Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 77: Soul (Quad K)

Hearing Bai Haozheng’s words, although the leader of the Japanese Island Abnormal Affairs Investigation Bureau was angry, he also knew that the other party would not provide any substantive help,

Have to hang up the video call,

Let the staff continue to maintain the connection between the official organizations.

Since the Secret Service is unwilling to help, it is up to them to handle the situation,

The good news is that the Special Affairs Bureau did not say that Li Ang came with malicious intent, and should not be wantonly sabotaged. . . perhaps.

The decision-makers on the Nishima side briefly exchanged opinions,

On the one hand, let the Slaughterhouse and others return quickly,

On the one hand, let the operators at the southern end of Honshu continue to follow Li Ang far behind to prevent him from making drastic actions.

At the same time, he bit the bullet and reported the relevant information to the upper and lower departments.

Soon, the whole of Tokyo fell into a strange state of stagnation.

Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building in Shinjuku New District, all the glass on the surface has been lowered and turned into dark and opaque explosion-proof glass.

Some tourists who were going to visit the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office were also discouraged by armed guards at the gate, citing fire drills.

The same is true for the high-grade buildings in Chiyoda and other urban areas.

The staff asked if they wanted to issue a citywide alert with the highest alert level,

The leader thought for a moment and rejected this opinion, “It is not necessary for the time being.”

There is a strong awareness of disaster prevention on and off the island, and disaster prevention education has been popularized among all people. Schools, companies, and all walks of life hold various disaster prevention drills every year.

Especially after the massive expansion of the killing field, the Hijima Abnormal Affairs Investigation Bureau spent a lot of energy on establishing a rapid-response armed force, building evacuation facilities, and disseminating the knowledge of disaster and mutation to the public.

Major mobile phone companies are forced to pre-download the app provided by the Japanese Island Anomalous Affairs Investigation Bureau on their mobile phones,

The public is also required to use it mandatory – the app can lock the specific address of each citizen, send early warning text messages, provide map information and mutation danger areas, and display the current closest and easiest refuge facilities.

Li Risheng, the leader of the white lab coat, is still in the deep mountains and dense forests at the southern end of the state.

And his ultra-long-range teleportation method, from the observation results, also has a cooling time,

Wait until he makes a further threat before it’s too late to evacuate.

Not to mention. . .

Honshu Island is about 1300k in length from northeast to southwest

If you draw a circle with Li Risheng’s current position and a radius of 500k,

More than half of Honshu is to be included.

Evacuate Tokyo, what about Kyoto, Osaka, Nara, and Nagoya?

Should we all evacuate?

As Bai Haozheng said, it can only be so. . .


Li Ang in the deep mountains was unaware of his sudden visit, causing the entire Japanese Island Abnormal Affairs Investigation Bureau to be in turmoil.

I don’t care if I know.

He put away the takoyaki bag and stopped suddenly, standing still.

The personnel from Hijima who were monitoring through special telescopes and drones in the extreme distance were suddenly startled, and their hearts involuntarily slowed for half a beat.

“It should be here…”

Li Ang pondered, took out the heart ape stick from the backpack, and stabbed it into the solid rock.

Then inject spiritual power to turn the heart ape into a miniature shield machine, and then release the alchemy through the heart ape.

The soil of the mountain rapidly liquefied and turned into mud, opening up a tunnel that was just down to the height of one person.

Li Ang just pushed the Heart Ape stick and stepped into the tunnel, all the way down.

He unleashed a psionic shield at will, blocking the bouncing mud that kept dripping from above along the way, thinking about his experience in the last scripted mission.

At the end of Yuanke Village, the game kills the player limit,

Wang Congshan was sent back to the surface by Li Ang. What she didn’t know was that Li Ang not only covered the entire Margin Mountain at the exit of Huangquan in the last two minutes underground, but also stepped into the edge of Huangquan to check it out.

With the improvement of the power level, Li Ang is no longer as before, completely unable to see the information outside the script task,

Beyond the edge of the Yellow Spring,

He can see and feel the millions of resentful souls contained in the yellow spring.

Dandanyuan Kecun, a small village, definitely can’t provide so many souls. These grievances should come from other places.

At that time, Li Ang used his spiritual power to protect his heart and carefully looked inward with his spiritual sense.

I found the entrance of Huangquan, as the myth of Yuanke Village said, at the border between reality and reality,

The entire yellow spring below it is not real, but close to illusory,

Like a system of pipes extending in all directions, connecting other extremely distant places in the scripted world.

Li Ang continued to probe along the Huangquan pipeline with his spiritual sense, and accidentally discovered that the scripted world was exactly the same as the real world of Rishima,

Also, there is only one Hijima in the entire script world.

No matter how far it is, it exceeds the connection range of the Huangquan pipeline and becomes pitch black.

This is obviously counterintuitive.

If you use conventional logic to reason, the Huangquan system is the basis for the reincarnation of the soul of the script world, then how can there be a place that is not connected to the Huangquan pipeline system?

Don’t all the Americans and Britons in the scripted world need to be reincarnated?

Could the Huangquan system still say that household registration discriminates?

“There are two possibilities.

One, my divine sense is not strong enough to see the deep springs that connect other areas of the scripted world.

Second, in that scripted world, there is indeed only one piece of Sun Island, and there are no other areas. “

Li Ang muttered to himself, walking down the opened tunnel, “If it’s the first possibility, that’s fine.

But if it’s the second possibility, it’s not so good. . . “

If the scripted world where Yuanke Village is located is only the size of a sun island,

And no one in the world disputes that, nor wonders why there is an invisible wall of air at the end of the sea.

Follow the official account: Book Friends Base Camp, follow and send cash and coins!

So what is that world?

A square box improvised from a killing game?

It’s unlikely. Most of the time in the Yuanke Village mission is limited to the vicinity of Yuanshan Mountain, and the player’s strength is also limited, so that the player can only move around the Yuanke Village.

If it is a square box created by the game of Yuanke Village Killing Field, there is no need to build an additional Sun Island

Or is it a remnant of a world?

Li Ang took a deep breath. In the last script mission, he, Hohenheim, Liu Wulan and others saw Su Nisheng who was supposed to squeeze the whole world into a box,

In the last script mission again, I saw the Fate Village, which is also suspected to be a world in a box.

“The location of the yellow spring below the Yuanke Village is almost corresponding to this place…”

Li Ang stopped and waved the ape stick in his hand at will, melting large tracts of soil and rock formations,

Develop an underground space similar to Yuanke Village.

No. . . Nothing at all. . .

Li Ang looked at the dark void, his eyes shining in the darkness.

There is no yellow spring, no residual soul, and no withered vines that Li Ang deliberately left in the script world and integrated with divine power.

On the rock walls of the entire underground space, there are only rock formations of different colors and solid clod stones.


Li Ang stood on the spot and thought for a moment. Even though the trip was unsuccessful, he was not disappointed.

Or rather, he had vaguely guessed that this might be the outcome.

“Does the scripted task not correspond to reality…”

Li Ang sighed softly, thinking about the scene he had seen in Huangquan.

As a first-tier player, he has also experienced many scripted tasks that illustrate the nature of reincarnation and soul,

For example, a long time ago, using off-site projection, assisting the mule in the script task of the afterlife world ruled by dinosaurs.

In that world, five dinosaurs run the entire underworld, handling the cycle of life and death for all living beings.

For another example, when he first became a player, he saw Zou Zhengze, the crazy demon who believed that the soul could never be freed after death—Zou Zhengze was also the first player Li Ang killed.

“Perhaps, Dinosaurs and Zou Zhengzheng both have something to say.”

Li Ang thought silently, he had a hunch that the Huangquan pipeline system, and the underworld ruled by dinosaurs, all reasonable in a sense.

After the death of the creature, the soul is resolved from the body,

Or become a ghost,

Or go to an unknown area,

Smashed and reforged, and then returned to the world to be reincarnated.

During the entire process, both the Yellow Springs and the Hades perform the same function, that is, to reclaim the soul.

The difference is that

One is that the world rules limit it,

One is the participation of human factors and the initiative of people.

“Since the two reincarnation systems follow the same set of basic theories, is it possible to actively participate in them and make some interventions?

For example, in the process of reincarnation, a part of the soul is intercepted and detained. . . “

Li Ang had this idea in his mind, feeling that he vaguely grasped a key clue, but couldn’t connect all the information.

He stood there thinking for a long time, but couldn’t get an answer,

So with a slow wave of the heart ape stick, the melted and compressed mud was restored, and the cave was roughly repaired.

Go back down the tunnel and back to the ground.

When he returned to the surface, the killing institute and others were already waiting on the distant hillside,

Seeing Li Ang coming out, the Slaughterhouse gave a gentle smile and said aloud from a distance, “Has Li Sang found what he wanted?”

“It’s okay.”

Li Ang nodded casually, not intending to continue the conversation,

Stamped on the invisible stairs again and climbed high in the sky, facing the direction of the sea, pulled the trigger of the Colt revolver, and the figure disappeared instantly.

The members of the Hijima Abnormal Affairs Investigation Bureau who were watching from a distance saw Li Ang ignoring them completely and struttingly leaving the encirclement, causing mixed emotions to arise in their hearts,

Absurd, embarrassing, helpless, annoyed, and a touch of happiness.

Only the Qingxingdeng, Haifangzhu and others who were standing with the Killing Institute were a little uneasy, and subconsciously looked at the expression on the Killing Institute’s face from the corner of their eyes.

This is the first time that the Slaughterhouse has been ignored in public,

Even if it is the high-level officials of the Japanese Island Abnormal Affairs Investigation Bureau, or even higher-level ministers, officers, and dignitaries,

Be respectful and polite when you see her, and don’t dare to show any slights.

Li Ang has ignored the capital of the Slaughter Institute, but their subordinates may be used as a tool to vent their anger. . .

To the surprise of Qing Xing Deng and others, there was no stiff and indifferent expression on the face of the Slaughterhouse. He just smiled lightly, put away the dagger that had been hidden in the palm of his hand, and said lightly, “Let’s go.”


Qing Xing Deng said subconsciously, and after speaking, he fell into regret.

“Of course I’m going back to Tokyo, I should eat and drink.”

The Slaughter Institute said indifferently: “Or do you have the ability to catch up with him and make him pay the price?”

Qing Xing Deng and others dared to answer, they all shut up and became dead.

Although they also know that at this moment, the big figures in Tokyo are probably hiding in underground facilities, panicking and scolding the Hijima Abnormal Affairs Investigation Bureau for being incompetent.

Let the extraordinary people of other countries come and leave if they want, ignore the border defense system, and use the entire Japanese island as a public toilet.

This kind of shame and humiliation will surely become a label on the head of the Hishima Abnormal Affairs Investigation Bureau for a period of time in the future, and become a hot topic on the player forum.


Li Ang stopped and went, and not long after he returned to the ocean cruise ship of the Longqing Group, he said hello to Liu Wulan,

Three ships Two remained in place, and the other continued to follow the Ark plan and continued to Australia to receive the Transcendents there.

At this time, everyone on the ship didn’t know what happened, and they were still receiving blood tests from the medical team.

Liu Wulan went through the special affairs bureau’s channel, and knew that Li Ang had just gone to Ri Island for a walk, and his mood was a little complicated.


Li Ang glanced at the expression on Liu Wulan’s face and said with a smile: “My ability can only be teleported by one person, and I can’t carry too many things, otherwise I can run around with a ship.”

“I don’t care about that,”

Liu Wulan smiled helplessly. She also felt that Li Ang had changed in some places after the change in Yin City, “Well…but this is a good thing,

At least Project Ark should go a lot better next. “

There is no impermeable wall in the world. Li Ang ignored the killings and others, forced his way through the border of Japan and the island, and forced the evacuation of the upper classes in Tokyo.

The news will spread soon,

At the same time attracting the world’s attention and making the world admire the privileges of the top extraordinary,

It also makes the Ark Project less resistant to some extent.

It’s the feeling. . . Li Ang became more and more casual.

“Well. Like this, I’ll go to the game store.”

Li Ang said hello, bid farewell to Liu Wulan, logged into the game plaza, and walked toward the northeast.

The exploration of the essence of reincarnation has come to an end for the time being, but Li Ang has not given up the idea of ​​exploring the essence of soul and enhancing divine power and spiritual power.

In the process of reincarnation, intercepting part of the soul and detaining it is undoubtedly a demon heresy, and it will definitely be regarded as a villain in literary and artistic works.

And in the entire killing game, the one who is best at using soul energy is undoubtedly the extremely famous or notorious Demon Scientist Alliance.

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