Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 845: Shadow

Latest URL: Two shining lights, speeding through the 44th floor of the Lost World

It is Liu Wulan, who is driving a hoverbike, and Li Ang, who is riding a fearful horse.

The two drove through the winding tunnel, and dozens of drones flew in the air to detect the road ahead and draw a map.


Liu Wulan, who hung his motorcycle helmet on the back of the hoverbike, glanced left and right, only the roar of the engine and the sound of horse hooves in the dark space, such a big movement did not attract any beasts.

To be precise, starting an hour and a half ago, the 47th, 46th, 45th, and 44th floors of the Lost World suddenly became quiet.

The beast disappeared,

The security guards who burrowed into the cracks and pipes in the walls also disappeared, not even Liu Wulan and Li Ang when they took amber energy from the edge of the wall on the 47th floor of the Lost World.

What the **** happened?

Liu Wulan silently pondered the various unreasonable signs and the reasons behind it.

After the security guards disappeared, she and Li Ang dug up the pipes in the 47-story wall. Inside the pipes were layers of metal material that looked like dragon scales.

The more you dig in, the stronger the metal becomes,

Amber energy flows from the gaps in the metal material layer.

I don’t know what happened to the lost world’s energy system,

It’s still Liu Wulan and Li Ang’s mistakes,

In short, the amber energy flowing out of the pipeline is much less than before, and it can only be extracted with a pipe, which can only barely extract the share of a gasoline barrel.

Perhaps, that’s one of the reasons why the security guard went missing….

Liu Wulan glanced at the cartoon titled “When the Stars Return 3” placed in the suspended motorcycle basket.

This comic, which they found from the security guard’s lair on the 47th floor, is located in the abdominal cavity of a security guard’s body that they had previously smashed and dragged away by a companion.

Apart from the content of the comics, the appearance of comic paper is very strange,

Such brand new paper is certainly not handed down from the collapse of the lost world civilization.

I don’t know if the security guards have 3D printing capabilities,

Somewhere in the lost world, there is a factory that makes paper…

The sound of wings flapping into the air was approaching, and thirty birds flew from the corner of the tunnel ahead, chirping.


Li Ang said something, patted the neck of the fearful warhorse lightly, the latter strode vigorously with its hooves, leaped over a protruding metal wreck, turned lightly, and drove into the corner.

These flying birds are of the same type as the biological weapons he used in the Birth of the Southern King script mission and the stage of the Realm Corridor a long time ago.

But there is no psionic communication function,

Compared to other hive units that remove most restrictions,

There are also extreme differences in appearance shape, anatomical structure, DNA information, etc.——

The chromosomes of the newly hatched hive units are doped with a considerable number of nucleotide sequences of Earth humans and indigenous peoples of the Lost World (obtained from the skeletons of the dormant capsule),

Even if other forces capture the hive unit (usually difficult, the hive unit is set up with a program that disintegrates and explodes itself after being captured), DNA analysis will also consider the swarm to be a native creature of the lost world, or is an experimental species,

Or maybe it evolved after alien creatures devoured the corpses of players on Earth and the indigenous people of the Lost World.

Hundreds, nearly a thousand bird-shaped reconnaissance biological weapons, just in line with the status of “Li Risheng” and the level of strength he possesses.

Players of the same level with summoning skills are almost at this level – Li Ang chose to act together with Liu Wulan, and used the [Summoning Fear Horse] skill in front of the detector camera, just to further strengthen The impression that “Li Risheng is a second-tier player with summoning skills”,

Separate your identity from the worm nest.


Li Ang reminded, once again ordering the birds to explore the road ahead, driving the fearful warhorse around the corner, and heading towards the passage from the 44th floor to the 43rd floor.

In the magical link established by the worm nest relying on the evil **** figure, the messages sent by hundreds of brain worms echoed,

The war between the worm nest and the beasts, the proportion of the worm’s nest unit’s battle damage, the process of the worm’s nest unit’s genetic disassembly of the skeletons of the indigenous people, the worm’s nest reconnaissance unit to track and monitor the player’s situation, the worm’s nest’s treatment of captured players Disposition plan…

The Lost World’s absorption of divine power is relatively weak, but not completely absent,

The farther the distance is, the greater the consumption of information transmitted by the divine link, and the worse the effect.

Therefore, Li Ang only sent the scout worms to each floor. For the brain worms, he arranged for them to go to the 46th floor first, and with the advantage of his troops, he eliminated the security guards stationed there.

Before Liu Wulan, he discovered the secret of the energy pipeline – the amber-shaped energy is transported from the lower layer to the upper layer.

After discovering this, Li Ang ordered the worm nest to be relocated collectively, going over the 45th, 44th, 43rd, and 42nd floors, directly to the 41st and 40th floors, and built a total of four new worm nests relying on the abandoned city close to the edge walls.

For the sake of mobile combat, the Hive Factory and other organs can be dismantled, packaged and taken away by Heavy Tank and Fortress Soldiers.

The giant elevators scattered all over the place also make it easier for the hive to move.

As soon as the worm nest is established, the energy pipeline will be collected in a depleted and fishing manner, and the amber energy will be fully exploited——

According to the 55th to 38th floor map developed by Scout Soldiers, the Lost World is olive-shaped as a whole, narrow at the top and bottom and wide in the middle. There are a total of 50 energy pipes that wrap the Lost World.

There are two Hive Cities on the 41st and 40th floors. Each Hive City controls and mines three energy pipelines, adding up to twelve pipelines.

This behavior immediately attracted the attention of security guards,

Security guards on the upper and lower floors were dispatched collectively to attack the hive.

After the previous waves of attacks were repelled, the security guards of various types immediately changed their mode of action, driving a large number of mechanical beasts to wage war. The two sides fought fiercely around the hive city, and countless beasts and soldiers died.

The number of beasts in the lost world is difficult to calculate, but the number of beasts that security guards can call is limited within a fixed period of time. It takes time to deter the beasts, and it also takes time to drive the beasts to the worm nest.

The portable worm nest hatching factory can collect dead worms on the battlefield, absorb, digest, decompose, and use the hatching pool to quickly mass-produce – the high calorific value of amber energy is comparable to an accelerator,

Not only can it provide energy for the hive factory to speed up production, but it can also be loaded into the body of a high-level hive unit, saving biomass energy and saving the time required for hatching and modulation.

In the local battlefield, the worm nest undoubtedly has the leading advantage (the speed of reproduction and reproduction of mechanical beasts is much faster than the current robot assembly line, but it is still too slow compared with the worm nest hatching factory),

With the help of the intelligence network established by the scouts, the cerebral worms analyze the army of the beasts called by the security guards, and plan the production work.

Always maintain the local military advantage of the four worm hive cities, and will not be engulfed by the torrent of machine beasts.

When the worm nest collects the energy in the pipes of this layer, it can move again, with the help of the giant elevator, continue to the lower floor, mine the amber energy there, and produce more units.

Li Ang, located on the 45th floor, can remotely control the insect nest with the help of divine link,

It can also allow the identity of “Li Risheng” to maintain the link of divine power and draw a clear line with the worm nest while continuing to advance to the floor below.

All links are under Li Ang’s calculations, but his mood is still solemn.


A loud and dull sound came from above the dome again, the dome shook and trembled, and the rubble splashed and fell.

“The interval between loud noises has been shortened again.”

Liu Wulan’s voice is still clear in the roaring engine of the hoverbike, “It has been two hours and forty-nine minutes since the last sound.”

“Is the gradient accelerated down?”

Li Ang frowned slightly and murmured: “Perhaps as guessed, the Lost World is gradually compressing the player’s activity space…”

Some of the soldiers he sent out to probe upstairs have determined that the upper floor is indeed collapsed. As for the cause of the collapse, it is still under investigation.

However, the other piece of information he has in his hands is quite special.

In some security guards of various models, there are comics of the same type of “When the Stars Return” series,

After the war with the beasts during this period of time, the Hive has seized a total of seven copies, three of which are the same, and four are 2, 3, 6, and 8.

The protagonist is a pink-skinned humanoid creature and a humanoid clownfish who is the adopted son of the former. The comic style is stunning and the story style is similar to a road movie.

The two appear to be traveling through the disordered wasteland world, with a purpose, to a special location.

Hive tries to capture, control some security guards, and get more information on the lost world,

But so far, none of the security guards have been effectively captured – they all disintegrate when captured.

As for those players who were accidentally involved in the war between the hive and the beast, and were finally captured by the hive…

Killing directly is the most wasteful, and may allow Hive units to obtain player qualifications and spawn swarm players who can travel through many worlds, thereby putting Li Ang at risk of losing absolute control over the Hive.

In the previous war between the worm nest and the robot beast, the worm nest has been exposed to the sight of other players,

Fortunately, these people, as in Li Ang’s plan, believe that the hive is the native creature of the lost world (such as the runaway creation in the laboratory, such as the beast), no one would think that such a large-scale biological weapon race , will be controlled by some or even a certain player.

Since it has been exposed, it is necessary to maximize the benefits.

After thinking for a while, Li Ang immediately issued an order to the brain worms in each worm nest, so that they immediately began to torture, interrogate, research and analyze the captured players.

(The evil **** figure is placed in the No. 1 worm nest on the 41st floor, and other worm hive cities use psionic energy to connect with No. 1 worm nest, and then the brain worm of No. 1 worm nest, with the help of the evil **** figure, will Information relayed to Li Ang)

Players who can squeeze into the top 300 have more or less unique skills,

As long as the Hive can guarantee absolute control over these players, the potential benefits far outweigh the risks.

Of course, Li Ang is not a devil after all,

Will not slice the player,

As long as the value is drained, they will still be able to leave the lost world safely-as for the form of life existence, it is not within Li Ang’s consideration.

The summoning time of the fearful warhorse is about to end, Li Ang slowed down, turned over and dismounted, and threw a carrot at the horse that was about to disappear.

Take a few steps forward, looking at the deep, dark tunnel in front of you that leads directly to the lower floor, and said in a low voice, “In front of you is the passage from the 44th floor to the 43rd floor.”

Liu Wulan also got off the hoverbike, picked up the comic “When the Stars Return” that couldn’t be put in the backpack, put it into the backpack, and said softly: “There are many beasts crawling on the edge of the tunnel, leaving behind scratches.

And the traces are still brand new. “

Li Ang said solemnly: “Judging from the number and density of scratches, the machine beasts on this floor may have gone through this passage to the lower floor for some unknown reason, and eventually disappeared.”

“…I have an ominous premonition. On the floor below, there seems to be an evil and deep shadow…”

Liu Wulan silently stared at the pitch-black tunnel, paused for a moment, and said slowly: “Let’s go, after all, we have to go to the lower floor.”


Li Ang nodded, stretched out his hand to hold down the metal ruins by the roadside, forged two iron chains, fixed them on the wall, and together with Liu Wulan, held the chains and descended into the depths of the tunnel.


“The swarm…the big stock…the ant king…help…”

In the communication equipment there is an intermittent noisy human voice, which lasts for a while, the signal is interrupted, and only the noise remains.

The young man with dark complexion and fangs in his mouth stood on a pile of ruins, holding a communicator, his face changed slightly.

He is [Big Black Sky], ranked 42 on the personal combat power list, and belongs to the European Heavy Industry Group. Like Nina in “Wind Chaser”, he is from India.

But unlike the latter, his caste in India in the real world is Brahman, born in a noble family, and has a lot of influence in all walks of life in northern India.

Correspondingly, he possesses the power system inherited from the legendary Mahakala.

“The Swarm…”

Dashuitian read the voice from the European Heavy Industry Group’s communicator, turned to look at the man in the suit sitting in the corner, and said solemnly: “Ant King, why did he say your name?

Is it related to you, the swarm that has been chasing us before? “

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