Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 835: Energy (Four K)

The four were worried that there might be memes in the comics, so they didn’t show the comics directly to the camera (although they also knew that real-world live streaming servers had installed software to counteract the effects of memes),

Instead, Nina’s finger released a laser to write a text that briefly summarized the comic information.

The cover of the ninth volume of the comic series “When the Stars Return” is a coral reef in a blue ocean. On the coral reef lies a conch, and a few green seaweeds extend from the conch.

The comics are full-color, hard-paper, photorealistic, colorful and layered, with great appeal and emotional tension. Compared with children’s and youth comics, they are more like a work of art.

There is no publication time, author, script, painting and other information in the comic, only the words [Homeland Publishing House] are printed on the back of the book.

As for the content…

At the beginning of the ⑨ comic, it was a red high-power unlicensed convertible driving on a wild road. On the driver’s seat of the car sat a pink-skinned humanoid creature without hair, nose, or eyebrows. The face is old, the expression is determined and indifferent, and the body is muscular,

Wearing a trench coat, hat, a cigar in his mouth, a silver cross necklace on his chest, and a revolver on each waist.

Sometimes he cites scriptures and tells some mysterious fables and life philosophies. He may be a priest.

In the back seat of the car, there is a clownfish.

Orange-yellow skin, with white markings around the body, also erect feet like a human, looks more immature,

Judging from the way of dialogue between the two parties, the clownfish may be the adopted son (or adopted daughter) of the pink-skinned priest. The clownfish is hermaphrodite, showing no features when young, males can become females, and females cannot become males. From the style of painting, This clownfish has clear eyes and beautiful eyes, and it is difficult to distinguish between genders, and it is not mentioned in the comics).

The two “people” seem to have experienced something before, and they are not in a good mood.

During the awkward chat, the two sides drove across the wilderness, and the clownfish finally summoned the courage to propose to the priest that they didn’t want to move on, they should find a place, such as the sea anemone jungle, to live there.

The priest was silent for a long time, saying that when the dust settles, he will help the clownfish realize this ideal.

After driving for a while, the vehicle finally came to a tall metal fortress.

The gate of the fort is closed, and the city walls are more than ten meters high with machine gun turrets. There are barbed wire and trenches outside the gate. I don’t know what they are guarding against.

The clownfish was a little scared and asked if this was really the residence of the pastor’s old friend,

The priest nodded, turned off the car, and walked to the front of the metal fort with his hands raised, shouting that he was here for friendship.

In the fort, a cannon is raised, and a huge LCD screen is installed above the cannon.

The machine gun was loaded, and the head of a human woman appeared on the LCD screen, and said to the priest with a blank face, his friend was dead, and now the fort is under her control.

This is where the comics come to an abrupt end.

“In general, the comic style is realistic and exquisite, and the use of color is skillful, which can be called a work of art.”

Nina concluded: “This may be a literary and artistic work in the style of a road film. The protagonist takes a journey as the background, experiences various events, completes life experience, changes his mind, and realizes his life goals and self-worth.

Such as “Journey to the West”, “The Last of Us Part 1”, “The End of the Road”, “American Gods” and so on.

However, due to the lack of front and back plots, the names of the characters are unknown, and the details of the story are unknown.

The player we defeated earlier was attacked during the powder replacement process. And got this comic from the body of the security guard who came to attack.

If you can get a few other comics, maybe you can complete all the comics plots, and then deduce the backstory of the lost world, so as to survive better. “

“That’s right.”

Eva on the side nodded and said, “I personally think that maybe this comic has a very special meaning for security guards, so that they have to hide the brand-new comics in their bodies.

When there are more of us and we accumulate more power, we will take the initiative to remove the belts, induce security guards to attack, and get more cartoons,

Even followed security guards to their lair, looking for…”

While speaking, the detector in the sky suddenly disappeared.

Eva’s speech rate also slowed down at any time, and slowly added the second half of the sentence, “…the possible printing equipment – this comic is too new.”

“The detector is gone.”

Pei Youzhen frowned slightly and sighed, “It is estimated that the observation time has come, or a battle broke out elsewhere.”

“But we have already passed the information to the outside world. As for how the outside world analyzes it, it is their business.”

Qin raised her feet carelessly, put it on the bench opposite the bamboo basket, and said lazily: “By the way, Eva, you should turn on the ventilation system of the [Swaying Camping Bamboo Basket] a little bit stronger. It’s time for dinner.

I have hamburgers, pizza, ice Coke and many other dishes in my storage gear. What do you want to eat? “

“Are you here to fight or to camp?”

Eva’s eyes twitched and she scolded: “[Swaying Camping Bamboo Basket] can block odors, but the stronger the ventilation system is, the greater the consumption of my spiritual power.

Eat some high-energy drinks and food, and bear it. “


Qin screamed: “Those beverages and food are too unpalatable. They are the same as the hybrid product of slime, snot and slug. There are also hard energy blocks like peanuts in it. Every time I eat it, I feel like I want to lose weight. ten years.

Are you expecting me to die early and become the team leader and take over the talent? “


Eva sneered: “Just the brain of a cheerleader girl like you, I buy a rose flower, put some poison in the flower, and then lie to you that it is from your admirer,

You’ll all smile and take a big sip and show us off the flower. “

Qin said with a shocked expression: “What?! You actually poisoned me!?”

“No! I’m just saying this assumption…”

“You really want to poison me!”

Qin looked alert and said firmly: “I knew I couldn’t trust you!”

“…Alas, there is no possibility of communication with a brain like you.”

Eva sighed and rubbed between her brows.

Nina was watching all this with a smile, when suddenly, the tablet on her lap vibrated, and a circle of red light lit up around the screen.

The four girls instantly calmed down from their state of laughter and play. Nina pressed her fingers frantically on the tablet, and softly reported a location, “3 o’clock, 2.5 kilometers. A drone was caught Ruined.”

“2.5 kilometers,”

Eva’s eyes flashed, “This is almost the limit detection range of a reconnaissance plane…

How is it destroyed, can you know? “


Nina nodded, “Before the drone was destroyed, the last video was transmitted back.”

The other three girls approached and looked at the tablet computer. The screen had already displayed a picture from the perspective of the night vision goggles——

The drone flies smoothly along the passage. The scanning device under the fuselage scans the spacious passage back and forth, measuring the terrain and detecting enemy tracks.

Suddenly, the drone seems to have detected something and rotates the camera sharply,

On the far wall of the dark passage, I saw a flying creature with wings on its back.

The creature crouched above the hanging ladder, its back covered with a solid carapace of chitin and metal, covered with spines and chimneys,

Under the wings with a wingspan of nearly three meters, an array of tentacle-shaped objects are parasitized, like missiles on an armed plane.

The creature’s mouth is wide open, with a hollow tube-like tongue,

A thorn silently shoots out of the middle of the tongue.

The spike pierced through the air, instantly spanning a distance of nearly a kilometer, and hit the drone—so that the latter didn’t even have time to fire the defensive cannon.

The screen stops abruptly.


Eva looked at the picture, the ferocious and ferocious creature that did not resemble the species on earth, and muttered to herself, “What the **** is this…”


The Lost World, Level 47.

“What’s wrong?”

Liu Wulan, who was riding on a hoverbike and wearing a fully enclosed protective suit, turned his head to the side and looked at Li Ang, who was riding on a fearful warhorse and suddenly turned his head.

The fear warhorse is no different from a normal horse, except that its coat is dark, its eyes are red, and its nostrils are sprayed with sulphur-smelling gas. The place where the four feet step on will burn a blue flame with no temperature, which lasts for 30 seconds. , will not burn the object.

In terms of action speed, the extreme movement speed of the fear horse is comparable to that of a sports car, and its adaptability to terrain is far better than that of conventional vehicles.

There are no stirrups and saddles – fear horses hate these two things, so the riding experience of low-level players is not good,

Players with weaker physiques may even bruise their internal organs from the bumpy ride.

However, with Li Ang’s current physical fitness, subduing the fearful warhorse is like playing. The latter seems to know this. After Li Ang fed a carrot, he obediently carried him through the structural city.


Li Ang turned his head and smiled.

It has now been several hours since he released the worm nest. The worm nest has absorbed the biomass in the 46-story landfill and began to expand upstairs and downstairs, looking for more sources of biomass.

Some newly produced scout bugs have also flown between the layers, exploring the terrain and searching for enemies.

During this process, it is inevitable to encounter machine beasts and other players.

Robotic beasts have an extremely strong urge to kill flesh-and-blood creatures, but the newly produced scout soldier insects are covered with several layers of translucent tight films, which can reduce part of the heat radiation.

The chimney-shaped organ responsible for absorbing oxygen and dissipating heat also has built-in specialized components that can mask the smell of living things emitted during breathing.

Avoid being discovered by the beasts early and attracting attacks.

The player, the scout bug, will not actively attack the player it encounters, but will first maintain a certain distance, hide itself, and continue to observe each other.

And feedback the observation results to the brain worms in the nest.

If the player is alert, the scout bugs will fly away quickly, and even burn themselves if necessary, giving the player no chance to capture biological samples.

Now the hive is not strong enough and still needs time to convert the biomass into enough troops.

Wait until the hive expansion is complete, the brainworm will change its strategy,

For example, let the scout insects lift their body restrictions, emit heat radiation and the smell of living things everywhere, attract the surrounding beasts to attack the player, and then observe more player data.

Or directly send troops to attack or even capture and kill hostile players…


There was a dull sound from the ceiling, the entire tectonic city was shaking, and the dome of the sky kept shaking off dust,

The terrified warhorse sneezed, sniffed in annoyance, and exhaled more sulphur-smelling gas.

Liu Wulan immediately glanced at his watch, “Six hours and 3.212 seconds…the second vibration.”

“The last shock was three hours after we teleported into the lost world?”

Li Ang frowned and said, “There is a vibration here every three hours? Is this some kind of signal, or a reminder of time?”

In ordinary decryption type script tasks, the prompt for time is often extremely important,

For example, every time a period of time, the monsters in the mission will be strengthened once, and if you don’t act quickly, you will inevitably be overwhelmed by monsters;

Or if you don’t find clues within the specified time, and rush to the corresponding place, you will be punished implicitly – losing a piece of equipment that could have been obtained.

“Not sure.”

Liu Wulan shook his head, glanced at the dome, and said softly, “The first sound was about three hours and 3.417 seconds.

The second time was six hours and 3.212 seconds.

The time interval is not exactly three hours. “

Li Ang raised his eyebrows, “Do you think this time difference has some special meaning?”

“It’s possible.”

Liu Wulan nodded and glanced left and right, “But the buildings here are of peculiar structure and special materials,

It’s hard to tell how close sound is to us based on how fast it travels through building materials.

Maybe it’s just that my location has changed, which caused the time difference. “


Li Ang nodded slowly. He was also very concerned about the sound, but the architectural structure of the Lost World is very complex, and the location of the passage between floors is not fixed, so he has to find it by himself.

Therefore, even the highest-ranked Scout Soldier has only reached the 50th floor.


Liu Wulan took a deep breath and stopped the hoverbike. Li Ang also got off the fearful warhorse, threw a carrot into the horse’s mouth, and ended the summoning skill.

In front of the two of them, is a thick, unimaginably tall metal wall, connected from the ground to the ceiling.

There is no trace of splicing of metal plates on the entire wall, and there are no parts such as rivets to fix it.

Only in the middle of the wall, it protrudes toward the direction of the construction city, forming a giant pipe-like outline.

In the outline of the pipeline, thousands of tiny metal conduits extend out, covering the entire wall like a creeper, extending all the way to the gaps in the walls on both sides and disappearing.


Liu Wulan was silent, took out a palm-sized instrument from the backpack, pointed it at the wall and pressed the button,

After a long time, he turned his head and said to Li Ang: “The material of this wall is completely different from other building materials, and the specific thickness cannot be measured.

This should be the edge of the lost world. “

Li Ang nodded, stretched out his hand and snapped the micro-catheter, but it didn’t move.

He frowned, took out the Overlord’s lance, exerted more force, and cut a micro-catheter.


The metal conduit hangs down like the body of a severed snake, and a brownish-yellow amber-like liquid drips from the conduit.

“This is… oil?”

Liu Wulan frowned, did not touch the amber-like liquid, but took out an observation instrument composed of an array of eyepieces from the backpack, and used the instrument to observe, “No, this is not oil,

But it also contains high-quality energy.

I need to collect a sample…”

“Don’t worry, we have guests coming.”

Li Ang turned around and looked to the rear—a large number of humanoid puppets slowly climbed out of the hanging ladders and broken pipes that formed the edge of the city.

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