Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 715: Space

In the dark, Bob counts silently.



Name, Bob Fox, Age, 37, Birthday 83.9.8.

Favorite color, red.

Favorite TV series, “The Wire”

Mother, Halle Fox.

Seventy eight thousand nine hundred and nineteen..

Seventy-eight thousand nine hundred and twenty…

Name, Bob Fox, Age, 37, Birthday 83.9.8.

High School, Hatton High School,

Favorite sport, basketball



Name, Bob Fox, Age, 37, Birthday 83.9.8.

First girlfriend, Kelly, Kelly Winslet,

She was in the next class, and he dared to invite her to the school dance, and she agreed with a smile.

Well…he remembers the smell of the back seat of the blue Toyota, the sweat and the awkward smile when he couldn’t untie the belt…

It wasn’t a bad night, though, was it? She’s very gentle, and if she hadn’t moved, they might have been together…

390,000… how much?

Forget it, there is no point in counting,

Thinking about this, Bob slowly picked up a bottle of water, brought it to his lips, and took a sip.

This world is dark, dead, silent, the only light coming from a red dot.

It is now his fourth and a half days in this world,

At about the third day, he felt like he was about to break down, but he managed to hold on.

As time passed, he began to gradually perceive the presence of limbs, touch, taste, smell… these sensations came back again, although still very weak.

Bob doesn’t know either, this is the dark space returning the five senses to him,

He still has weakened senses, and now he picks it up again, just because he is used to the long-term dark and silent environment.

However, this is not good news.

Bob, who has regained his five senses, is able to access items from his backpack slots while also being aware of his environment.

This is an empty space with extremely low gravity, close to nothing,

The space is dark and dark, and can devour any internal light source (the one created by Bob’s equipment skills), except for the red dot.

Yes, red dot.

The place where the red dot is located is a one-person-high rectangular metal cabinet with a smooth surface and no buttons or bolts. unknown.

The cabinet stands on a flat ground, which is very soft, textured like cotton candy, and can heal itself.

If it weren’t for the extremely low gravity here, the metal cabinet would have sunk into the ground long ago.

In short,

The red dot is located at the middle end of the front of the cabinet. By virtue of the faint light emitted by the red dot, Bob, whose five senses have been weakened, can drink water and eat.

He has some survival supplies, compressed food and pure water in his backpack, but they are limited and must find a way out of this space before the food runs out.

Bob thinks so, and draws a full stop on the paper with a pen – he starts to record everything that’s happening here, and it doesn’t make sense, so he does it anyway.

If he can go out, he doesn’t need to give the paper to others and let them help analyze and crack ideas,

If he can’t get out, the paper will probably stay in this space forever.

Forget it, I don’t want it,

It’s fine to take notes, but if he doesn’t write something down to vent, he’ll go crazy sooner or later.

Bob slowly stands up and turns to look opposite the red dot.

There is just a mechanical device in his backpack that can measure time. He doesn’t need to calculate the time in his head, but if he wants to check the time, he has to return to the red dot – there is no light in this **** place.

Actually, by consuming spiritual power and observing the recovery speed of spiritual power, the current time can also be observed,

However, the recovery efficiency of spiritual power will be affected by the player’s physical and psychological state, so it is not particularly accurate.

Anyway, let’s go.

Three weeks, three days, seven hours, fifty-eight minutes.

Three weeks, three days, seven hours, fifty-eight minutes.

Through the light from the red dot, I can see my thin, pale face through the glass of the clock.

I’ve been on the ground in the dark space for twelve days,

My vehicle, a motorcycle, ran out of energy on the first day, and the rest of the time, it was all on my feet.

No end, no end,

I used my skills to locate, so I was very sure that I didn’t take a detour, and I didn’t encounter a constant cycle of ghosts hitting the wall,

This **** space is simply endless.

The way out…

Damn, I have to find a way out, I’m running out of food.

Two months, one day, thirteen hours.

Just descended from the sky, just like forward and backward, there is no end to the upward road.


Why does it have to be me?

Why do I have to stay in this **** space where everyone else can get a safe and harmless note?

This is not fair.

Damn **** **** ****!


Can only dig down.

Three months, four days,

I just climbed out of the tunnel, pretty sure, there is no way down,

I did strict food planning, but the supplies were still decreasing day by day.

The soft substance that makes up the ground is inedible,

Eat raw, steamed, grilled…no matter what cooking method is used, it will cause severe abdominal pain after eating it – it has no nutritional value and is completely unsatisfactory.

I’ve tried growing crops on the ground, but this “soil” is completely unviable.

Three months, twenty days.

Everything that can be used as “food” was exhausted thirteen days ago,

I even drank the only bottle of Micro Health Potion, guess what?

It cured my malnutrition and made me, hungrier,

I now have to endure the urge to eat this piece of paper with every word I write.

By the way, who is that? Li, Li Risheng, right?

I have to thank him for sending a stack of paper at a time, but the ink is not enough.


Four months, seventeen days.

I will not die.

That sounds incredible, right?

I haven’t eaten anything for almost a month, I’m skinny, my hair is falling out, my lips are chapped, and I’m constantly suffering from hunger and pain – I suspect my internal organs are already bleeding out.

But I’m still alive.



I found it! I found it! !

That metal cabinet! That metal cabinet won’t be destroyed by any skill gear, but it will be affected by my own body!


I can scratch it with my fist, with my teeth, with my own bone!

Inside, there must be something hidden inside, maybe a door! Open it and I’ll be out!

Good luck!

I’ve been scratching the surfaces of metal cabinets with my lost teeth all this time,

To be honest I’m totally afraid to look in the mirror right now, God knows what I’ve become…I feel like my right hand is starting to peel, like an onion,

The good news is that I have scratched a gap in the metal cabinet, and if I blow air inside, I can hear a hollow sound.

The inside is hollow.

My left hand is broken,

I tried to make a bandage out of material and tied my broken left hand in front of me,

It doesn’t make much sense though, my body is already decomposing and I can even run my fingers through the holes in my belly and feel the guts inside – the blood in my abdominal cavity had been draining a week ago,

It stinks, really stinks.

Blood pooled on me, dried up, and solidified like a coat of armor.

And the ground.

If I had made up my mind earlier and used my own body to grow crops, maybe I would have grown potatoes?

Can potatoes grow in meat? I have no idea.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing there are no flies here?

On the one hand, I don’t have to worry about having maggots all over my body,

On the one hand, the flies and maggots at least provide me with some protein, and noise.

The metal cabinet is about to open, almost.

Totally exhausted, I decided to start using the bone inside my left hand,

When I woke up today, I didn’t see the red dot,

I thought it was off,

It turned out that I was blind in my right eye,

Good luck.

Only close, I can break that metal plate!

Great, great, great, I’ll be out right now!

Hopefully returning to the outside world will heal my wounds,

I’m rotten to the core.

The cabinet, I opened it.

Inside, there is a book.

I know, the content above can help me out.

Maybe it was a spell, like “Open Sesame,” and I could get out of here.

But, I can’t.

I’ve been blind, five days before opening the cabinet door.


This is the funniest joke in the world.

Name, Bob Fox, Age, 37, Birthday 83.9.8.

Favorite color, red.

Favorite TV series, “The Wire”

Mother, Halle Fox.

Who will kill me,

Whoever it is, please come and kill me…


Name Bob Fox, age, 37, birthday 83.9.8.

High School, Hatton High School,

Favorite sport, basketball

I tried suicide, a hundred times? A thousand times?

I pulled out my heart, opened my forehead, and bombarded myself with the most powerful weapon,

No matter how many times, no matter how many times, my broken body can stand up again.

Kill me, please.

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