Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 724: Shrinking

The victim, reappeared.

The next morning, players gathered in the lobby on the first floor and talked in low voices.

Last night was the fifth night the player arrived at the Dolphin Hotel,

There are Bai Haozheng, Hei Shengzi, Yuyi Xinxin, Liu Wulan, Ω,

The people who received the note were Epidemic Doctor, Li Ang, Mule, Wanli Fengdao, and 13MARK.

The epidemic doctor’s note last night, the content is [Don’t breathe].

He received the note at around 00:30 and immediately smelled a dull, stench of rot.

As an experienced doctor, he immediately recognized the smell of highly decomposed animal carcasses.

In line with the principle of abiding by the content of the note,

The epidemic doctor immediately held his breath, covered his mouth and nose, held a weapon (a long staff), and carefully explored his room 0608.

The epidemic doctor pushed open the door of the side bed, and immediately saw the source of the rotten smell-it was an elderly humanoid creature,

He has a highly decomposed appearance, with a large area of ​​skin peeling off his body surface, revealing large black damaged muscle fibers, as if he had been splashed with ink.

He has no hair and no body hair like eyebrows or eyelashes,

The ten fingers are so decayed that the stubble can be seen, the upper and lower lips are mutilated, and the blackened gums and teeth below can be seen through the lip holes.

Tick, tick.

This highly decomposed, elderly-like creature, bent over, facing the bedroom door, motionless,

The cuffs of his trousers and the bag in his right hand kept dropping black viscous liquid down,

A bit like oil and a bit like asphalt.

It is very strange that the hotel building materials cannot be destroyed by the player’s best efforts,

In the face of these black viscous liquids,

The carpet in the bedroom of room 0608 was corroded by black liquid and sizzled, and smoke kept rising,

Through the holes created by the corrosion, the plague doctor can even see the sandwich layer of the wooden floor.

Something’s wrong.

The elderly-shaped creature obviously did nothing, but the alarm bell in the heart of the epidemic doctor was the loudest,

From the experience of many players in the past few days, even if it is an abnormality in the hotel, it cannot cause substantial damage to the hotel room.

The mystery of the “monster” in front of me is definitely several grades higher than that of ordinary aliens.

While covering her mouth and nose, the epidemic doctor endured the urge to breathe,

While pretending not to see anything, he carefully closed the bedroom door.

Excuse me.

After closing the door,

The epidemic doctor immediately took out a heavy sci-fi gun from the backpack, and pulled the trigger towards the gap in the door.

This gun is called [Blue Multi-Function Spray Gun], and there are dozens of modules installed in it, which can spray substances with different functions.

Styling powder for makeup,

Colorful inks for wall graffiti,

Medical glue for hemostasis,

Also, a hydrogel for repairing submarines and cabins.

He used the [Blue Multifunctional Spray Gun] to spray a large amount of water-repellent gel and paste it in the gap of the side bedroom door.

This gel grows in the wind and solidifies quickly,

Not only sticky, but also able to weld objects,

It can also isolate seawater, air and sound waves.

After isolating the side bedroom door,

The epidemic doctor took out a mahogany sword, a cross, and a diamond ring tied on a chain from the backpack, and hung them on the bedroom door handle.

These three things can have a seal effect,

The “door” guarded by them will be truly “closed” at the occult level,

Any teleportation skills, flash effects,

None can leave the space represented by the “door”.

After doing this,

The epidemic doctor released his palm covering his mouth and nose, then took out a portable oxygen cylinder and a breathing mask from his backpack and put them on himself.

The real world record of underwater breath holding is ten or twenty minutes,

But this is based on the fact that enough pure oxygen is inhaled, the air in the lungs is fully replaced, and there is no interference,

The epidemic doctor saw the sticky note in a hurry, and was forced to hold his breath before it was full. It is not easy to maintain free movement.

After pasting the bedroom door and putting on the oxygen mask, he took a breath.

He originally thought that he had made the side sleeper soundproof, isolated the air, and sealed it,

If you breathe in an oxygen mask,

Won’t let the rotting monster in the bedroom find out,

I never thought, he just mobilized his chest muscles and inhaled a breath of pure oxygen,

A large amount of black ink oozes from the bedroom door.

A rotting, skinny palm sticks out of the oily fluid, followed by the head, chest, waist, and legs.

That old man-shaped monster, ignoring some extraordinary props,

Did straight out of the door and waved his arm at the stunned doctor.

No signs,

The epidemic doctor appeared directly in front of the rotten human figure, staring blankly at the other party reaching out and pressing his face.

The oxygen mask he put on himself saved his life,

The rotten humanoid’s palm full of black liquid pressed against the oxygen mask, instantly corroding the mask into slag, and “呲呲” emitted choking white smoke.

Under the deadly crisis,

The plague doctor’s mind was buzzing. He waved his long staff and released the green blade of light. At the same time, he took a half step back and used some kind of flashing skill that shrinks into an inch.

The green light blade released by the long staff hit the rotting humanoid, like a mud bull into the sea, without causing any damage,

And his Shrinking Earth was released normally – he flashed to the other end of the living room, and there was a sofa between the rotten human figure.

Unexpectedly, the rotten humanoid did not continue to pursue, but froze in place, with its nose open and closed, sniffing the air.

The epidemic doctor immediately reacted. The trigger mechanism of the other party was his own breathing.

As long as he doesn’t breathe in and out, he won’t be attacked.

Stop breathing, easier said than done,

Except for anaerobic bacteria, viruses, and a very small number of Myxoparasites (a parasite that lives in salmon muscle),

Most living things on earth need to exchange gases with the outside world,

As a doctor, the epidemic doctor is very aware of the consequences of suffocation and the limit of his own body’s breath-holding,

Inhales enough to stand still for six minutes.

For low-intensity activities, four minutes,

Strong activity, even fighting, can only last about two minutes at a time.

After a brief thought, he resolutely devised a strategy for the next course of action.

He used the pen and paper provided by Li Ang to quickly write down all the information of the rotten human figure,

Slightly moved to the door and stuffed the paper out the door, then returned to the master bedroom, closed the door, and took a sharp breath of oxygen against the tube of the oxygen cylinder.

As he expected, as he inhaled, black ink also leaked from the wall of the master bedroom,

The highly decomposed humanoid monster passed through the wall and entered the master bedroom directly from the living room,

And use the wave skill that can cut space again to grab the plague doctor to him.

【The author’s words: I wish the college students will do it.


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This is Taihang Mountain. ]

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