Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 735: Backlash (Quad K)

“In addition to the reason of ‘as long as you stay on the floor where people have died, you will be safe and sound’, there may be another reason why 13MARK is secretly hiding in room 1108.”

Li Ang put away the scraps of paper and said indifferently: “Those hats.

Judging from our experience a few days ago, the strength of the thin and tall bamboo hats is probably much stronger than that of the terrifying old man,

They were attracted for some reason and began to appear in the hotel on the third night,

And the death of the player can calm them down and let them leave-the day before yesterday, Omega died before 3:30, so the thin and tall bamboo hat did not appear,

The same is true for yesterday’s 13MARK.

13MARK may have thought at the time that the thin and tall bamboo hat was a random murder, and that he could avoid being randomly selected by hiding on the eleventh floor.

Transfer the risk to others. “


The mule and Liu Wulan exchanged glances. In fact, when they heard the news that 13MARK was staying on the eleventh floor last night, the two vaguely guessed this.

Hiding on the dead floor is indeed one of the options for safe clearance,

But this kind of selfish behavior is bound to make himself the target of public criticism.

“It is stated in the hotel accommodation guide that floor occupants can effectively calm the restlessness of the hotel,

This also means that there are floors that are not occupied, which will cause some bad things in the hotel. “

Li Ang said indifferently: “For example, the terrifying old man, compared with the day before yesterday, he no longer needs to lock the player based on his breathing, and he can hurt the player before the curfew time comes.

The overall strength has also been further improved – this is likely to be the backlash caused by 13MARK’s behavior. “

The mule nodded silently,

13MARK’s behavior undoubtedly broke the hotel rules and the tacit understanding between players,

Even if he survived last night,

It is also possible to be **** by other survivors today, settle accounts in autumn, punish them, or even wait until night to kill them directly…

In order to reduce the probability of the appearance of thin and tall hats,

Remove the potential threat of 13MARK’s nighttime replay.

In other words, the Dolphin Hotel has a box-and-trap rule,

On the surface, it is a test to test the player’s ability to survive alone,

In fact, it is also a game between players.

Players must consider whether other people can be trusted, and must consider whether their own trust will be betrayed and cause their own death,

If other people are selfish, then the whole risk will be passed on to themselves.

In this case, other people’s words and actions will become suspicious,

Are they secretly colluding, are they negotiating, can they sneak into other people’s rooms at night and secretly kill a certain player to calm the restlessness in the hotel and let them live better?

Once the bond of trust is broken, it is difficult to build again.

The poisonous wine of suspicion and suspicion will fall one by one with the passage of time,

And become more mellow.

Others, hell.

13MARK wasn’t the first to understand this, he was the first to practice the theory and paid the price.

“However, one thing is very strange, why did 13MARK’s plan go wrong.”

Li Ang rubbed the beard on the dragon head mask (he made another dress out of mud), and calmly said: “The old woman in red not only appeared on the tenth floor where Kafei died,

He went directly to the eleventh floor where Dan Fei died, and killed 13MARK.

Why can she do this? “

“Maybe the old lady in red has some kind of mutation?”

Liu Wulan calmly said: “Or 13MARK’s behavior caused the hotel to be restless and led to the invalidation of the rules for the safety of the dead floor?”

“Could we have misunderstood?”

Hei Shengzi thought for a while, and said unsure: “The accommodation guide only said that the floor where people have died will not need to be occupied for the next 180 hours,

Not saying that floor is as safe as an elevator car,

Aliens can also enter the dead floor and attack.

And didn’t Li Risheng test it just now?

From 01:11 to 06:07,

Not just the elevator room, but the entire elevator shaft can deal a fatal blow to aliens.

When the old woman in red dragged 13MARK into the elevator shaft, it was not the safe time for the elevator shaft.

That’s why she can.

Hotel rules, not invalid. “

“It makes sense if you understand it this way.”

Bai Hao nodded and said solemnly, “I was just thinking about whether all of our players can leave the floor where we are tonight and gather on a floor where people have died.

Unite to improve the odds of survival,

But I’m afraid this won’t work.

First of all, the old woman in red has the ability to enter the dead floor,

Secondly, the rule that some floors are not fully occupied will cause the hotel to be restless. After testing yesterday, it is correct.

If we all stay together, I’m afraid there will be a stronger backlash,

For example, the horror old man completely lifted the restrictions,

The weirdness of reset numbers hits us,

And attracted a thin and tall hat.

Even if a player dies during the weird dealings with the hallway, and we even kill a member to calm down the Slender Hat,

I’m afraid there’s no way to deal with a lot of hallway weirdness. “

Not necessarily.

Hei Shengzi almost refuted Bai Haozheng, but he had seen the scene where Li Ang, who was dressed in a Fuwahuahuan decoration last night, smashed the face of the clown with one punch.

Hei Shengzi originally thought that he and Bai Haozheng were the two strongest in this scripted mission, but now, I am afraid that there will be another Li Ang.

The muscles around the corners of the doctor’s eyes twitched, showing a rather complicated expression on his face,

In the bottom of his heart, he hopes that all the players will gather together – the terrifying old man has been pestering him for two consecutive nights.

Analysis this morning,

One is to prove that it is useless to hide in the dead floor,

The second is to prove that it is useless to gather together, and the players have to live on their own floors.

It’s not good news for epidemic doctors…

“There is more bad news”

Li Ang shook his head and said lightly to Bai Haozheng: “You forgot one thing, 13MARK.”


Bai Hao reacted instantly, frowning, “You mean 13MARK was…

If this is the case, the situation is even worse…”

Seeing the suspicious glances from everyone, Bai Haozheng explained: “After the old woman in red dragged 13MARK into the elevator shaft, in order to get rid of Li Risheng who was chasing, she used a certain method to open the 14th to 8th floors. of all elevator shaft doors,

In subsequent follow-ups, it was not discovered where they went.

13MARK is indeed dead, and before 3:30, otherwise the thin and tall hat will not appear,

But what if he died on a floor other than the eighth floor? “

Wanli Fengdao opened his mouth and understood what Li Ang and Bai Haozheng meant.

Guidelines for hotel accommodation stipulate that every floor needs to be occupied, and the floor that has died is not.

Assuming the old woman in red dragged 13MARK to the 8th floor where the latter was supposed to be, killed and eaten it, that’s fine,

If 13MARK died on the 12th, 11th, 10th, and 9th floors where people have died,

Then the death event is repeated,

It is equivalent to wasting an opportunity to suppress the disturbance on the floor.

Bai Haozheng, Black Saint Child, Ghost of the Eyes, Dan Fei, Kafei, Bob, 13MARK, Yuyi Xinxin, Epidemic Doctor, Li Risheng, Mule, Liu Wulan, Wanli Fengdao, Ω.

Fourteen players, just corresponding to fourteen floors,

According to the original plan, even if a player dies unexpectedly,

The remaining number of survivors can also fill other floors of the hotel,

But 13MARK, whose place of death is currently unknown, has become the biggest flaw for the survivors-they may never be short of a place and will never be able to fill the hotel floor.

“The old woman in red may eat 13MARK on any floor, anywhere,

If she kills 13MARK in a hidden corner on the left side of the corridor on the fifth, fourth, third, and second floors,

And we don’t know this, if we continue to live on floors 5, 4, 3, 2, etc.,

This is equivalent to repeating 13MARK’s mistake last night.

This has become an unsolvable situation,

In any case, the hotel’s restlessness is inevitable. “

Li Ang spread his hands and sighed: “So now, there are two choices before us,

One, continue with the original plan, each returning to their own floor. It is inevitable that the hotel is restless. Everyone depends on their abilities and fate decides who can survive, and who will be captured by the slender bamboo hat.

Two, not according to the original plan, everyone gathered tonight. This may lead to a stronger backlash from the hotel, allowing the hotel to completely lift the restrictions.

The specific benefit is probably to be able to unite and gather the power of the remaining players.

The former, may die one or two,

In the latter case, if you are not careful, everyone will be destroyed.

So, what’s your opinion? “

Li Ang, who put the two choices in front of everyone, glanced at room 1108, observing the expressions on everyone’s faces.

“A player’s death location is unknown, so the survivors must be attacked by a higher intensity…”

Bai Hao was thinking for a while with his head lowered. After a long silence, he sighed, looked up at everyone and said, “My personal opinion is that everyone stays together,

With everyone’s strength, I should be able to survive the next two nights until the script time ends. “


Hei Shengzi was silent for a while, then said slowly: “Each has its own advantages.

I have to think about this first. “

Everyone’s eyes turned to Yu Yi’s heart,

The girl from Hijima wearing a sailor suit has beautiful eyebrows and eyes.

“I… feel better on my floor.”

Yu Yi squinted her eyes and said cautiously: “The idea of ​​gathering together is obviously inconsistent with the setting of this mission,

Isn’t it?

Assume that on the first night, a player dies,

The next night, the remaining thirteen survivors felt it was time to stay together and get through the rest of the day.

So with the abilities of these thirteen people, is it possible to survive?

If they survive,

That system is completely unnecessary. The mission settings are so intricately designed that we can simply say that everyone gathers together and fights to the death against aliens.

If the 13-man lineup doesn’t survive the attack,

Then with the remaining 8 of us, there is no chance of surviving. “

The system doesn’t set mortal missions, nor does it make missions too easy.

“Makes sense.”

Li Ang nodded and looked at Wanli Fengdao: “What do you think?”

“I’m standing and watching.”

Wanli Fengdao grinned and said casually: “This question,

Players who are confident in their own strength should prefer to live alone, right?

If it were the weird hallway that knocked on my door last night,

I should be able to deal with it independently,

Even if its strength rises by a grade or two,

I also have a way to keep myself from dying.

I choose to live alone. “

Brother Xiaodao is not blindly confident. In fact, the players who are still alive and standing here more or less have one or two hole cards that are not known to outsiders.

Furthermore, with the intuition of the Swordsman…

He faintly felt that among the people present, some or some people lied.

“One to two.”

Li Ang looked at Liu Wulan, “Where’s Miss Liu?”

Liu Wulan leaned against the wall to fight, with his arms folded in front of him, his eyes lowered, “…stay together.”

“The reason?” Li Ang asked with a smile.


Liu Wulan replied calmly.

The mule’s gaze jumped between Liu Wulan and Li Ang, the intelligence businessman considered for a while, then raised his head and said, “I’m the same as Miss Liu.

Intuitive. “

In terms of personal strength, a mule with more than ten pieces of advanced equipment is definitely not weak,

Relying on the artillery fire and defensive equipment of the mechanical golem, she is estimated to be able to hold on for a day – as long as she does not encounter a strange existence that is difficult to prevent like the pen fairy.

But Liu Wulan said so, naturally she has her own considerations,

The mule chose to trust Liu Wulan’s intuition.

“Three to two.”

Li Ang turned his attention to the epidemic doctor,

The latter was silent for a long time and said hoarsely: “I choose to live separately.

There is no reason. “

Everyone glanced at him in amazement. There is no doubt that among the remaining survivors, the epidemic doctor who specializes in medical treatment is the one with the weakest personal combat power.

Standing in his position, it is natural for everyone to gather together, and it is best to use his healing ability and get the best protection from others.

“Three to three.”

Li Ang smiled and looked at the young master of the other side organization who bowed his head in thought, “I don’t know what your opinion is of the Black Saint?”

Hei Shengzi slowly raised his head and looked directly at Li Ang, “Can I ask first, what do you think?

You are the one who made the proposal after all. “


Li Ang pointed to himself, shook his head and said, “I have no idea,

In fact, whether I live alone or in a group, I am confident that I can survive.

This proposal is just to provide you with a choice. “


The Black Son laughed inexplicably There were only two options to choose from,

If more people choose to live alone, those who choose to gather must succumb to the former, otherwise they will be suspected of passing on the danger.

If more people choose to gather together, then those who choose to live in isolation will have to give up living alone and hug together for warmth-the restlessness of the hotel is treated equally,

In the face of more violent aliens, the survival probability of a single player plummets.

Essentially, this is just mandatory minority submission to the majority, right? “

Li Ang smiled without explaining anything.

“In this case…”

Hei Shengzi glanced at everyone and said in a deep voice: “I choose…”

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