Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 762: Location

I pray to myself?

And it worked?

Li Ang’s eyes lit up, this was one of the effects he wanted,

Let other intelligent creatures communicate with themselves remotely with the help of statues.

And another effect he wants to achieve…

Li Ang held his breath, rereading the Apocalypse of the Holy Chai in his mind, thinking repeatedly about the greatness of the Lord of Flesh and Swamp.

He boasts that he has always been able,

It didn’t take long for him to find that about 0.1 units of Faith Power seemed to be produced in his body, extending to the statue,

Go through the statue again and return to yourself.

It works!

Lee Ang breathed a sigh of relief. In this way, another problem was solved,

You can put the figure and the worm nest together into the sea, and use the figure as a signal base station to remotely control the detection of insect swarms,

Contact the Swarm,

Also remotely collect Faith from the Swarm.

Li Ang had the idea of ​​exiting the space, and the next second his consciousness returned to the alchemist workshop of the real world,

Looking at the clock hanging on the wall, less than a minute has passed.

Although I don’t know the specific principle of the space constructed by the evil **** figure clay,

However, Li Ang guessed that it may be a simple and low-profile youth version of God’s Domain and God’s Kingdom,

It’s just like the statue of Elsa in the fairy tale world,

Monitor followers, collect and transmit the power of faith.

Li Ang called a few brain worms and did a series of experiments around the figure,

I found that the figure’s power transmission distance is very long,

The voice of the brainworm praying in the figure space will be clearer,

If it is played within a certain range near the figure, the power of faith will automatically flow into the figure and transmit it to Li Ang,

And the transmission process is more secretive and difficult to track than in an automated pet crate.

After confirming these points, Li Ang took some more effort,

For the figure itself, a small faucet mask is worn,

Found the giant statue in the figure space, also wearing the same mask,

In this way, the risk of figurines being discovered and Li Ang’s identity exposed can be slightly reduced.

After the experiment, Li Ang asked Chai Chai to explain the current situation,

Chai Chai was very surprised by this, and urgently adjusted some content in “Sheng Chai Apocalypse” to make it more in line with the special effects of the figure.

After doing all this, Li Ang finally ushered in the moment to release the swarm into the real world.


Night, Pacific Ocean, Ogasawara Islands.

The Ogasawara Islands are an archipelago of the Japanese island between the Pacific Ocean and the Philippine Sea, 27°45′N, 142°10′E,

Composed of more than 30 large and small islands, it is the enclave of Japan Island in the Pacific Ocean.

The archipelago is formed by limestone, mudstone and other Haitian ejecta. It is located in the subtropical zone and produces sugarcane, cocoa, coconut and other specialties, as well as a good port and whaling industry.

It was late at night, and fishing boats and cargo ships of different sizes were docked at the port of the island. With the sea breeze blowing and the waves churning,

And up and down.

The coast is brightly lit, and foreign tourists of different skin colors come to visit,

Wear cool beach clothes and sit at the bar drinking and chatting,

Music is heard in the distance, and young men and women dance and revel in the group of wooden houses near the beach.

No one noticed, not far from the east coast of the archipelago,

There is a huge shuttle-shaped shadow, more than 100 meters below the sea surface, rapidly swimming.

It was a huge whale nearly 30 meters long,

It is streamlined as a whole, with light blue skin on the body surface, light pale markings on the back, and folds on the chest and abdomen.

Compared to sperm whales, the head is small and flat, with two jet vents on the top of the head,

From any angle, this is an ordinary blue whale.

Marine mammals, baleen whales, are the largest known animals to have ever lived on Earth.

No, no, no,

The definition should be followed by “largest mortal creature”.

Looking up at the starry sky, there is a dragon living on the bright moon.


The giant whale swings its tail, churning the water, and swimming rapidly below the surface.

The average blue whale swims at a speed of 28 km/h,

50 km/h only when startled or chasing other whales.

And the swimming speed of this whale is close to 58km/h.

And it has been swimming non-stop for nearly three hours.


A low-frequency, deafening sound, blaring below the ocean’s surface,

In front of this blue whale, a group of more than twenty blue whales appeared.

Blue whales generally act alone, with at most two or three blue whales swimming and foraging in the ocean as a family.

But with the advent of the killing game, the earth’s ecological environment and animal habits are also changing,

Groups of twenty blue whales are not as rare as they used to be.


The blue whales in the group have noticed this lonely compatriot,

They emit a loud, low frequency sound of around 20 hertz across the vast ocean,

Sings to the blue whale in the distance.

However, the blue whale swimming at high speed completely ignored the beautiful and beautiful whale song of its compatriots,

Just adjust the orientation of the head and drill into the depths of the ocean.

100 meters underwater,

Two hundred meters,

Three hundred meters…

The water is dark and cold, and there is not a shred of light,

The special blue whale, like Don Quixote, the knight charging towards the windmill, slammed into the seabed.

Seeing that it was about to slam into the solid sea floor, scratching its skin by the rocky gravel,

The belly skin of this blue whale suddenly opened,

Extends six extra-stout, arthropod-like legs,

Like a mechanical hook, firmly support the ground,

Coordinated with the high-pressure water jet from the underside of the blue whale’s abdomen,

Sturdy hold up the hundreds of tons of ocean beasts.

The surrounding fish were frightened and ran through,

Shrimp and crabs with low intelligence also follow their instincts, swim and crawl away from this weird “blue whale”,

Or rather,

Hive behemoth disguised as a blue whale, Behemoth.


Camouflage plate armor on Behemoth’s abdomen, which bounces automatically,

A slightly bloated figure in armor fell out of it.

That’s…Lee Ang.

He is wearing a deep-sea diving suit made of aluminum alloy and special the transparent glass mask, a small and exquisite swarm worker worm emits a sparkling green light, illuminating the underwater world .

Under the sea level, there is more life than you think.

molluscs, crustaceans, corals, echinoderms, sponge anemones…

Under the light of the worker insects, it reflects a strange brilliance.

Biomass, enough.

Li Ang stepped on the fine seabed sand, turned around and looked not far to the south of the seabed,

There is an underwater cliff with a drop of hundreds of meters,

Standing on the edge of the cliff and looking down, you can only see the dark darkness that is so rich and suffocating.

Just right, it can be used to hide the nest.

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