Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 712: Ramen


Click, click, click.

The mule’s fingers were broken one by one by Li Ang’s brute force and bent backwards.

Because of the existence of the sticky note, Li Ang did not directly cut off the mule’s hand (there is a certain probability that it would be regarded as a violation of the sticky note requirement), but broke off the three fingers of the little finger, the ring finger and the middle finger,

Have the mule hold the pen with only the thumb and index finger of his right hand.

I don’t know because breaking the fingers reduces the contact area with the pen,

The severe pain from a broken finger erodes the brain,

The mule, who was originally confused, was instantly awake, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he gasped for breath.

“This pen, wants to control me.”

The mule is holding back his emotions, holding his right wrist with his left hand, keeping his voice as calm as possible.

Li Ang heard the words and looked down at the mule’s right arm – it was covered with deep wounds, and blood poured out like it didn’t want money,

And new wounds keep popping up.

If it goes on like this, the mule will die of bleeding exhaustion, if not killed by the anomalous event itself.

Li Ang reached out and pressed the mule’s skin, and the biological master activated, trying to heal the mule’s injuries.

However, the intelligence businessman’s situation seems to be more complicated than he imagined,

There seems to be some kind of chaotic, manic and deep energy lurking in the mule’s body,

This energy has been running around in the mule, trying to stretch his skin and escape.

This energy is not removed,

Li Ang’s biological master is just a temporary solution, not the root cause. Forcibly suture the wound on the body surface, and the scar will be re-opened in the next second.

With the threat of death imminent, the mule took out a tiny bottle of life potion in a delicate bottle from the backpack and drank it.

The tiny life potion that heals most injuries does work,

The tiny wounds on the mule’s body were healed, no more bleeding, and even the face of the intelligence businessman himself became a lot rosier – the life potion comes with the function of replenishing blood.

However, in the next second, with the sound of “呲la”,

The mule’s skin cracked again, and more wounds than before appeared on the mule’s body.

“There is a problem with this pen.”

Hei Shengzi’s eyes flashed, and he said urgently in a low voice: “There is a special abnormal phenomenon on it, which will use the energy in the contact person’s body as the energy source to continuously cause damage to the contact person.

They have formed an energy connection,

In this case, cutting off the connection rashly will cause unpredictable and bad consequences.

You must use spells, words, spirits, and other skills to slowly release the connection…”

As the young master of the Other Shore Organization, the Black Holy Son is very familiar with skills such as curses and witchcraft.

In fact, there is a prop in his backpack that is specially used to remove spirits,

A powerful curse can be broken, preventing a person from being affected by the curse.

However, the cooldown of that item is too long, and now it is used by the mule, and it will not cool down until the end of the script.

Compared with randomly matched teammates who are not relatives or reasons, their own life is definitely more important,


The Black Saint was just making an opinion, pretending to be equally anxious, and didn’t really want to lend a hand – there’s another patrol here,

For his own safety in the next few days, Black Saint Son would like to see what methods Li Ang has.


Li Ang raised his eyebrows, lowered his head and glanced at Mule’s dislocated right arm, and immediately had an idea in his heart.

“I’m here to help you.”

He said in a deep voice, reached out and pressed the mule’s right arm to activate the biological master.

This time he didn’t try to repair the mule’s injury, but on the mule’s right forearm, a bright red meat ball with hair and nails was born.

The meat ball grows when it sees the wind, and grows on the forearm like a gourd in the blink of an eye.

Accompanied by Li Ang’s self-created chanting sound of “Uuuuuuuuah”, the ball of meat gradually deformed and grew into the shape of a palm.

In short, Li Ang “planted” a new right hand on the mule’s wrist.

After tormenting myself for a long time and accumulating medical experience in the Unsullied Furnace,

Li Ang is very familiar with every process of human body modification,

The newly planted right hand is perfectly connected to the original blood vessels and nerves of the mule,

When the stunned mule gave the command to move the little finger in his mind, the little fingers of both right hands moved in unison.

“Children, did you lose this golden palm? Or this silver palm? Or this fleshy palm?”

Li Ang maintained the energy output of the biological master and continued to transform the arm of the mule while talking nonsense.

Since the sticky note requires that the mule must insist on playing the so-called game, and can not disconnect the connection between the body and the pen,

Then just change the way to make the connection long and sluggish.

The two well-informed players, the mule and the black saint, have to admit at this moment that the current situation is indeed something they have never seen before——

The original right hand of the mule gradually elongated, becoming more and more narrow and thin,

Only a layer of translucent flesh like a long ramen remains, connecting the wrist and the original right hand.

The original right hand has become a 20-meter-long slender ramen.

Bone buried deep beneath the muscles softens and liquefies,

The nerves in it were also degenerated,

It can be said that this hand, aside from maintaining the literal definition of “part of the front end of the primate arm”, has completely lost its functionality and practicality.

On the contrary, it is a newly grown right hand, which is more flexible and practical.

Since the pen was bound to the original right hand,

Therefore, the special energy emanating from the pen must go through a “pulling” stage of up to 20 meters before it can affect the mule – the suddenly lengthened front makes the special energy in the pen unsustainable,

The mule quickly regained control of most of its body through a battle of wills.


The “wrist” drooping like a ramen on the ground is still within the reach of the pen, and its skin is constantly propping open and bursting, reminiscent of a water pipe with many holes on the lawn.

Unfortunately, since there are no blood vessels or nerves in this ramen’s wrist, no matter how much he bursts, it won’t affect the mule.

The three players just stood there quietly, watching Ramen’s wrists roll back and forth like maggots, tossing up and down.

It went on like this for ten minutes, and the fleshy ramen wrist stopped bursting. The negative energy hidden in the pen was finally exhausted, and it quietly hovered above the paper without moving.

The dust settles.


The mule twitched the corners of her eyes and squeezed her palm. The new right hand perfectly suited her usage habits, just like the original one that had followed her entire life.

Hei Shengzi took a deep breath and said softly, “What happened just now?”

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