Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 80: The corpse

[Renren Novel Network] The player is ferocious

The communication message is from Xing Hechou.

The Ajanta Caves in Maharashtra, India, really had an accident.

Previously, the European Heavy Industry Group discovered that in the Ajanta Grottoes, there was a Shibi king who was slowly waking up.

In the face of great interests, greed trumps fear.

They sealed off the area, while dispatching personnel to enter the grotto to remove the treasures inside,

While conducting research and planning outside the grotto, trying to control King Shibi.

There is no doubt that this action is extremely dangerous, comparable to smoking a cigarette to calm down at the dangerous scene of a gas leak.

However, official organizations such as the Global Occult Coalition, after secretly exchanging opinions, did not stop the European Heavy Industry Group’s actions after all,

Instead, an inspection team was dispatched to the site in Maharashtra to inspect and supervise.

On the one hand, the European Heavy Industry Group has been working hard in India for a long time, and the relationship network and interest chain are deeply rooted, as if it has returned to the era of the East India Company,

The whole of India is like the private plot of the European Heavy Industry Group, the back garden.

It is not easy to impose interference in order to prevent international disputes.

On the other hand, organizations such as the Global Occult Alliance also have the idea of ​​letting the European Heavy Industry Group go to the muddy waters to see how it works.

If it really doesn’t work, let’s intervene again to prevent the disaster from further escalating.

As a result, under the tacit sympathy of all parties, the European Heavy Industry Group advanced the plan to the last step——

They pinpointed the exact location of King Shibi, a stone statue, and attempted to shackle him.

This happened about ten days ago,

Judging from the previously observed results, the European Heavy Industry Group’s plan was initially successful,

As the statue was placed in a special container and transferred to the laboratory,

The Buddha’s light and sound around the Ajanta Grottoes gradually dissipated.

Researchers from the European Heavy Industry Group even bound the entire Buddhist country with a device similar to the Stargate,

As long as you cross the Stargate, you can reach the depths of the Buddhist country and conduct further research there.

Everything is going in the right direction,

Until thirteen minutes ago, the stone statue carrying King Shibi suddenly shattered,

Buddha’s light, centered on the stone statue,

It expands rapidly to the outside in a spherical shape,

Not only devoured the laboratory of the European heavy industry group,

It also directly submerged the entire Vendaya Mountain, as well as the soldiers’ barracks and advisory groups stationed at the foot of the mountain,

Internal and external information was completely interrupted, and none of the people inside could escape.

Li Ang frowned slightly when he looked at the information sent by Xing Hechou,

The side of the truth sitting across from the table seems to have also received relevant news, and the five fingers of the palm lightly tap the table.

The European Heavy Industries Group overturned its car on the Ajanta Grottoes.

However, the subsequent development of the incident has become strange.

The Buddha’s light in the Ajanta Grottoes has been maintained within a radius of 1,200 meters and will no longer expand or move to the outside world.

At the same time, temples in major federal cities in India have raised the same spherical Buddhist light as the Ajanta Grottoes.

Swallows the surrounding area.

From the Linga Raja Temple in Bhubaneswar to the Golden Temple in Amritsar,

From Mahabodhi Temple, to Lotus Temple.

All famous temples are shrouded in Buddha light, and internal and external communication is cut off,

Anyone who touches the Buddha’s light will be sucked in and disappear.

This is very strange. According to the estimates of the Global Occult Alliance, the danger level of King Shibi should only be A.

How could it affect most of the temples across India in one go?

Even some small temples and shrines built by immigrants far abroad have also appeared Buddha light phenomenon,

Just because the Buddha’s light was bleak and calm, it failed to expand further, causing more casualties.

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Also, the Linga Raja Temple in Bhubaneswar, is the shrine of the Hindu Lord Lord Shiva,

The Golden Temple of Amiri is the largest Sikh temple in India,

The existing Mahabodhi Temple dates back to the time of King Asoka in the third century BC.

The Lotus Temple in New Delhi is even more bizarre,

It is constructed of white marble, shaped like a lotus flower,

Neither a Sikh temple, nor a Buddhist or Hindu temple,

It was built in the 1970s by a new sect, Baha’is.

Bahá’ís, also known as Datong, originated from Iran in the 19th century, and emphasized the uniqueness of God, the family of human beings, and equality and fraternity.

The Lotus Temple built by him has no rituals, no worship objects, and no thresholds. Anyone, regardless of race, color, sect, gender, or age, can enter it to worship and meditate.

The only requirement is that the worshippers need to live in harmony and not have disputes and conflicts.

How could a Shibi king who lived more than 2,000 years ago hook up with Sikhism, Hinduism, and even Baha’i religion, which was established less than 200 years ago?

This is a little bit weird.

Li Ang groaned. According to the information sent by Xing Hechou, up to now, the mutation caused by King Shibi has affected more than 70 cities, more than 300 temples, and more than 900,000 people. Missing in the Buddha’s Light and this number is still increasing as time goes by and reports from the front line are returned.

In terms of the scope of influence alone, the Shibi King incident has surpassed all the cases previously recorded by the Global Occult Alliance, and has been designated as the most serious S-level natural disaster.

“Have you heard?”

Li Ang closed the communication page and looked to the side of truth.

The latter nodded and said lightly, “Is it about King Shibi?

I thought before that he would be the first ancient **** to wake up, but I didn’t think he would have such a large amount of energy.

The Global Occult Coalition is busy. “

“Bad news after another.”

Li Ang stood up, “I’ll go first, I’ll talk next time when I have a chance.”

“Bring these materials with you.”

The side of truth also stood up, swept the cover of dozens of books with the palm of his hand, and used the power of the mind creation system to directly create copies of these books, “Just as the goodwill released by the Alliance of Demon Scientists to Your Excellency. “


Since the other party wants to send it, Li Ang will not refuse,

With his current psionic attainments, there should be no possibility of being misled by books and going in the wrong direction.

I immediately accepted the book and reminded me by the way, “The plane of psionic abundance where that strange demon is located,

I advise you to be cautious.

If the psychic energy of that plane is so full that it can be used as oxygen to breathe,

Then there must be no shortage of extremely powerful psykers out there.

Perhaps, the Strange Demon itself is a bait for the psyker. “


The side of truth groaned, nodded slowly, and sent Li Ang out of the headquarters of the Demon Scientist Alliance.

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