Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 828: Expansion (Quad K)

“What a big move…”

Li Ang half-squatted on the ground, pressed the metal pipe with his palm, felt the violent vibration from the pipe, and said silently: “I don’t know if it’s a player or an indigenous monster…”

He has already left the previous dormant pod hall and scouted the vicinity – the buildings here can indeed absorb the energy of various forms of existence.

It has the strongest absorption effect on electromagnetic waves. After the unmanned reconnaissance plane flies a certain distance, it will lose contact.

The absorption effect of psionic energy is second, and the strength, distance, and stability of the psionic connection must be discounted.

However, the worm nest has experienced the era of using pheromones, sound waves, and light to communicate before, and even without psionic power, they can contact each other, not to mention Li Ang’s divine power network – the absorption effect of buildings on divine power is medium , as long as he spends his divine power, Li Ang can still contact every brain worm.

Relying on the feedback from a large number of scouts, Li Ang had a general idea of ​​the nearby terrain.

There are huge and complex building structures everywhere, walls, pipes, steps, suspended corridors, suspension bridges, and the wreckage of abandoned machinery with unknown functions everywhere.

There are at least two types of “mechanical creatures” living in the ruins.

The first category is called “machine beast” by Li Ang,

Usually inhabits semi-enclosed spaces such as broken pipes. They are small in size, in large numbers, and appear in clusters. They have a special hobby for flesh and blood life. After touching flesh and blood life, they will generate weapons and shred them, but not Eat flesh and blood.

Prometheus Labs and Whale Song, which produce and sell network intrusion devices and EMP electromagnetic interference devices, have no effect on them.

Psionics and swamp powers don’t kill them well either.

According to the observation of the soldiers, these mechanical creatures sometimes pick up abandoned machinery on the ground, drag it back to the nest, and dismantle it for self-replication to create more of the same kind.

It’s a bit like a mechanical beast without self-awareness and intelligence, only following instinctive activities.

The second category, called “builder” by Li Ang,

The number of builders is small but huge, each of which is comparable to a 10,000-ton ship,

They vary in shape and size, usually wandering around the building complex, picking up and devouring the mechanical wreckage on the ground, and casting the mechanical wreckage into basic materials in a place similar to a “forging furnace” inside the body,

Inside the space, build more walls, pipes, steps…

However, the builder’s intelligence is not higher than that of the beasts. Their activities are not planned, and their oversized bodies are rampaging around.

At the same time as the construction, the original building structure was also destroyed, so that the building complex was always kept in a state of chaos and disorder.

Li Ang believes that the builders may have some connection with the beasts, but no definite evidence has been found. In the past period of time, the builders observed by the soldiers did not reproduce themselves.

Usually, the beasts will actively avoid the builder,

Only in rare cases, the number of beasts reaching a critical point will be dispatched in groups to attack the builders-due to the difference in size between the two sides, it takes a long time for the builders to feel that they are being attacked, /

And their coping strategy is to increase the temperature of the power furnace and the forging furnace, making the body surface hot and hot.

Cooperate with slowly shaking the body, and throw all the dense mechanical beasts hanging on the body surface – but before being thrown off, the mechanical beasts have already stolen enough metal and parts from the builder, returned with a full load, and returned to the nest to continue. self-replication.

These two types of creatures constitute the ecological environment of the city, but Li Ang has not seen the [security guard] mentioned in the belt.

“The more than 2,000 soldiers that have been released now have been killed by the attack of the beasts, and the remaining 1,400 have already detected the level, and are gradually exploring towards the level.”

Li Ang said silently: “So far, I haven’t triggered a battle, and I haven’t been noticed by the detectors assigned by the system.

Or more than ten battles broke out elsewhere, leading to all detectors;

Either there was no fighting elsewhere, and ten detectors jumped randomly among the three hundred players, just not my turn.

The former is more likely, after all, there is a belt speed limiter,

Those players with rich detection methods and self-confidence are bound to take the initiative to attack, plunder others, or form gangs and go to the map to find radioactive powder.

However, as time goes on, the number of players continues to decrease, and the combat intensity will always drop below ten, and the possibility of my exposure to the camera will continue to increase…”

Li Ang’s biggest advantage over other players is his logistical combat capability.

If you want to defeat players from other forces and advance to the next round, you must use the worm nest…

“The nest can be released, but I can’t be exposed to the camera with the nest.”

Li Ang’s mind turned, his eyes seemed to have no waves, “In the previous stage, I used flying soldiers.

But there are hundreds of flying soldiers for reconnaissance alone,

It is not the same concept at all as a hive with a complete production and combat system.

The former can also be used to prevaricate the past with summoning-type skills and props.

Once the latter is exposed,

Other forces must consider it,

The insect nest can be called crazy expansion ability, environmental modification ability, and violent soldier ability.

Its users are very likely to obtain resources and substances from the real world and pose a huge threat to the ecological environment of this world.

This power should not be in the hands of an unrestricted, self-aware individual life. “

Li Ang paused for a moment and said to himself, “In other words, Risheng,

Then Li Risheng’s heavy identity will be suspected, hostile, investigated with unprecedented intensity, and even hunted down by the outside world.

The tacit relationship between Li Risheng and the Secret Service Bureau will also be broken. “

The current Hive has not grown to the point where it is not afraid of modern strategic weapons.

The history of mankind is a history of war. Humans who are born war mad have no opponents in the biological world. They turn their attention to their own kind, and constantly study the art and weapons of war.

Even without the use of nuclear weapons standing at the top of the world’s power,

Sub-nuclear weapons such as cloud bombs and thermobaric bombs are still enough to destroy mountains and seas, and destroy the worm nests whose coordinates are exposed.

“The only countermeasure of the worm’s nest is to release fungal spores, destroy the ecosystem, threaten and intimidate the forces of the world, and maintain the balance of terror.

However, this kind of countermeasure is still too passive, and it cannot guarantee the absolute security of Li Risheng’s identity.

The best way is to take precautions and prevent me from contacting the worm nest.

Can not be liquidated after leaving [Lost World],

It can also prevent the exposure of logistics capabilities and be discovered by other players in [Lost World], shelve disputes, work together, and solve me first…”

Thinking so, Li Ang stepped forward and came to an area that the scout soldiers had already detected.

The space here is huge and the area is huge. The dome above was just broken by a builder not long ago,

Through the dense pipes, the view of the upper layer can be seen.

There are many ground construction machinery, some of which can vaguely see the outlines of crushers, wood slicers, magnetic separators, and conveyor belts.

“Waste disposal center…”

Li Ang frowned slightly, crouched on the ground, and his palms wearing Mirage Dragon Red Hyena gloves scraped the sharp metal to reveal the gray-black soil below.

Fingertips extend out of plant fibers, pierce into the soil, extract and analyze components.

“The pH of the soil is moderate. The surface layer has a lichen formed by a symbiosis of fungi and algae, and the deep soil layer contains microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and algae.

I did not see small macro organisms such as earthworms and termites, but the total amount of air, moisture and accumulated biomass…

Enough is enough. “

Li Ang stood up from the ground and dragged out an automated pet breeding box disguised as a flat pyramid from the void. After confirming that there were no detectors around, he pressed his left hand on the side of the coffin, stretched his right hand forward, and opened his palm.

Let’s get started.

The special effects of the breeding box are activated,

From the palm of Li Ang’s right palm, a mass of moist purple-red egg-shaped objects more than three meters high was slowly “extruded”.

The egg is covered with a layer of translucent mucus, has a large network of protruding blood vessels on the surface, and is supported by a pedicle-like hard part at the bottom.

Bang, bang, bang.

Inside the egg-shaped object, there is a persistent and dull heartbeat,

The purple-red epidermis split into six neat vertical cracks, blooming like flowers.


In the egg-shaped object, a large amount of viscous liquid flows out,

A ferocious creature nearly three meters high stood quietly in the middle of the hard flower pedicle.

The creature was red and black as a whole, with a single horn nearly half a meter above its head,

The back is covered with a coleopteran-like carapace (the carapace is made of chitin mixed with high-strength metal), and the carapace has dense sharp spines,

There are eight chimney-like organs with pores all over the edge of the carapace. The chimney is full of capillaries and cilia, which can quickly expel heat, displace air, and provide necessary oxygen for organisms.

The chest of the creature, covered with metal plate armor made from the alchemy workshop [Mechanical Crafting Bench],

A total of six arms, four of which hold barbed serrated door-bone blades,

The other two hold the Carnivore Beetle Gun and the Acid Cannon.

Two recurve legs, strong and powerful,

The sole of the foot has four toes, three in the front and one in the back. Curved claws extend from all four toes, capable of digging deep into the smooth, solid surface of metal.

The thick and long tail up to two meters rapidly shrinks, bifurcates, and sharpens at the end,

Forms two slender blades that can easily cut through metal armor, as well as fire spikes and inject poison.

This ferocious and ferocious biological weapon with violent aesthetics, without any warning, opened the eyes under the huge head shell, the chimney-shaped organ on the edge of the carapace, erupting hot gas,

The residual mucus on the body dripped to the ground along the thorns of the carapace and the bone blade of the door.

The highest crystallization of the worm’s nest technology, the biological weapon that exists for killing, the extension and manifestation of the father’s will, the strongest carrier of the brain worm – the worm’s nest lord,

Looking at his creator, he bent his knees and fell to his knees,

The four door-bone blades pierced into the metal garbage and dirt without any hindrance,

The head with the blood-red sharp horns hangs down to the extreme,

Express the most devout and fanatical reverence to the Creator (if the two-knife turkey is here, it must be condemned that the angle of the bow is not low enough).


Li Ang said with a smile,

The hive lord named Cerberus (previously a cleaner in charge of cleaning the alchemy workshop) stood up silently, his feet bent, and the chimney-shaped organ behind his back erupted with white air waves like a long dragon,

Jumping with agility that doesn’t fit the huge body,

The hooks extending from the joints of the six arms and the legs nimbly cling to the edge of the construction machinery,

The entire lord quietly lay on the ground at the junction, guarding Li Ang.

One end, two ends…

Li Ang released a total of fifty-three Hive Lords as guards,

Subsequently, 227 brain worms without the body of the hive lord, a large number of worker worms as labor, and various huge and bizarre hive organ factories were taken out.

Spore smoke tower – purple-red tentacle-shaped, covered with holes, the effect is to erupt spores, assist the worker insects to produce a blanket, and transform the air composition;

Digestion tank – in the form of green acid, the effect is to recycle biomass;

Incubating worm nests – pyramid-shaped, connected to the digester through pipes, responsible for mass production of worker worms and soldier worms;

Gene bank – in the shape of a shell, it stores the genetic data collected by the nest in the past;

The huge alien organ fills the entire space,

The row upon row of spore smoke towers erupted with smoke;

The creep expands along the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye, penetrates deep into the bottom of the soil, and frantically absorbs all available biomass;

A large number of vascular hollow fleshy rhizomes inject biomass and nutrients from the digester into the pyramid-shaped hatching nest;

A large number of low-level worker insects reclaim the up the garbage that hinders the expansion of the creep,

Transport the mechanical remains of unknown functions to the hive center for dismantling research of brain worms,

Tens of thousands of squires, beasts, heavy machines, guards, and guards are quietly lying on the edge of the garbage dump, like a statue that has fallen into stagnation.

Li Ang stood at the top of the worm’s nest center, overlooking the strange space like an alien star.

This is the Hive Without Limits.

Li Ang flipped his palm and threw the evil **** figure.

Hive Lord Cerberus, who was lying on the top of the construction machinery, immediately inserted the four bone blades in his hands into the biological scabbard of the waist carapace,

Accurately caught the evil **** figure.

All the cerebral worms bowed in unison, watching Cerberus crash from the sky, holding the evil **** figure, and sending it into the miniature temple deep in the center of the worm’s nest.


With the Cthulhu figure placed at the top of the temple,

The chaotic and disordered beliefs of the cerebral worms were instantly unified, and a large amount of the power of belief flowed into the figure, which was transmitted to Li Ang through the mysterious and mysterious invisible power link.

“Holy! Lord of flesh and swamp of all things!”

The mighty and silent praise resounded in Li Ang’s mind. He accepted the reverence of creation indifferently, nodded, stepped on the invisible stairs, climbed up, and disappeared into the dim dome crack.

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