Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 717: Joke

It was December 7, 2010 when Carter Murphy was covered in snow, but he can’t be sure he arrived at the hotel in 10 years—

The time in the hotel was relatively chaotic. In the hotel, he had seen Indians in indigenous costumes, soldiers in German Third Reich uniforms, and even suspected performance artists or future people in astronaut costumes.

The staff at the hotel remained tight-lipped about the current date,

On the contrary, the resident group was more enthusiastic, and a resident who lived next door (a Portuguese man with a long beard) took him to participate in the Residential Committee consisting of hundreds of residents,

He was briefed on some of the committee and the rules for surviving in the hotel.

In addition to following the accommodation guidelines issued by hotel staff, hotel guests must listen less, think less and read less if they want to survive well,

No matter what kind of abnormal situation you encounter, just turn around and leave if you don’t see it,

Notify hotel staff unless it affects your own safety and living experience.

Since Carter Murphy only stayed at the hotel for three days, he didn’t know much,

As for the post-coma experience,

According to Carter Murphy’s own account (he was silent on the typewriter for a long time), his consciousness gradually became blurred, and the whole figure seemed to melt, escape and expand, forgetting time and space.

Somewhere along the way, he felt something intruding into his territory,

He subconsciously had the idea of ​​​​observing and detecting, and part of his fuzzy consciousness extended out and lodged in a glittering carrier (according to hindsight, that is, the pen),

Carter Murphy’s entire consciousness was in a chaotic state of excessive anesthesia. He relied on instinct to answer questions from the outside world (in hindsight, that is, a mule),

Until the other party asked the current time, Carter Murphy’s consciousness suddenly felt a surge of irritability and anger, subconsciously wanting to destroy and hurt,

As a result, the mule had wounds all over its body and blood was pouring out.

Later, Li Ang and others arrived and began to persecute him — strange to say, the persecution did not make him fall into a coma again, but gradually woke up and was able to communicate with people normally.

Correspondingly, it is Carter Murphy’s consciousness, which gradually shrinks from the state of escaping in the whole room 0408, and finally settles on the typewriter.

Can’t fill the room like before.

Carter Murphy has been the only abnormally conscious individual he has encountered since he entered the hotel as Li Ang and others, and his words contain a huge amount of information,

Unfortunately, he didn’t know the reason, nature and mode of action of the hotel’s abnormality, nor did he know the identity of the ghost in the hat and the old woman in red.

During the entire interrogation process, in addition to typing out the text on the typewriter where Carter Murphy was staying, the Black Holy Son next to him was also recording the conversation with pen and paper.

He circled a few doubts, and just as he was about to ask carefully, he heard the ethereal and low voice of “one less”.

All the players present knew that the source of the sound was the figure of a hat, but the strange thing was that Carter Murphy, who claimed that he didn’t know what the hat was, seemed to have fallen into a huge fear, and the whole typewriter vibrated wildly.

In the players’ spiritual consciousness, the black energy air mass lodged in the typewriter quickly dissipated and disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lee Ang asked the mule to stay in room 0408, looking at the typewriter,

He and Hei Shengzi opened the door and walked through the corridor – a black suitcase left by the Black Saint child at the entrance of the elevator was not refreshed by the characteristics of the corridor, so Li Ang and Hei Shengzi The child can directly enter the elevator room.

The two people press the down button, the elevator room reaches the second floor, the elevator door opens,

At the door, there are just six slender figures wearing bamboo hats walking through the corridor.

Under the observation from a static distance, the oppressive feeling brought by the figure of the bucket hat is even stronger. Even if he stays in the elevator room that is known to be absolutely safe, Hei Shengzi still feels that his breathing is frozen, his body is still, and there is no battle at all. meaning.

The six figures with bamboo hats in the corridor, went straight through the elevator door and walked to the right along the corridor on the second floor,

After a brief tremor, Black Saint Child recovered, hesitated for a moment, and still pressed the elevator button for the third floor.

In this way, the two of them have been riding the elevator, following the footsteps of the figure of the bamboo hat, and ascending.

3rd floor, 4th floor,

When they reached the fifth floor, Li Ang took the lead and returned to room 0508 before the figure of the bucket hat came over – and the other party did not attack, and walked on his own, saying “one less” from time to time, and went straight to Go to the stairwell.

Li Ang returned to the elevator and continued to observe the Black Saint Child. When he reached the eighth floor, the figure with a bamboo hat in the middle of the corridor suddenly stopped, stood there for a while, then fell into the floor and disappeared.

Li Ang and Hei Shengzi continued to wait and see for a while, and exchanged information through paper with 13mark, who lived on the eighth floor and had a bye tonight, and then took the elevator to the ninth floor.

Only then did I find that the door of 0908’s room was open, the room inside was in a messy state, and Bob, who lived in the room, had disappeared.

Bob is probably dead.

As for the cause of death…

Bai Hao is using his mind power to flip through the diary left by Bob.

The diary was filthy, covered in blood, hair, and indistinguishable substances. The text in it was relatively clear at first, but the further back it was, the more scribbled and chaotic it became, making it difficult to discern.

“Bob has been in a dark space for at least six months, possibly a year or even years.”

Bai Hao was expressionless and calmly said: “He tried to find a way out to no avail, the food was quickly exhausted, and his spirit gradually collapsed,

But found that no matter how much blow to his body, he would not die.

When my consciousness was about to collapse, I accidentally discovered that my body could have an extremely small impact on the metal cabinet, and then began a long process of scratching the cabinet.

However, when he opened the cabinet and took out the note, he was already blind and couldn’t read the note.

As a result, he fell into complete despair, and after leaving a large number of inexplicable ravings in his diary, there is no record.

At present there are three doubts,

One, his cause of death. The diary states that he attempted hundreds of suicide attempts, but was unable to end his life or strip him of consciousness. In this case, how did he die?

Second, does he only enter the dark space with consciousness, or does the whole person including consciousness enter the dark space?

If the former, why is the diary left here?

If the latter, what about his body? Was it removed, or something else happened?

Third, is his death related to the figure of the bucket hat? Why did the voice of the bucket hat suddenly stop shouting ‘one less’ when it reached the eighth floor and disappeared? “

Bai Haozheng raised his own question, and the players present were silent and contemplative.

Ω raised his head and asked in a hoarse voice, “What did Bob write on the note he found in the metal cabinet in the dark space?”

Bai Hao glanced at him and snapped his fingers. The invisible tentacles formed by telekinesis rolled up the wrinkled note on the table and handed it to Omega.

On it, two lines of words are written.

“If you have a button in front of you, press it, you will stay in a dark and silent space for a hundred years, and when you come out, you will get a billion in cash, and you will completely lose your memory in the dark space. Will you press?”

“What are you kidding? I’m going to **** it up!”

[Author’s words: Thanks to @cherry China for the keyboard gift, the tea switch feels very good, crisp and pleasant to the ear and does not hurt the hand, and the code word game is correct. The RGB lighting is quite dazzling, I like it. ]

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