Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 779: Cemetery


The only two vector propelling jets left, spewing bluish flames, providing huge thrust and pushing the mech forward,

In an instant, he crossed a distance of tens of meters, dodged in front of Li Ang, and slashed with a knife.

The ladder is vertical.

The energy entity emerges out of thin air under Li Ang’s feet, providing a platform for stepping on his feet, allowing him to retreat violently, and he narrowly avoided this slash.


The very characteristic sound of the high-frequency cutting knife cutting through the air sounded again,

The Kui Niu mecha, with its vector thrusters at full power, almost never stops, abandoning all defense and using all its energy on offense.

As soon as Li Ang retreated, he retreated again. The tyrant was like a dragonfly on the sidebar, leaving more than ten deep wounds on the key points of the Kui Niu mecha.

A few times, I was able to cut off the limbs of Ding Shinji in the cockpit, even within an inch,

However, limited by the Kui Niu Mecha’s fearless attack method, he could only pull back the weapon and continue to defend.

“Is this the secret weapon of the Secret Service…”

This thought emerged in the minds of countless spectators in the stands. The battles in the other dozen arenas have ended, but in the forty-fifth arena, there are still flying sand and stones.

The masonry floor of the entire platform is devastated, and there are potholes and cracks left by high-frequency cutting knives and bully bars everywhere.

Only from the destructive state of the arena itself, the energy level revealed in this match is even higher than the previous round of [Longchamp Leopard Transformation] vs [Amberi].

The faces of the Lone Wolf audience were full of amazement and admiration,

Other forces, especially the members of the guild organization who are not well-connected with the Special Affairs Bureau, look even more ugly.

The heads of the FBI’s Unusual Incidents Division are full of brains and chattering with anxiety and boredom. People are constantly online and offline, and they are expected to report the situation in the real world and issue orders.

Prometheus Labs, which prides itself on leading the future of science and technology, sent several representatives in suits to the special affairs bureau area, obviously wanting to discuss something, and finally left without expression. Obviously the result is not as expected.

All organizations have sent think tanks to personally watch the first round of the ring competition,

The young man in the blue and white tight-fitting combat suit is obviously not a pure martial arts school, but with this mecha, he can temporarily suppress an opponent with a terrifying physical quality.

Even if the manager of the Unscalable Forge doesn’t use any more skills and has been using normal attacks,

But who can guarantee that the Kui Niu Mecha has completely surrendered its trump card?

The strength displayed by that magnetic fluid mech completely exceeded the expectations of other forces,

When their own organisms are still in the laboratory stage and cannot be put into mass production,

The mecha of the Special Affairs Bureau has been able to participate in high-intensity battles above Lv20, and even gain a firm foothold.

A Kui Niu mech is not terrible. The FBI and Prometheus Labs are more players as secret weapons.

But the greatest significance of mecha lies in mass production, in stabilizing social order, and in completely revolutionizing the mode of modern warfare.

“The Special Affairs Administration has a profound background…”

The mason couldn’t help but express such emotion, the perch on the side heard the words, shook his head and smiled, “No, it’s not the special affairs bureau, but the profound background of the Abnormality Society.”


The mason turned his head and glanced at the otaku senior brother, hesitantly asked, “Isn’t that mecha made of technology?”

“Of course not.”

The perch supported the back of the head with the palms of both hands, leaned back, and slid into the back of the chair as much as possible, and said lazily: “The teacher said that there are such things as technological barriers in killing games,

It is very difficult to come up with near-future technological creations that can be put into large-scale practical use with a little bit of cracking.

Even if the Special Affairs Bureau has extremely high authority and can mobilize a lot of human, material and financial resources, it is unlikely that in such a short period of time, without any reference, it will independently develop a Gundam from scratch – scientific research It’s not just about people who have more money and more stubbornness.

The core of the mecha must have adopted the technology of the Abnormality Society,

Only they can provide such technical support. “


The mason opened his mouth, not knowing why this fellow perch had such a high regard for the Abnormality Society.

Just when everyone’s mood was affected by the brave and iron-blooded fighting figure of the Kui Niu mecha, the silent members of the equipment and technical department of the Special Affairs Bureau below the ring fell into a certain kind of anxiety.

Only they know the essence of the [Shan Hai · Kui Niu] mecha, and only they know what Ding Shinji sacrificed in the ring.


As soon as researcher Yan Hanyan opened her mouth, she was interrupted by her father, Yan Jianbai,

“I know what you’re going to say,”

Yan Jianbai said solemnly: “But this is Shinji’s own choice, he doesn’t want to let us down and his own efforts.

Until the results come out, all we can do is bless him. “


Yan Hanyan fell into silence. She turned around and looked at the back of the giant mecha whose fighting movements began to deform and her body kept shaking.

Kill kill kill kill!

Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell!

In the narrow and cramped cockpit, Ding Shinji’s heavy and rapid breathing echoed.

He has blue veins all over his face, and his pupils are bloodshot,

A large number of magnetic fluid fiber bundles are punctured from bone, muscle, and skin,

The whole person looks like some kind of weird creature parasitized by parasites.

The real energy core of the Shanhai series mecha is actually the spirit of the beast that resides in the depths of the mecha.

After months of exploration and the guidance and guidance of the Nightmare Tapir, the front-line scientific research team has penetrated into the very bottom of the Prisoner’s Den, where they discovered the ancient temporary stronghold left by the ancestors of the Abnormality Society in the Prisoner’s Den. A large number of classics have been excavated.

One of the books secretly points to a secret passage in the prisoner’s den.

Following the guidance of the map, the front-line scientific research team entered the secret passage and used the unique identification method passed down by the Abnormality Society to pass the test,

After several space jumps, I came to a super-giant pocket space.

That space should be a or rather, a cemetery.

Empty, invisible darkness, full of energy stances formed by anti-gravity devices,

A large number of lifelike corpses of giant creatures with body lengths of 100 meters or even 1000 meters floated in the stand.

Crimson tiger with wings on its back – Qiongqi

A horse with a corner of its head, a white body and a black tail, and long claws—bare

A crane with blue feathers on its body – Bi Fang


By reading the stone tablet at the bottom of the cemetery, the front-line scientific research team learned that what was placed here is not a real beast from the Book of Mountains and Seas,

It was the Abnormality Society in its heyday, which cloned and imitated false artifacts based on the written materials left over from the prehistoric era.

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