Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 81: Manpower

[Renren Novel Network] The player is ferocious

The situation is much worse than expected.

The mutation caused by the Ajanta Grottoes spread to the whole of India in one day,

Then spread slowly towards South Asia, West Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia and other regions.

Many sectarian temple buildings, and even ancestral temples, sub-temples, temples, Nuo temples and other religious buildings,

Both have expanding apertures, engulfing the surrounding area.

The Global Occult Coalition and official organizations in South Asia have organized emergency dispatch to maintain order, effectively evacuate, and minimize losses as much as possible.

However, the first wave of losses has already been done,

On the third day of the mutation, the number of confirmed missing persons has risen to one million. The main missing persons are concentrated in India, and the rest are scattered in Southeast Asia and other places.

In the past three days, news media around the world have been reporting this unprecedented catastrophe,

Official organizations such as the Special Affairs Bureau and the Unusual Incident Division of the FBI,

On the one hand, a large number of personnel were dispatched to India to assist local agencies and the Global Occult Coalition to control the situation,

On the other hand, in the country, the city building plan is accelerated,

Concentrate the population in a building with stronger security and more anti-anomalous phenomenon devices.

Li Ang is also paying attention to the Ajanta Grottoes. The Hive secretly promotes the gene stealer plan in India, and parasitic attracts a large number of shallow believers.

The power of faith that these believers produce every day has previously exceeded that of the Hive Minds.

But this mutation disrupted the plan of the nest,

Official organizations in various regions, as well as private associations, have turned their attention to South Asia,

No one wants to see the cataclysm expand further,

It is unavoidable to conduct a major review of the Indian people-to count the population, transfer disaster victims, establish temporary collective housing, and even move the entire rural township to the urban fringe,

And then shrink the area for protection against abnormal events, thereby saving manpower and improving efficiency.

In this process, there is bound to be a physical examination and identity verification for the Indian people,

Hive Brainworm has done a lot of planning for the Gene Stealer program,

But still beware of those extraordinary people from all over the world, with a variety of special abilities, to prevent them from being discovered.

So for now, the Genestealer has to be temporarily suspended and fully dormant.


“The Buddha’s light across South Asia triggered by the Ajanta Caves also engulfed some of the gene-stealers,”

In the cabin of the Longqing Group cruise ship, Li Ang rested his chin with his left hand, sensing the data sent by the brain worm in the psionic network,

Swipe your mouse with your right hand to browse the forums for first-hand information about all parts of South Asia.

This time the Ajanta Grottoes have changed very strangely. The spread of Buddha’s light can almost be said to be unreasonable. As long as it is a sectarian building, no matter what sect

All respond to the mutation and produce Buddha light.

East Asia and South Asia have fallen, and Central Asia and West Asia cannot be spared.

Even churches in Eastern Europe and even Central Europe have begun to show scattered Buddha light,

Even if the sect building is temporarily demolished, a spherical Buddha light will appear on the ruins.

For ordinary superhumans, this situation is undoubtedly the beginning of a catastrophe,

But for believers across the region, the current situation can be described as disastrous – no one can understand why this is happening.

The Vatican’s Inquisition, the British Royal Orthodox Knights, the Bell Tower, and the Knights Templar and other organizations were also on the fourth day of the mutation.

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To completely solve the Buddha’s light mutation.

“Those Buddha lights can indeed isolate any form of internal and external communication,

Psionic, arcane, magic, sorcery,

Or low-Earth orbit satellites, radio short-wave communications, signal cables.

None of the missing Genestealers were heard from, and no useful information was returned. “

Li Ang murmured and swiped the page,

Everyone is panicking and bewildered by this smeared situation,

The manpower of official organizations and private organizations, as well as the mercenaries who heard the news, are now concentrated in Mumbai, the capital of Maharashtra, which is relatively close to the Ajanta Caves.

Thousands of supernatural beings gathered together can easily destroy all the surface buildings of any small country,

But they were limited by the highly mysterious Buddha Light, and they all huddled in the city.

It’s not that no one wants to walk into the Buddha’s light and explore it for themselves,

However, the seemingly gentle Buddha’s light is like a black hole. Even if players above level 20 step into it, there will be entry but no exit.

The steel wire rope tied to the body fuses silently by itself,

The whole person disappeared into the vast white light.

In this situation, panic spreads and accumulates day by day until…

“Michael showed up?”

Li Ang stared at the latest live graphic post on the forum, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Michael, who has been missing for a long time, finally appeared in Mumbai city,

He is still dressed in the standard armor and longsword. After he fell from the sky, he had a few conversations with the staff of the Global Occult Alliance,

In spite of the dissuasion, he stepped into the Buddha’s light in the Ajanta Grottoes alone.

Michael disappeared for more than three minutes. During these three minutes, all the people waiting outside the Buddha’s Light were in unimaginable torment.

Fortunately, after three minutes, He finally appeared, and publicly informed the staff of the Global Occult Alliance of the solution – to form several top supernatural teams led by Him and directly enter the Ajanta Grottoes , kill the king Shibi who caused the mutation.


Li Ang put down the mouse and was silent.

As a very low-key ordinary extraordinary person, Li Ang has no intention of wading in this muddy water,

What happened in South Asia and India has little to do with him. Even if some gene stealers are swallowed up by Buddha Light, it will not affect the overall situation-the nest is also deployed in South America, Africa and other places,

Faith can be replenished over time.

There is no need to take risks to solve the Buddha’s light mutation thousands of miles away.

The special affairs bureau should also be able to think of his thoughts, but they themselves sent people to India to control the situation – there are also Buddha lights in East Asia,

Xing Hechou, Bai Haozheng and others were not sent to the door to find Li Ang.

“I don’t know what Michael saw in the Ajanta Grottoes, but even she has to find all the people to kill the gods…

How strong is that Shibi King? “

Li Ang was silent for a moment, then clenched his fists, sensing the majestic divine power in the imprint of the gods.

During this period of time, he has been accumulating supernatural power, and finally fully recovered to his heyday,

And since the last time I talked to the side of truth, I got a lot of psionic information,

Some breakthroughs have also been made in psionic power, which can display more types and more treacherous powers, and make some small props infused with psionic power and with special effects.


The friends list vibrates,

From Hohenheim, who had been in contact with the cube world before, the message of the conversation is also very simple,

Michael found Out of Control, Hohenheim, the Side of Truth and others, and invited these strongest men on earth to kill God together, including Li Ang.

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