Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 781: Magazine

Following the two wins, several other ring matches came to an end around the same time.

Eric of the Bell Tower is incarnated as a fixed turret, and from the beginning, he releases overwhelming evocation spells, trying to drown his opponents with gorgeous spells and artillery fire.

On the other side, the hypochondriac delusional person wearing a fresh and elegant dress gently kicked the ground and released the darkness that covered the entire ring like a curtain from under his feet, blocking the view of the outside world.

When the curtain of darkness receded, all that was still standing on the field was Hypoxic Delusion, who was holding a dagger in his hand, his head raised in blood and smiling.

Eric has been cut into more than 20 pieces, scattered all over the arena, relying on the fighting arena to save his life.

The fight in the second ring is a little less one-sided,

Father Heisenberg of the Knights Templar fought meleely with the monster alliance. The two fisted their fists to the flesh and smashed the arena into pits. In the end, the priest won. As for the priest who should be responsible for confession and preaching Why does it work so well…

I don’t know.

After Ring 3’s Dead Soul and his opponent entered the ring, the two suddenly fell silent and stood motionless.

Just when the audience outside the venue didn’t know what to do, the reverberation of the ninth section of the Hijima Abnormal Affairs Investigation Bureau suddenly leaned back, fainted, and was directly sentenced to lose.

It is estimated that it is a mind type skill.

The fourth ring continued the style of the previous round.

The hundred-faced demon throat of Gen-Sys Biotechnology Company looks like a plain-looking black-haired youth in a prison uniform. After entering the battle mode, his various organs have become monster-like, bloated and deformed, and hideous. Terrible.

And his opponent, the **** of the north wind from the GRU parapsychology department, who is covered in a platinum two-color gorgeous battle suit,

Summon missiles, artillery, heavy machine guns, machine guns and other modern weapons out of thin air,

Suppress the approaching Hundred-Faced Demon Maw.

Finally won the ring match with a slight advantage of 10:9.

Li Ang sat in the audience and watched a few more rounds of ring competitions before saying hello to Mule, and went offline and returned to the real world.

What is the reason for going offline? First of all, the 16-day schedule is very long, so there is no rush for one or two days.

Secondly, even if you climb up to a high floor early, you have to face powerful enemies assigned by the system. After losing, you will still drop the floor.

Finally… Li Ang has class tomorrow, so staying up late is not good.


Experimental middle school, classroom, recess time.

Li Ang is sitting in his seat, with his forehead pressed against the desk, sliding his phone with his palm, watching the text on the phone screen intently, exclaiming “um, um”.

Wang Congshan, who was arranging the desks and desks, glanced at him without making a fuss.

A long time ago, schools around the world allowed students to bring their cell phones and even keep them switched on during class – mainly to facilitate the notification of all residents of the real-time situation of abnormal events.

Those residents who do not have smartphones, the Secret Service will even give them free mobile phones – these mobile phones are bound to ID cards and cannot be sold, and any buying and selling will be held accountable.

Although the end of the year is approaching, most of the classmates still won’t take out their mobile phones to play, and only people like Li Ang will.

“What are you looking at? So serious.”

Wang Congshan, who had arranged her desk, casually pushed the hair from her ears behind her ears, lowered her head and leaned in, wanting to see Li Ang’s phone screen.

The latter said without looking up: “I’m watching Robinson Crusoe, a Yorktown seaman, about his life and his amazing adventures: he lives alone on a desert island near the mouth of the Oronok Sea in the Americas. For 28 years, all the people in the boat were killed on the beach, and Robinson Crusoe drifted ashore alone and survived; in the end, a pirate ship rescued him from the island.”


Wang Congshan was stunned, “What did you say?”127

“For short, Robinson Crusoe.”

Li Ang slowly pulled the screen of his mobile phone and said lightly: “The text just now is the original name that Daniel Defoe, the founder of British realism, gave himself, “Robinson Crusoe” is the full name Abbreviation.

Defoe is old 2D.

How about sitting with me and learning something new every day? “

“Wow, what a practical knowledge for birds~”

Wang Congshan complained with vacant eyes: “How do you look recently? Didn’t you read “Science”, “Nature”, “”, “PhysicalReviewLetter”, “Jane’sDefenceWeekly” and other magazines before?”

Li Ang said lightly: “I’m watching it now, but my medical knowledge has been stored up, and I will publish a paper on solving cancer soon, so I have time to focus more energy on literature.”

“I believe it.”

Wang Congshan pouted. When Li Ang was talking nonsense with her before, he said that he wanted to be a doctor.

Becoming a doctor, in his life wish list, is estimated to be between “becoming the first person to land on Mars” and “finding a young, beautiful, fair-skinned and beautiful rich woman who is worth hundreds of billions to eat soft rice”.

“Then tell me, what is the general content of that paper on solving cancer?”

“It’s easy.”

Li Ang raised his head, raised a finger, and said seriously: “Immigration.

One out of every five deaths in the world is a cancer patient.

But in Syria, there is one cancer patient for every 120 people who die.

Just immigrating to Syria could reduce cancer rates worldwide.

I’ve already written my paper, and it won’t be long before I win an award in the Teen Tech Contest.

There are still a few co-author names left to fill in the paper. If a primary and secondary school student is willing to pay 450 yuan for sponsorship, I can let him be a co-author and win an award together.

Are you interested? “

“No, sorry.”

Wang Congshan shook her head, thinking of the news she saw on TV not long ago.

As the killing games continue to produce special items, the technology of those technology companies in the real world is also advancing by leaps and bounds, and one disease after another that was difficult to solve in the past has been conquered.

For example, Gen-Sys Biotechnology Company, which is jointly invested and established by dozens of multinational pharmaceutical groups, and Prometheus Laboratories in the United States,

In South America, Africa, India and other places, a large number of branches and research institutes have been opened to recruit volunteers in the name of experimental new treatments.

In the past, so-called experimental new treatments are usually questioned by all walks of life in terms of safety and ethics, and many pharmaceutical companies have related scandals.

But now has greatly shortened the time to achieve scientific research results and accelerated the efficiency of success,

So sometimes medical groups would rather risk their own reputation than do some ethically forbidden experiments in secret.

If you don’t advance, you will retreat. If you don’t experiment, if you don’t succeed, you will be easily overtaken by other companies.

Those areas with relatively backward and underdeveloped communications have become the most preferred research sites for multinational pharmaceutical groups.

Not long ago, there was news that a medical experimental base established by Gen-Sys Biotechnology Company in a valley somewhere in southwest India had an incident of volunteers fleeing,

Gen-Sys Biotechnology Company announced to the public that there is no great threat to patients with sudden mental illness,

But judging from the photos taken by ordinary people, the Indian side sent tanks and armed helicopters to assist Gen-Sys Biotechnology Company to conduct a comprehensive search of the valley. There were also explosions and fires in the valley at night…

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