Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 710: Pen

Seven thousand one hundred and twelve…

Seven thousand one hundred and thirteen…

Dark, dead silence.

Bob floats in the darkness, counting numbers in his heart.

It’s not quite accurate to say it’s floating.

He lost all senses, didn’t know where he was, didn’t know his physical condition,

He has nothing else to rely on but a functioning brain.

I can’t feel anything anyway, and it’s no different from floating in the dark void.

Thinking of this, Bob’s childhood experience of being shipwrecked on a ship and nearly drowning flashed through his mind.

The dark and cold sea water irritates the skin, and the suffocation feels frantically pressing on the lungs. Under the legs that step on the sea water, it seems that some kind of huge and dead creature’s shadow is swimming through.

The fear of the deep sea has really upset Bob in the past,

But it pales in comparison to five sense deprivation.

Wait, what am I thinking?

Bob had the idea of ​​”self-deprecating”,

After being deprived of his senses, he feels that he is very easy to fantasize,

Those fragments of memories buried deep in my mind are like bubbles, constantly rising.

Bob had the idea of ​​”sighing”, the sticky notes and others he experienced, presumably, although not fatal,

But in terms of torture, it’s more than that.

“I don’t know how long I’ll be here…”

Bob thought silently, his brain counting the time to itself.

Suddenly, an extremely faint light appeared in the corner of his sight.


No words can describe the surprise in Bob’s heart,

He adjusts his orientation so that he can better see the source of the light.

That’s… a red dot.

A faint red glow, dot.


Fourth floor, 0408.

The mule’s hair was disheveled, and his body was covered in blood. He held the pen gifted by Li Ang in his blue-veined palm, hovering over the paper.

The time is now, 01:40,

An hour and fifteen minutes ago, she received a note for tonight with a small line on it,

[Playing a supernatural game]

Well, since it’s a sticky note, it must be implemented honestly.

As an intelligence businessman’s mule, the ability to analyze intelligence and make decisions is not bad,

If players want to do a supernatural game, it is naturally the simpler and safer, the better.

Within a minute of receiving the note, the mule went through the supernatural game he knew in his mind,

Bloody Mary, walking into the dark bathroom alone, holding a candle in hand, shouting three **** Marys into the mirror,

You can see in the mirror the terrifying woman who brutally murdered countless young girls in order to keep her youth forever.

Charlie’s game, prepare a piece of paper and two pens, divide 4 areas on the paper equally, write 2 yes and 2 no, after writing 2 yes and 2 no,

Place 2 pens at right angles as the boundary of the area, and then call Charlie repeatedly to summon the demon who has always been able to predict the future and communicate with him.

In addition, there are also pen fairy, mirror fairy, chopstick fairy, four-corner game, bathtub game…

Since it is a note request, there is a high probability that these magical games will mutate during the execution process.

From safe and harmless to full of danger,

If you are not careful, you will risk your life.

“The safest way is to look in the mirror and peel the apple with a knife.”

The mule thought at that time, “But the popularity and popularity of this supernatural game is not high, and some of them will be rejected by the sticky note,

And I don’t have any apples…”

There are only beer drinks in the hotel refrigerator, no fruit.

And there are no dolls (you can take the doll to the balcony three times, jump on the bed three times, and hit the doll three times),

Or umbrella (in the early morning, hold up a black umbrella indoors, you can see something under the umbrella)

The above three supernatural games may have the highest safety factor, but the lack of magic materials (at this time, I am even more envious of Li Ang, who has alchemy and can play whatever he wants),

Let the mule choose only some of the more dangerous games.

For example, the pen fairy.

The mule sits at the table and divides the paper into several areas according to the rules of the pen fairy game,

Each area corresponds to the words “East”, “South”, “West”, “North”, “Yes”, “No”, “Doubtful”, etc.

After marking the area, the mule held the pen given by Li Ang, hovered over the paper, held his breath, and began to ask questions.

For their own safety Mule naturally dare not ask dangerous questions,

For example, when will I die,

The gender of the pen fairy,

The cause of death of the pen fairy,

The appearance of the pen fairy,

Or let the pen fairy come out directly to meet him or something – asking this kind of question in the context of a hotel can only show that his heart is too big.

What the mule asks are questions without risk,

For example, are you here, can I ask questions,

Am I going to have bad luck lately, have I lost things, etc.

Everything was going well until the mule asked a question and things started to spiral out of control.


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