundred meters, one hundred meters, fifty meters…

The blade buzzed, and the power that was still accumulated suddenly burst out.

Separate the sea and cut the waves.

Zhan Lu stepped on the hanging ladder and jumped into the air, spinning like a spinning top,

The surging waves, like threads of sword energy, moved towards Ambori, who had a stunned expression on the waves, and fell turbulently, like a violent storm, washing away the filth.

The female pirate picked up a long knife and extracted the blue water to block the sword energy in the sky,

The boots stepped on the waves and leaped into the air, facing Zhan Lu’s sword.


The interlacing sound of gold and iron is shrill and piercing, resounding through the floor,

The shock wave formed by the collision of the weapons caused the seawater under the two of them to sag, forming a semi-circular pit.

In just a few breaths, the tide messenger and Zhanlu’s long sword collided hundreds of times back and forth,

The fierce and resolute sword qi is ruthless, cutting the waves wantonly,

The splashing sea water rose to a distance of tens of meters, weaving a sparse water curtain around the battlefield.

Suddenly, Zhan Lu seemed to feel something, his face changed slightly, his sword moves changed, he drew his sword away, and instantly distanced himself from the opponent, turned his head and looked at the left pipe.

Amberley frowned as well, listening intently—the seawater that had accumulated under her feet was already a large chunk less than before.

Breathing, running, laughter.

On the right side of the intersection, the three of them rushed out of the dark tunnel.

Ding Shinji’s Kui Niu mecha was covered in bruises and bruises, Chi Xiao’s left shoulder was bleeding profusely, the glasses on Zhiming’s nose were all smashed, only the temples were still hanging on his ears, and the ordinary coat he was wearing was scorched and charred pitch black.

Chi Xiao saw Zhan Lu on the high hanging ladder in front of him, with a complex wry smile on his face, which contained regret, shame, and relief. Just as he was about to say something, he was shot out from the darkness by a ball with a diameter of ten Mi’s huge fireball interrupted.

Ding Shinji turned around abruptly in the Kui Niu mecha, lifted the energy shield he had removed from the [Shan Hai·Qu Ru] mecha driven by his companion, and lay behind Chi Xiao.


The fireball burst suddenly, shining light to illuminate the dark space as bright as day,

The blazing heat continued to burn the energy shield, and the system alarm sounded continuously in the cockpit of the Kui Niu Mecha.

But in the end, it stopped.

Ding Shinji breathed heavily, collected the energy shield that was full of cobweb cracks and was about to disintegrate, and stared at a certain direction in the darkness.

Two figures walked out of the pipe at the height of the tunnel.

The syndicate [Wang Hu], whose pale hair shrinks and gradually exits the Thunder Wolf state,

And [Burning Fire] with his hands behind his head and a cruel smile on his face.

“Yo, here you are.”

Amberley smiled heartily, “What about supercritical? I see the three of you have been together before.”

“They were attacked.”

Crazy Fire pouted towards Ding Shinji and the others below, and said indifferently: “But he didn’t die, he returned to the world alive.

We also replaced all three of them. “

The mad fire paused for a while, and the corner of his eyes glanced at Zhan Lu in the distance, “No solution?”

“Yeah, he’s pretty strong.”

Amberley nodded honestly and said frankly: “If you don’t use that trick, you might be defeated by him.”

“Then don’t waste time.”

Crazy Fire rolled up his sleeves and muttered softly, “Get rid of it early, and finish work early.”

The situation was tense again, Zhan Lu silently clenched his long sword, and with his strength, it was still possible to suppress or even defeat Ambori alone.

But coupled with the mad fire that is different from Amberley, and the [Wang Hu] who is also a syndicate, I am afraid that it is not enough.

After all, the state of Chi Xiao and others doesn’t look like they have combat power…

Click, click, click.

The wild flames twisted her neck, and two flames ignited under her feet, carrying her upwards. The flames in her palms burned fiercely and expanded rapidly. In just five seconds, they had expanded to nearly one-fifth of the tunnel. degree of one.

Zhan Lu had a solemn expression on his face, holding the long sword in both hands. The dark coating on the sword gradually peeled off, illuminating a dull golden light.

Just as the two sides were about to release their ultimate move, two figures galloped from the left side of the intersection,


Familiar shouts made Kuang Huo frown, and the flame in his hand suddenly stopped expanding.

The dusty Tai Hao flew out of the tunnel, holding Ge Rong Luoxing’s collar in his hand.

“Wait a minute.”

Tai Hao landed lightly on the hanging ladder, put down the pale-faced Ge Rong Luoxing with a wry smile, and said in a deep voice to everyone (including Zhan Lu, whose breathing was almost stagnant and looked like an enemy), “Stop fighting. ,

We now have more important things to do. “

“Why are you here?”

Amberley was surprised: “The breath I felt in the ventilation duct before, didn’t you still have out of control, Michael and the others,

Why are you the only one? “


Tai Hao and Ge Rong Luoxing looked at each other, took a deep breath, and said solemnly: “They have been sealed by alien creatures…”


A lunatic is a lunatic!

The 39th floor of the lost world, the ant king ran wildly, roaring and screaming in his heart.

The previously short-lived [Arakawa] and the [Hyphopic Delusion] who defected from the other shore organization suddenly appeared in front of them, and they launched an attack without a word.

Arakawa recited scriptures and cast spells, causing the ant king and others to stumble and become sluggish,

Hypophobic delusional figure is erratic, and the dagger in his hand is ordinary, but it can easily cut through any object, including metal shields, energy shields, and biological limbs.

Feathered Snake was the first to be exhausted, and a mistake made the hypochondriasis get close, and the dagger swung more than ten times in an instant, cutting the Feathered Snake into pieces.

Fortunately, Feathered Snake was equipped with props. Before being cut open, he took over his consciousness in an emergency, gave an order to surrender and retire, and escaped in a human form—just didn’t know if he could survive.

In the case of one person missing, the Ant King and Daikokutian, who had been chased and consumed by the insect swarm before, fell into an absolute disadvantage. If Arakawa was also restraining hypochondriasis,

The two players of the European Heavy Industry Group are afraid that they have become the souls of the sword.

Tap Tap Tap!

The sound of footsteps behind was dense and short,

Dashentian, who ran with the ant king, clenched his teeth,

Take out a pale, blood-filled skull from your backpack and throw it backwards.

Blood spilled from the skull, forming a huge scarlet curtain that blocked the tunnel behind.

“What other cards do you have, let’s play them now!”

Da Kui Tian drank the potion one after another, running with red eyes, staring at the ant king, and roaring in a low voice: “If this continues, we will either retire or die!”

Do you think I’m Doraemon? What do you want?

The ant king also roared in his heart, but did not show it on his face.

He does have the last hole card, but once it is used, he will not have the ability to follow-up combat,

It is equivalent to automatically withdrawing from the battle for the door, and all the previous desperate efforts were in vain.

Maybe, you can wait a little longer…

Now the battle is so fierce, and there are swarms of worms who don’t know where they come from wantonly killing players,

Maybe in a few hours or even minutes, the number of survivors will drop below fifty, and the door will be directly opened for competition.

The ant king is at war between heaven and man, just as his face changes and he is indecisive,

The blood curtain in the rear tunnel was “stabbed” and opened at will,

The hypochondriac delusions of blood stained all over his body, smiling, raising his legs across the shrinking and shrinking blood curtain,

He holds a dagger in his right hand, and the collar of the unconscious Arakawa in his left.

“Don’t run.”

Hypophobic delusional laughing and throwing off the blood on the dagger, said gently: “You haven’t told me what happened to my brother Hei Shengzi in the script…”

! ! !

Da Kuroten and Ant King Han Mao stand upright, and they have seen Arakawa’s methods just now, and they are indeed worthy of his personal ranking of the thirty-eighth.

But now, he is being held in his hand by hypochondriasis seven places behind him.

And Dakokuten and Ant King didn’t even see how hypochondriasis solved Arakawa…


There is absolutely something wrong with this woman!

A look of determination flashed across Da Kui Tian’s face. He took out a bone that had been polished into a smooth ball from the back of his backpack and put it in his mouth. The muscles under his shoulder blades squirmed, as if something was about to grow. ..


An extremely shrill scream broke the depressing and chilling atmosphere.

The hypochondriac delusion subconsciously looked towards the left tunnel, and out of the corner of his eye caught a glimpse of the uncontrollable ecstasy look on the face of Da Kui Tian.

The tunnel on the left, something seems to be running…

The pupils of hypochondriacal delusions suddenly dilated, it was the sea of ​​worms, a mighty sea of ​​worms that almost filled the entire tunnel.

What is this?

Seeing the hypochondria of the swarm for the first time, I subconsciously raised the dagger and swept forward.

The soldiers rushed in front, their carapace cracked a crack parallel to the ground, and rolled uncontrollably to the ground,

But there are hundreds of similar species in the back, which instantly took its place and charged towards the hypochondria.


Dakkutian laughed wildly, turned and ran away.

The next second, he saw that the road ahead was also swarming with worms…

Fear, despair, shock and consternation, two emotions flooded my heart one after another.

The former is because the number of worms is far beyond imagination. Even if Dasuotian reveals his trump card and incarnates as a four-armed Dakongtian, I am afraid that he will not be able to defeat a sea of ​​worms of this scale.

The latter, because of the appearance of these hive units.

It’s so similar.

It’s so similar.

Red fire ants, leaf-cutting ants, Australian giant ants, black ants, large toothed ants, Argentine ants…

These worm nest units are all ants that have been magnified countless times,

From the shape, body structure and even the reflective pattern of the carapace on the body surface, all of them are exactly the same as the various ants summoned by the ant king before,

It’s just that there are many more standard weapons for Beast-level soldiers.

“It’s really you!”

Da Heitian stormed back ten meters away and said sternly: “Why? Are we not companions? The Feather Snake was cut into pieces because your bugs consumed it to the point of lack of spiritual power!”

“It’s none of my business!”

The ant king, who was also shocked and stunned, roared: “This is not my summon…”


The figure of hypochondriasis disappeared in place, and the next second, she appeared behind the ant king, with the dagger in her hand lightly resting on the latter’s neck.

“Get your ants away!”

Hypnophobia whispered, her tone no longer frivolous and gentle, “Otherwise, I will cut off your head before you give birth to the idea of ​​​​retiring from the competition and your facial expressions and muscles change.”

So it’s not my ant ah ah ah ah!

The ant king roared wildly in his heart, and the blade of the dagger pressed against his neck, making him completely afraid to move.

A strange thing happened. After he was held hostage by hypochondria, the ant colonies that had blocked the tunnels suddenly stopped charging.

Countless ants touched each other’s tentacles, and the red fire ants in the front row knelt down together, bowing their heads reverently as if they were worshipping a king.

Hypnophobia and Da Kuro looked at each other, and could clearly see the shock in each other’s eyes.

The rustling sound of crawling is as dense as rain, and the insect tide follows the road when it came, and retreats back on the original road.

Leaving only three stunned players standing silently.


Da Kuro Tian took a deep said slowly: “Ant King, let’s cooperate,

I know now, you are worried that the official world will find out that you control the swarm, fear your strength, and attack you in the real world,

That’s why I hide my abilities.

Fortunately, the detector wasn’t here just now, so it didn’t capture the image just now.

Only the three of us know your details.

I can sign a contract for the production of the system with you, and as long as you can keep us safe, we will never say this. “

Hypophobic delusional eyes narrowed, maintaining the posture of holding the ant king, “As long as you tell me the story of my brother’s death, I am also willing to cooperate.

Even if it protects you from advancing to the gate battle, there is no problem in obtaining the gate. “


The ant-king looks stiff.

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