Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 837: Thunderwolf (Quad K)



On the 20th floor of the Lost World, Ding Shinji was driving the [Shan Hai Kui Niu] mecha and walking on the silent hanging ladder.

The military searchlights on both sides of the mecha cockpit emit bright brilliance, illuminating the road ahead and the cliff below the hanging ladder as bright as day.

In terms of the 79th individual combat power, Ding Shinji’s behavior of turning on the lights may be a bit arrogant, but after seeing the group of people behind him, this behavior becomes reasonable.

Two colleagues from the Special Affairs Bureau who also drive the [Shan Hai] series of mechas,

The personal combat power ranking is 67th sword king [Chi Xiao], 77th sword king [Juque], 68th ingenious guild [Zhiming], and 51st phantom ring guild president, [Huan Yue].

Ding Shinji initially teleported to the 21st floor. After repelling a wave of machine beast attacks, he explored downwards, gradually encountered other people, and worked together to repel the attack of the European Heavy Industry Group players.

The Court of Swords and the Guild are established in the East and have a good relationship with the Special Affairs Bureau.

And Huan Yue, as the president of Huan Yue Huan Guild, the daughter of Datuk of Malaysia, the actual manager of the black market in Malaysia,

She has a noble status in the real world, combining power, money and power.

According to outside rumors, the hereditary royal family has more than once selected outstanding royal children and wants to marry them and consolidate the relationship between the two parties.

Because of this, Huan Yue’s identity is particularly sensitive, Ding Shinji and others are not good at directly shouting at her in front of the camera – Huan Yue is not only the strongest local supernatural person, but also has a prominent official identity. , at any time, it is possible to directly control the power and become the leader of the neighboring region.

What’s more, Huan Yue’s ancestors also have Cantonese blood, which is barely a kinship.


A dull sound came from the upper floor, and the seven people stopped one after another, looked up, and looked at the dome that kept shaking off the dust.

After a moment, the sound stopped, Ding Shinji looked down at the time in the lower right corner of the cockpit display screen, and said solemnly: “Twelve hours, 2.783 seconds.”

Now that 12 hours have passed since the player teleported into the Lost World, this is the fourth full floor shake.

“The vibration interval is shorter than last time.”

Chi Xiao frowned slightly and muttered to himself: “I don’t know what’s going on upstairs… How about Chengying, Yuchang and the president…

Damn, the building materials here are outrageous in absorbing energy,

The communication device with a unit price of nearly 4,000 game coins bought from Whale Song, the contact distance is only 3 kilometers without any obstruction,

Whenever a wall is blocked on the road, the contact distance will plummet, and it is no different from shouting.

Wouldn’t Whale Song sell us fake and shoddy defective products?

“It won’t.”

Zhiming, with a flat head, glasses, and an ordinary engineering man’s attire, turned his head and explained, “The communicator produced by Whale Song is indeed of excellent quality, and we have imported several of them. What’s the problem.

It’s just that the metals here are too special – for this, I have collected a lot of samples, and when I get them to the outside world, I will definitely be able to promote the development of materials science in the real world,

Maybe it can also solve the problem of extraordinary people’s huge destructive power to conventional building materials…”


Ding Shinji seemed to have heard something, his face changed suddenly, and he raised the arm of the Kui Niu mecha.

The others stopped talking instantly, and as the Kui Niu mecha turned off the lights, they turned off the light source in their hands one after another, returning the area to darkness.

A moment later, Ding Shinji’s voice sounded, “It’s all right.”

The Kui Niu Mecha turned on the light again, and Ding Shinji nodded apologetically to the others, “I’m sorry, I may have heard it wrong just now.”

“Would you like to take a break?”

Ju Que frowned and said, “You’ve been driving this mech, are you okay?”

With Juque’s knowledge, it is natural to see that Ding Shinji’s body has a few pounds and a few taels.

I know that most of the latter’s abilities are all on this Kui Niu mecha.

The other two Secret Service pilots will take turns driving the mech,

Leave the cabin at regular intervals to keep the mech in a state of automatic walking while hanging outside the cabin.

It can be seen that the process of driving a mecha is by no means easy, and it is likely to consume a considerable amount of sanity, spiritual and physical energy, and it is also passively consumed.

“Not serious.”

Ding Shinji gave a wry smile, did not explain to Juque that he was different from a regular driver, and said loudly: “Do you still have the strength?

Let’s fix for 30 minutes on the strongest rock ahead, and move on to the edge of the lost world later. “

On the 20th floor of the Lost World, there are a lot of cliffs with extremely smooth walls on both sides, and only a hanging ladder in the middle can pass.


The others agreed and came to the hanging ladder platform.

The young driver driving the [Shan Hai·Qu Ru] mecha placed a small rubber ball on the hanging ladder. The ball expanded rapidly and quickly expanded into a semi-transparent giant hamster ball tent, isolating the air and detection methods .

The crowd stepped into the hamster ball,

Zhiming sat on the ground of the tent, took out the instant lunch box in the space equipment, heated it a little, and ate it by himself – not eating alone, but players generally bring their own food,

Only the most familiar and most trusted people can exchange and share food and medicine.

Chi Xiao and Ju Que were eating their own energy food, while Huan Yue didn’t take out the food, but just sat in the corner, calmly polishing the crescent-shaped wheel-shaped metal weapon.


The older [Shanhai·Hujiao] driver let the enlightened driver rest in the advanced tent, while he stood outside the tent while driving the mecha, and said to Ding Shinji on the communication channel of the Shanhai mecha: “You and Kui Niu has the deepest integration, and consumes the most Sanity.

You too, take a break and sleep in your sleeping bag for a while.

I’m here. “

“No need for Uncle He.”

Ding Shinji shook his head and said softly, “In my current state, I can’t sleep even if I want to. The ingenuity of the Kui Niu mecha has been roaring in my mind.”


The driver known as Lao He frowned, “Murderous impulse?”


Ding Shinji said slowly: “Its voice is full of anger… and fear.

As if being stared at by another beast, he let out a threatening roar.

There is something lurking in this space that keeps Kui Niu’s ingenuity under constant vigilance.

The further you go, the more uneasy you feel. “

“…Are you sure?”

Lao He took a deep breath. The ingenuity of the Shanhai mecha is essentially the soul fragments contained in the corpses of the alien beasts in the prisoner’s cave.

The life personality is far beyond human beings.

Things that can make Kui Niu’s cleverness feel afraid…


Ding Shinji nodded heavily, “There must be something hidden on the edge of the lost world, which is related to the background setting.”


Lao He took a deep breath and said solemnly: “In this case, we need to send this information to the outside world as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, the detector’s camera mechanism is highly intelligent, and there is no way to keep the camera locked by ‘injuring allies with negligible micro-attacks’.


Lao He’s complexion changed sharply, the yellow and red mecha suddenly raised his right arm, blocking the front of the cockpit, and the arm armor extended out a circular shield like a peacock opening screen. .

But, it’s too late.

A one-meter-long metal rod flashing with electric lights shot from a distance, and instantly penetrated the arm armor of the [Shan Hai · Tiger Jiao] mecha that had not been fully unfolded, and shattered the entire mecha. upper body.

A large amount of metal debris flew out, and Lao He, who was blasted out of the cockpit by the shock wave, was covered with torn wounds all over his body,

The more subtle and more serious injuries caused by the vibration of the internal organs caused him to cough up a large mouthful of blood and fall into a coma.

The combat anti-G suits worn by each mech pilot played a role at this time,

Automatically tighten the surface of the anti-G suit to stop the bleeding of the wound, use the syringe inside the suit to inject a large amount of first aid potion,

And according to the user’s physiological data, and mental state,

Directly take over the brain and issue a surrender order.

Lao He’s figure disappeared in mid-air,

Before Ding Shinji could breathe a sigh of relief, another metal rod struck from a distance and shot at the cockpit of the [Shan Hai·Kui Niu] mecha.


A crescent-shaped metal weapon suddenly flew out of the hamster ball,

While tearing apart the hamster ball tent, it also hit the metal rod.

The blast shock wave is visible to the naked eye,

Ding Shinji clearly saw that the metal rod was divided into two parts, and fell into the bottomless cliff.

As for the crescent-shaped weapon belonging to Huan Yue, it only retreated 30 meters. In a blink of an eye, it was pulled by invisible force and flew back to Huan Yue, whose face was pale.

The word enemy attack no longer needs to be shouted,

A phantom of the detector loomed high in the sky,

The multi-functional detection and early warning system of the Kui Niu Mecha automatically analyzes the flight trajectory of the metal rods, and immediately locks the direction of the enemy’s attack – kilometers away, with a narrow wall.

There, a figure wearing a black leather coat and an opaque motorcycle helmet is squatting on the ground, holding a metal club more than one meter in his left hand, and his entire right arm has turned into a long and cumbersome railgun , the muzzle points to where Ding Shinji and others are.

Syndicate’s [Supercritical]…

The one standing with him was a tall and sturdy young man [Thunder Wolf Wang Hu] wearing a simple fighting suit.

Seeing that he was discovered, Wang Hu had no idea of ​​escaping with his companions, strode out of the narrow gap in the wall, came to the middle of the hanging ladder, and looked at Ding Shinji and others in the distance.

Without any hesitation,

Qu Ru and the Kui Niu mecha pulled the trigger directly towards Wang Hu, launching the cannonball chain,

The missile bay on the back of the mech also launched dozens of miniature missiles, dragging the tail flame and flying towards Wang Hu.

However, Wang Hu just bent his knees and jumped.


His body jumped up like a cannonball, and slammed it down again, causing the suspended ladder to tremble frantically and almost collapse.

The ground beneath the mecha’s feet shook slightly, and the chain of mecha shells that spread death brushed past Wang Hu.

As for those tiny missiles…

Wang Hu grew out of nowhere a large number of pale, flying electric hairs,

The already burly and sturdy figure has expanded further.

Like a wolf-shaped beast surrounded by thunder.


The sound of dense air breaking sounded,

A part of Wang Hu’s body suddenly sharpened under the action of lightning, and as he shook his back, he shot out, puncturing and detonating all the miniature missiles.

The whole person, or the Thunder Wolf Warcraft, fell towards Ding Shinji and the others like a shooting star.


The young pilot of Qu Ru Mecha, who witnessed the senior who was like a teacher and a father, was severely injured and flew, and he didn’t know his life or death.

At this moment, he was furious and he took a step forward. The giant halberd in his hand buzzed and slashed towards the wolf-shaped beast.

“Be careful!”

Ding Shinji’s pupils shrank,

I saw the fur on the back of the Thunder Wolf beast extending suddenly, wrapping around the handle of the halberd, preventing the halberd from slashing the body,

The Thunder Wolf himself, with a sensitivity level that was inconsistent with his body, suddenly turned his body, and two pairs of wolf claws grabbed the right arm of Qu Ru Mecha and pulled it hard.

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka –

The parts of Qu Ru’s mecha splattered like popcorn. Accompanied by the shrill screams of the driver, the entire right arm of the mecha was torn apart and fell to the ground with a thud.


A red light flashed, Chi Xiao pulled out the long sword on his waist, and the scarlet sword qi forced the Thunder Wolf back,

Ju Que also pulled out the black iron sword, which was used as a shield to block the electromagnetic cannon fired by the [Supercritical].

Ingeniously, he took out a half-wood, half-iron flat box at some point and aimed it at Thunder Wolf.

The box was seven inches long and three inches thick, and the words “blood must be seen when it comes out, ominous when empty” is engraved on the surface of the box in small seal script.

Magic Moon holds the suspended moon wheel with one hand, the moon wheel rotates lightly, and the faint light of the emergency light is reflected on the sharp blade surface.

Surrounded by a heavy siege, Wang Hu was not nervous or flustered. In his thunder wolf form, he slowly stood up, clenched his wolf claws, and released lightning to turn the metal parts he scratched into powder.

In Ding Shinji’s hand, the [Insect Sound High-frequency Cutting Knife] hummed. He took a step forward and glanced at the state of his companions–Qu Ru mecha broke his arm, and the pilot in the cockpit,

In the attack just now, his arm was scratched by a mechanical The entire right hand was **** and was being treated with hemostatic gel in the combat anti-G suit.

“You have courage.”

Huan Yue said softly: “But you are just two of you, are you not afraid that you won’t be able to get out?”

“Is it useful to have more people?”

Light laughter came from below the hanging ladder, everyone’s faces changed, and they turned to look at the left side of the hanging ladder – there, from the abyss cliff, an orange flame slowly rose,

In the flames, a short, blond girl with a lazy expression, holding a lollipop in her mouth, said with a sneer: “If there are many people useful, others can simply surrender to the European Heavy Industry Group, what else can they fight for.”

Thirty-second in personal combat power, and the third seat in the syndicate, [Burning Fire].

Ding Shinji’s breathing was stagnant, and he was holding four extra belts in his wildly burning hands. Two of the belts still had blood that had not completely dried up…

“The Combat Power Ranking Sys Biotechnology Company, [Barbatos],

No. 87, Vice-President of the Thousand-Mawed Beast [Sideless Sliding],

No. 47, European Heavy Industry Group, one of the seven seas, [mother tree]

34, the vice-chairman of the Thousand-Mawed Beast [Evil Eye]. “

Fiercely lit his tongue, moved the lollipop to the other side of his mouth, and casually counted the origins of these blood-stained belts.

She looked at the people with ugly faces, and smashed the candy with a smashing sound, with an evil and playful smile on the corner of her mouth, “You…how can you rank?”

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