Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 812: Forgetfulness

Everyone is talking about us…

The mason resisted the urge to look left and right, without looking sideways, followed the brothers and sisters on the way to the mall.

This is actually the first time that a group of disciples has been syndicated to the outside world.

The top 50 out of control, Tai Hao, An Boli, and Crazy Burning Fire published their ids,

The 50 to 100 witches, Wang Hu and others have remained anonymous until recently, when their IDs were announced, which instantly exploded the entire forum.

All players are discussing how sacred this syndicate is and why it can have nine seats in the top 100, and the major forces are also full of vigilance against the syndicate.

“Uh… well, is it really okay for us to be so flamboyant?”

The mason hesitated for a moment, but asked in a low voice.

The perch in the anime shirt gave him a strange look, “What’s wrong with this, isn’t it normal for players to go to the game store to buy some equipment?”

But your level is too high. With so many people walking on the road, even a medium-sized guild would have to tremble when they saw it.

The mason smiled awkwardly, suddenly looking up as if he noticed something.

There are two teams walking side by side, talking and laughing, heading this way.

The leader on the opposite side was a blond young man with an angular face, handsome and tough like a statue, and it was the FBI’s Special Accident Division, David, who ranked tenth.

Walking side by side with him is the European Heavy Industry Group, ranked seventeenth, Dawn – a beautiful girl with short pink hair and a black dress.

Both of them are handsome men and beauties under the universal aesthetics. Just standing there, they have the atmosphere of a youth idol drama, and there is no sense of disobedience when they pull to shoot a commercial MV.

But what’s more interesting is the luxurious lineup behind the two.

“Abel in the eighth, Agares in the twelfth, Cain in the thirteenth, Colonial Isomorphism in the nineteenth, AIM in the twentieth, Aim in the forty-second Bit of the big karaoke…”

A passerby player not far from Li Ang couldn’t help taking a deep breath. His eyes were full of excitement, and he exclaimed in a low voice: “This is too fierce.”

“This wave, this wave is called the gathering of stars and the return of the gods.”

Another passer-by said in a low voice, “These people are not the same as the Syndicate,

Isomorphism of the colony has been eliminated out of control in the corridor of the realm,

AIM was eliminated by Taihao,

David himself has also been out of control in the sky arena. The two sides fought for hundreds of rounds, pure close combat, flattened the arena with one punch and one kick, and finally lost to out of control.

Are these two groups going to fight today? “


Wanli Fengdao raised his brows, looked at the two parties that were getting closer, and pulled his mammoth-headed brother back a few steps.

Li Ang also stepped back a distance, moved his palm, took out half of the frozen watermelon from the sodium ring, and by the way used alchemy to divide it into two pieces, cut a piece and handed it to Brother Xiaodao’s mammoth-headed brother.

While eating melon, I watched the two teams whispering, “Fight, fight!”

The melon eaters don’t think it’s a big deal to watch the fun, but David, who is the center of attention, doesn’t care much. He smiled and told a joke to the pink-haired girl [Dawn], which made the latter smile.

As the distance gradually narrowed, he turned his head and looked at the syndicates in front of him.

“Good afternoon everyone.”

David showed a perfect and elegant smile and said lightly: “Meet again.”

Tai Hao squinted his eyes and replied with a gentle smile, but when he lost control, he gave him a cold look without saying anything, very disrespectful.

That’s crazy.

This is the idea of ​​passers-by and the mason. Bass seems to have noticed the expression on the mason’s face, grinned, put his head next to the mason, and explained in a low voice: “Second senior brother is a martial arts madman, before he became a player. It is very good at fighting, and it is even more fatal training after becoming a player.

When he gets stronger and stronger, no one can beat him, and even the teacher finds him annoying, so he simulates the battle in his mind.

Fantasy about fighting with yourself with different weapons, in different venues, and in different states.

Hundreds of fantasy life-and-death battles are fought every day, and after the fights, you have to seriously review the game to see what went wrong.

His head is full of fighting material, and he is indifferent to the outside world.

So just remember what’s especially important, and what happened recently.

In short, our second senior brother…”


The mason added subconsciously, the bass hurriedly took a half step back, and waved his hand with a little guilty conscience: “This is what you said yourself, be careful not to be heard by the second senior brother.

Well…but it doesn’t matter, as long as you run fast enough, after four or five days he will forget about it…”

Passers-by are so arrogant and out of control,

The mason was stunned, while the witch, the lizard-headed Nessel, and the white-shirted boy LAN, who also knew the inside story, looked away in embarrassment, or scratched their heads—

Needless to say, Second Senior Brother, he definitely forgot the character of David, and he forgot that he had beaten each other. He is probably slowly recalling it now.

So embarrassing…

The scene fell into silence for a while, but finally the optimist Amberley broke the silence, looked at David and the others, and said with a smile: “Are you here to buy something?”


The beautiful girl with short pink hair [Dawn] nodded and smiled softly: “The penultimate round is about to begin. If you don’t prepare in advance, you may be eliminated immediately.

[The Lost World] is a global broadcast, and it will be too ugly if the much-anticipated result fails to advance.

It will disappoint my fans. “

A normal person adds the word “i” at the end of a sentence, it will look very pretentious,

But [Dawn]’s words with “what” are not uncomfortable – it may be her appearance and temperament, she is really innocent and gentle…

Of course, the innocence here is limited to appearance,

Only a fool would think that ranked 17th player would be a soft girl with no strength.

As the saying goes, the pinker the hair, the harder the beating,

Dawn, who uses summoning and driving mechas as her power system, but the top combat power of the European Heavy Industry Group, has proven herself in the Sky Arena and the Realm Corridor stage.

As for her fans…

[Dawn] In the real world, he is still a YouTube video blogger. He often uploads vlogs of his own driving mecha, and the number of fans has exceeded 10 million.

Most of them came to see the cute girl, only a few were real mecha chefs, drooling watching the mechas she drove.

How can a woman look good as a Gundam!

Driving a giant bipedal humanoid mech, galloping through space, and blasting grotesque alien creatures with beam sabers and cannons, this is a man’s romance!

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