Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 778: damaged

Chu Yin frowned slightly, “Isn’t that a loser?”


Xing Hechou shook his head silently, but did not speak.

If there is only this level, how can the Shanhai series of mechas be highly expected by the superiors and regarded as the main battle weapons that can dominate the battlefield in the next generation?

“Shinji, come on…”

Under the ring, Yan Hanyan clenched her palms subconsciously and silently watched the back of the mecha.

【Left arm weight-bearing system was damaged by 71%】

【54% damage to the hydraulic drive rod of the right foot】

【35% damage to chest armor】

[No. ① and No. ③ vector jet thrusters were completely destroyed]

【Mecha remaining energy 31%】

In the cockpit of the Kui Niu Mecha, the rapid and dense electronic and mechanical sounds echoed, and the dazzling red light of danger warning was constantly flashing.

The tight-fitting combat suit transmits the damage of the mecha to the depths of Ding Shinji’s skin in the form of a small amount of electric shock, which accumulates and turns into pain.

This immature young man, who was driving an excavator not long ago, struggled to resist Li Ang’s faster and faster slashing, while resisting the survival instinct deep in his heart to turn his head and run away.

No escape, no escape, no escape!

Ding Shinji roared out, and the high-frequency cutting knife slashed sharply, forcing Li Ang back abruptly,

But when Li Ang was about to leave, the long lance lifted up, and he also cut off the entire left arm of the mecha, and slammed it on the ground with a bang.

“Hoo, ho…”

Breathing echoes in the cockpit,

Such a high-intensity battle caused the mecha’s energy to drop rapidly, and the system had to turn off a large number of auxiliary functions to maintain the normal operation of the mecha itself.

With the closure of the spiritual defense barrier, the divine coercion emanating from the opponent’s body once again enveloped Ding Shinji’s heart.

Weak, why fight.

In Ding Shinji’s mind, such a sentence suddenly appeared.

When he was almost in junior high school, he learned that his otaku parents gave him the name from a classic animation called “Neon Genesis Evangelion”.

Although he was speechless about his two-dimensional parents, out of curiosity to find the source, he still watched the animation.

That’s it?

Such emotions occurred spontaneously after he read that work.

Ikari Shinji, the protagonist of the cartoon, is cowardly, introverted, autistic, timid, and has a negative attitude towards things. He always likes to use “I’m sorry” to escape reality,

To a certain extent, it made Ding Shinji feel a little disgusted at the time when he was in his second year.

Aren’t the real protagonists supposed to be decisive, resolute, courageous, persevering, responsible, not evasive, not cowardly, and never weak?

That’s what his father, who was wearing a T-shirt and smoking on the balcony, told him when he finally couldn’t hold back one day and asked about his father.

“Ahem, have you watched that cartoon too? Don’t you think you got the wrong name? Hmm… Actually, if you ignore the details in the EVA and just focus on the protagonist’s deeds, you I can see a different Shinji Ikari.

A fourteen-year-old boy lost his mother when he was young and was abandoned by his father in foster care with relatives. He received a letter and came to No. 3 New Tokyo City alone. He thought he would be greeted by his father, but he saw with his own eyes The unknown lifeform, which is too powerful to be defeated, ruthlessly crushed the human army. But his father, whom he still longed for, gave him cruel instructions-to drive a huge mecha without any training, and risk his life to fight that unknown life form.

When he came down from the battlefield, no medals, no flowers, no bonuses,

Instead of being treated indifferently by close relatives, being treated as monsters by peers, and being forcibly imprisoned and guarded,

required to stay in the giant machine that could devour him at any time,

Wandering on the edge of life and death again and again, defeating invincible terrifying enemies and defending the hope of all mankind.

Looking at the deeds alone, Joan of Arc can’t compare to him. In case, the Messiah will only be like this again. “

“The real hero is not the one who lazily and sluggishly crushes when the victory is in hand. But in the hopeless and desperate situation of desperate danger, he can still selflessly forget himself, take the risk, and serve the interests of the majority of the people. make sacrifices.”

“Why do the weak fight? To protect the weaker.”

Ding Shinji couldn’t remember the specific scene of the father and son’s conversation that day, but in his mind, he could vaguely remember the lights of Wanjia overlooking the railings.


The two horns on the top of the Kui Niu Mecha’s head vibrated and re-formed into a magnetic fluid form,

Under the restraint of the strong magnetic field emitted by the mecha, it appears as thousands of thin needles.

Just when most people thought that these fine needles were going to be launched to kill the enemy as a hidden weapon,

In the cockpit, Ding Shinji raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a resolute smile.

Bang bang bang!

Countless ferrofluid needles shot from top to bottom towards the chest of the mecha,

The cockpit was instantly pierced into a hedgehog.

Tick, tick.

Blood poured out of the cockpit and dripped to the ground along the steel needle formed by the ferrofluid.

“Ho ho—”

Ding Shinji, whose neck, throat, body, and limbs were all punctured, let out a hard breathing sound,

Even though it has been experienced countless times in the laboratory, this kind of pain that is comparable to a thousand cuts still pierces the soul.

The magnetic fluid exposed outside the cockpit contracted spontaneously, like life, along the wound, into the blood vessels, and traveled all over the body,

Attached to every corner of the internal organs, bones, and muscles, and spontaneously formed countless metal parts with unknown functions.

Severe pain swept through the whole body, Ding Shinji could clearly feel that those parts quickly activated, forming a coordinated and neat, effective effect.

The heart beats with unprecedented strength,

As if endless power came from the limbs,

Sight, hearing, touch, have never been clearer and brighter.

He no longer controls this mecha with his body, but integrates with this mecha through the countless magnetic fluid fiber bundles extending from his head, back, ribs, arms, and feet~ Li Ang squinted and watched from a distance.

After the mecha lost its horns, the threat level suddenly increased, and it couldn’t compare with before.

“The Classic of Mountains and Seas, The Great Wilderness East”: “It looks like an ox, with a pale body but no horns, and one foot. When entering and leaving the water, there must be wind and rain. Its light is like the sun and the moon, and its sound is like thunder. Its name is Kui.”

Li Ang thought of this description of the “Book of Mountains and Seas”, and silently complained in his heart: “It’s obviously a mecha made of machinery, how can there be a setting that can become stronger without the double horns?

Isn’t it really Kui Niu? “

His doubts were immediately answered.

The giant mecha with only one arm left, clenched the hilt of the double-headed long sword with its only right arm, and slowly bowed down like a sprinter.

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