Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 77: ephemera

Clap clap clap.

Ao Yong, or Xu Tuoan, raised his palms approvingly, “You are really good, can you tell me what kind of job you are doing in real life?”

“I have done a lot of work.” Li Ang said in a melancholy tone: “When I was a child, I wanted to be an environmental protection guard, and I deliberately did not flush the toilet for a month to save water resources, but unfortunately I was criticized and accused by everyone.

Later, I became an online host and wanted to draw 20 lucky netizens to send me 100 yuan cash red envelopes every day, but unfortunately no one subscribed to my live broadcast room,

Later, I managed to get some money and plan to open a pesticide factory, but unfortunately even I dare not drink the pesticides produced by myself, and naturally no customers are willing to buy it.

Heartbroken, I planned to go abroad to become a mercenary. In order to exercise my bulletproof ability, I shot myself with small-caliber bullets every day, and I ended up being injured.

Now I’m an inventor, specializing in improving some of the mundane objects in one’s life.

Bi Ruo said that turning a normal chair that can only sit on one person upside down makes it able to sit four people at a time, but the Kikube area will be a little painful.

I believe that as long as I keep at it, I will become a very successful inventor. “


Xu Tuan didn’t know what to say for a while, and he couldn’t spit out his sloppy words.

“By the way,” Li Ang instantly suppressed his melancholy mood and asked curiously, “I want to know, after you killed Ao Yong and inherited your status as a player, why did you still carry out the mission with us?”

“…do you want to know?”

Xu Tuan put Li Ang’s mad words behind him, took a deep breath, and said with a smile, “Because before you stepped into the hall and triggered the mission, I just occupied Ao Yong’s body, and Ao Yong’s The soul stays with him in his body.

In this case, we are still regarded as a whole, regarded as a player, and still need to perform the task of ‘go to the lobby before 12:00 in the morning’, otherwise it will be obliterated. “

“So it is,”

Li Ang nodded, “No wonder you were able to project Ao Yong’s player information at that time.”

“That’s right.” Xu Tuan said: “After the mission started, Ao Yong and I were teleported to the third floor together. He has been competing with me for dominance of the body,

In order to get rid of him, I removed the eyes, tongue and ears of this body, and then kicked Ao Yong’s soul out. “

Having said that, Xu Tuan took off the full-coverage pig-nose breathing mask, revealing a **** face full of potholes.

Ao Yong’s body has no tongue, which does not affect the sound of Xu Tuan’s ghost and continues to speak,

“His soul still retains the state of his body, becoming a ghost that can’t see, can’t speak, can’t hear, can only wander in this mall, and can’t pose a threat to my plan.”

“Is that so…” Li Ang rubbed his chin and said to Liu Wulan, “The nameless ghost you encountered on the fourth floor at that time was probably Ao Yong who was kicked out of his body by Xu Tuan.

Because he can’t see, hear, or speak, he can only chase the vibrations of the ground, and you mistake him for the ghost that comes with the mall. This explains why the number of ghosts is wrong. “

Liu Wulan believed that she had a strong psychological ability, but when she saw that Li Ang was unmoved by Ao Yong’s tragic face, she still felt a little horrified.

Li Ang, seems to be more calm than this ghost…

“Then here comes the problem.”

Li Ang pondered and said to Xu Tuan: “After you kicked out Ao Yong’s soul, did you still complete the task of painting the talisman?”

“Yes and no.”

Xu Tuoan spread his arms, “looked” at this luxurious and high-end shopping mall, and said faintly: “Eleven years ago, I was indeed a construction engineer.

But aside from being an engineer, I’m a member of a covert organization. That organization is called ‘ephemeral flower’. “

When the name was mentioned, Xu Tuoan was silent for a while, and then continued: “The Epiphany Organization originated from abroad, its establishment can be traced back at least to the last century, and it has a long tradition. It only absorbs and accepts those rich enough or talented enough people.

As an architect, I am only a little famous in the circle, and I am not worthy of the threshold at all. It was only by chance that I completed a design drawing of a church and was absorbed by the organization.

I was there and touched something… special. “

“Extraordinary power?” Li Ang asked.

“Transcendent power.” Xu Tuan nodded, “They said that I have innate transcendental perception, and they taught me a lot of religious and occult knowledge from different civilizations and different eras, some of which can even be used in reality. play a role in life.

Although that’s a small effect. “

“I have been absorbing this knowledge, and one day I received a task from my superior to set up a magic circle that can gather yin in Longheng Square, which I participated in the construction of.

Longheng Square has a special geographical location, which can attract evil spirits from all directions, which is helpful for worshipping instruments and raising ghosts.

I have always been disgusted by the evil and filth buried deep within the Epiphyllum organization. Considering that after the establishment of the magic circle, the evil and evil spirits pouring in from all directions will cause innocent people to die, so I tampered with it that day. The contents of the talisman issued to me by the organization,

Changed the magic circle that gathers yin to slaying evil spirits.

Unfortunately, I fell off the bracket and fell to my death before the Execution Formation was completed – it wasn’t a plot, it wasn’t a murder, it was just a very funny and nonsense accident. “

Speaking of this, Ao Yong’s ugly face showed a wry smile, “I have been chained here since I died, and the Epiphyllum Organization has not come to deal with the follow-up incidents for some reason,

I’m just floating here as a ghost, barely maintaining my existence with the slightest trace of yin. “

“Later, a few more accidental deaths occurred, and a few more residents were added to the mall. Just when there was not enough yin here, the accident happened.”

Xu Tuan said faintly: “Seven months ago, a large amount of evil spirits suddenly poured into this place, which not only allowed us lonely ghosts to maintain our bodies, but also greatly improved our cultivation.

I understand that the moment of ‘apocalypse’ that Epiphyllum has been telling me has finally come. “

“After regaining our strength, we lonely ghosts are thinking about how to get out of trouble,

I learned a lot of mysticism, such as rune magic circles, etc., and I can complete the unbuilt Yin Gathering circles in the mall again, the only premise is that the brave blood of living people is needed.

As a ghost, I can’t complete the Yin Gathering Formation, even if I seize the body of an ordinary person – after a specter seizes the house to live in the body of a mortal, the Yin Qi that I carry will quickly cause the body to rot, and it will not produce enough energy. Blood Qi to complete the gathering Yin array. “

Li Ang frowned and said, “At this time, we are here, right?”

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