Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 716: Snow

The next morning, ten players gathered in room 0908.

The door here is open, the floor is covered in blood, the tables and chairs are scattered,

In the room, there is no resident of Room 0908, Bob.

Bai Hao was silent, using his telekinesis to pick up a stack of black and red unknown substances from the ground,

The thing looks a bit like paper covered in messy writing, except that it’s covered in a thick layer of dried blood, dirt, and hair, and it gives off an eerie stench.

Players present have shared their experiences from last night,

I didn’t receive a note last night. The people who took the bye were Hei Shengzi, 13MARK, Epidemic Doctor, Li Ang, Wanli Fengdao,

The people who received the notes were Bai Haozheng, Yuyi Xinxin, Mu Zi, Liu Wulan, Omega, and, Bob.

Bai Hao received a note shortly after curfew time began,

The content of the note is [through the stone gate],

After seeing the note, a stone door suddenly appeared in the living room of his room,

After passing through the stone gate, he came to a labyrinth similar to a hotel corridor, with twists and turns and complicated terrain,

And every once in a while, it will be folded and reorganized.

Bai Haozheng spent hours, relying on mathematical reasoning, to find out the law of the maze,

Using his extraordinary ability as a player, he escaped and returned to the normal room 1408 before the curfew time expired.

During this process, he also found a dry corpse in the maze,

The owner of the corpse has been dead for many years, and looks like an inn resident who has entered the maze by mistake, judging from the clothing,

In the pocket of his jacket, there is a diary the size of Ben’s palm.

The owner of the diary claimed to be Martin Anderson, an American insurance salesman who went camping in a nature reserve with some friends and strayed into the depths of the forest.

Saw a very abrupt wooden staircase in the forest.

For some unknown reason, a friend of Martin Anderson climbed the wooden steps and disappeared.

Several others panicked and ran out of the forest, trying to seek rescue from the outside world,

As a result, Martin Anderson stumbled, slammed his head into a rock, and passed out.

When he woke up again, he had appeared in the Dolphin Hotel.

The following parts of the diary were torn, smeared, and revised extensively,

Through progressively chaotic, topsy-turvy statements,

I can clearly feel the panic and nervousness of the insurance salesman Martin Anderson – shortly after arriving at the Dolphin Hotel, he entered the labyrinth corridor that Bai Haozheng experienced,

I was trapped in it for nearly a month, relying on the food in the trash cans in the corridor refreshed in the maze to maintain my life.

As for the cause of Martin Anderson’s death, according to Bai Haozheng’s guess, it is likely to be a heart attack caused by extreme mental stimulation after long-term mental failure.

Martin Anderson’s cause of death aside,

The content of the sticky note in Yuyi’s heart is [remove pests],

In every corner of her room, a large number of insects, flies, cockroaches, mosquitoes, fleas, lice…

Densely dense and ubiquitous, it whistled towards Yu Yi’s heart like a black ocean wave.

With ranged attacks and splash damage, she barely blocked the sea of ​​worms, leaving a ceiling-high pile of vermin corpses in the room.

As for Liu Wulan and Ω, the sticky notes they received were [Keep the door clean]

With the previous case, the two did not dare to neglect, and spent the whole night cleaning everything that could be considered a “door” in the room until 03:28 in the morning.

That’s right, at the same time as yesterday, an ethereal, low voice saying “one less” sounded again in the hotel.

Omega, who lives on the first floor, saw six figures with bamboo hats coming from the right side of the corridor and into the stairwell,

Wanli Fengdao on the second floor and Liu Wulan on the third floor also saw the figure of the bucket hat – the difference is that the elevator has not been opened tonight, and the old woman in red has not appeared.

At 3:30 in the morning, Li Ang, Hei Shengzi and Mule were still in room 0408, interrogating Bi Xian for information,

Relying on gentle threats and persecution, Li Ang succeeded in getting the pen fairy to agree to cooperate.

He used alchemy to make a typewriter with a pen made of clay, and let the pen fairy type on the typewriter for faster communication.

A pen and a typewriter are tools for writing words anyway,

It is normal for the pen fairy of the new era to live in a typewriter or keyboard.

In short, with the typewriter as the carrier, the communication efficiency has risen sharply,

With the sound of clicking, it typed out its own life message.

Like Martin Anderson, who died in the labyrinth on the 14th floor, Pen Fairy is also an American. His name is Carter Murphy, a professional manager with a successful career.

Once he was out skiing, he felt a little tired when he passed a forest, so he planned to rest against the tree,

I didn’t expect that tree to be a fir, its umbrella-shaped canopy can carry snowflakes falling from the sky,

This results in the snow under the tree filling up with a lot of air, broken branches, and powdered snowflakes,

It looks solid, but it is extremely soft,

As soon as Carter Murphy sat down, he sat empty and lay back with his feet up and his hands caught in the deep snow under the trees.

A panicked Carter Murphy tried to move and get up from the snow,

However, the hands cannot grasp anything that can be fixed, nor can they touch the ground,

The more you struggle, the deeper you sink.

Soon, Carter Murphy was submerged in snow, his vision slowly dimmed, and when he opened his eyes again, he had come to the Dolphin Hotel,

Become one of the residents.

According to Carter Murphy, the Dolphin Hotel at that time was set up in a forest,

The hotel looks relatively normal, with the accommodation guide posted in the lobby (the same version as that seen by Li Ang and others)

The staff and occupants are ordinary humans.

Most of the hotel’s occupants are real-world missing who were informed by hotel staff,

They are dead and can now stand, run, and breathe, all due to the special effects of the hotel.

The residents of the hotel will usually enjoy the customer treatment of star-rated hotels. They can freely socialize, move, exercise, socialize, and even develop feelings and live together – provided that they cannot become pregnant.

But they also need to abide by the rules. They cannot move outside the guest room during the curfew, open the door without authorization during the curfew, and cannot leave food at the door.

The hotel residents didn’t know what would happen if they didn’t follow the rules. The staff kept silent and only smiled at the residents’ questions.

But the changing population of households shows that there will be disappearances and even deaths.

Carter Murphy stayed at the Dolphin Hotel for only three days, one night he fell asleep in room 0408 and never woke up alive.

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