Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 708: Sacrifice

13MARK immediately understood what Bai Haozheng meant.

No matter what the six figures with bamboo hats are, since they came up from the downstairs, they should also go downstairs.

The ghost of the hidden eyes lives on the twelfth floor,

The 11th and 10th floors below belonged to Danfei Kafei, but they were left vacant after the death of the two brothers.

Bob, who lives on the ninth floor, slept all night,

Therefore, in theory, 13MARK, who lives on the eighth floor, should most likely see the six figures in the bucket hats walking downstairs with the ghosts of hidden eyes (alive or dead).

“I didn’t see it.”

13MARK spread his hands and said casually,

The Yu Yixin, Epidemic Doctor, Li Ang and others who lived downstairs also claimed that they did not see it.


Bai Haozheng pushed his glasses, “There are two possibilities. One, the figure of the bucket hat with the hidden ghost disappeared directly on the floor and teleported to the rest of the hotel.

Second, the figure of the bucket hat, with the ghost in sight, walked down the stairwell on the right side of the corridor, so it was not seen by the residents living on the left side of the corridor. “

“Does that make any difference?”

Bob asked with a sullen face.

“Of course.”

Bai Haozheng said casually: “Those figures in bucket hats kept saying ‘one less’ until the hidden ghost had an accident,

Understanding their patterns of action will help us understand the process, results, and reasons for the disappearance of the hidden ghost. “

“Too little intelligence.”

Black Saint Son shook his head, looked at everyone and said, “If they don’t figure out the identity and origin of the giant hat, they will continue to take others away.

If I don’t get the note tonight, I’ll be in the elevator after 01:11,

On various floors between the first and fourteenth floors, take the elevator to and fro patrolling,

If anyone needs help, give a signal, like opening the door or stuffing something through the crack, and I’ll do what I can to help. “


Ω glanced at the Black Saint, a little surprised, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

Unity and cooperation is an empty slogan for players without friendly damage shielding system,

It would be nice if it didn’t go down the drain, how can I expect other players who are not relatives or friends to lend a helping hand.

“I’m sure.”

The Black Saint nodded, “I personally think it’s probably safer to be in the elevator room than to be in the room all night.

Originally, I planned to call the players on each floor in the elevator to ask about the situation and decide whether to go up or down.

However, considering that the content of the sticky note may be [do not make any sound], making random calls may disrupt your tasks,

For now.

If the six ghosts with hats appear again tonight, I can also go up and down through the elevator to track and observe them in real time,

Even save players they’re targeting.

As for the reason,

One is to make myself survive better,

The second is…”

Hei Shengzi showed a slightly sinister smile on his face, “The ghost of the hidden eyes is my companion no matter what, he just died so ignorantly,

There’s got to be an argument. “


Bai Haozheng was silent for a while, then nodded and said, “This suggestion is good, but for safety’s sake, it’s better to choose another person,

It’s good to have a look after each other. “

The hotel elevator can carry two people, and after carrying the Black Saint Child, it can carry another player,

Bai Haozheng’s suggestion, on the surface, is for the sake of the Black Saint-if there are two players in the elevator, then the winning rate against the possible red-clothed old woman will increase a lot,

In essence, it is also a kind of temptation and restriction for the Black Son.

If he is alone on the floors, the hidden danger is too great,

He can attract aliens in the corridor by jumping in and out of the corridor, prying open other people’s doors, shouting loudly, etc.

Using a knife to kill someone who is honestly staying in the room.

If there is another person next to him,

Then it can play a supervisory role.

Bai Haozheng himself is an intelligence analyst of the special affairs bureau, with an official background and trustworthy,

Liu Wulan, Wanli Fengdao and others are closely related to the Special Affairs Bureau and can be regarded as companions to some extent.

Li Ang and Mule, who entered the script with Liu Wulan, are naturally within the scope of their companions.

“If I don’t get a note at night, or if I’ve completed a note,”

Bai Hao is looking at Hei Shengzi and said, “I will also enter the elevator some time after 01:11, the two of us can form a team.”

“Me too.”

Li Ang on the side raised his hand in agreement.

“Well, but the elevator can only carry two people at most, and the elevator will not be safe any more. When I pass each floor, I will open the elevator door to show the number of people inside.”

Hei Shengzi seemed to be completely unaware of the deep meaning of Bai Haozheng’s words, and said calmly: “If we are lucky, tonight we will be able to figure out what those figures with hats are.”

So, the question goes back to the original point, what the **** did the ghost of hidden eyes do to cause him to be killed.

Because he killed the kimono woman in a dream,

Also violated some currently unknown taboo,

Or the hotel rules completely collapse, and who lives and who dies depends on random decisions.

After thinking and discussing for a while, the players still could not get a result. Finally, they searched the twelfth floor and the elevator shaft again.

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

As expected,

Players have tested it before,

The corridor of the Dolphin Hotel has a self-refreshing function,

The scotch tape they put on the hallway phone quickly disappears.

In order to test the refresh time required for the hotel corridor, Li Ang also specially refined some dyes out of soil,

A lot of graffiti has been painted on various floors, in the lobby on the first floor, and in the elevator shaft.

The test results show that the graffiti will gradually disappear within 30 minutes to 3 hours on average.

The shape, content and area of ​​the graffiti have nothing to do with the disappearance time.

The same is true for the change of the hotel structure – take out the things in the front desk cabinet and put them on other floors, and they will all be restored within 30 minutes to 3 hours.

That is to say, if the ghost of the hidden eyes is chopped and chopped into dumpling fillings and sprinkled in the corridor,

The players who assembled the next day were completely invisible.

The day passed quickly, and the players scattered again and returned to the floor where they belonged.

Before leaving, Liu Wulan, who deliberately fell behind, threw a ball of paper to Li Ang.

The content of the note is simple,

“The woman in the bathtub said something to me before she disappeared, don’t trust anyone else.”

Li Ang squeezed the note in the palm of his hand, activated alchemy, and made the paper into a thousand paper cranes.

Over time, the weirdness in this hotel has changed, becoming more…smarter?

In the beginning it was simply posting sticky notes and now, it is possible to interact and even talk with players.

On the second night, Li Ang was attacked by four oil paintings,

He took great pains to suppress it and tried to torture him for information,

As a result, the characters in the painting are completely unable to communicate, and no matter how much water is poured into them, they have no intention of negotiating.

Judging from the feedback from last night, the strange head encountered by the Black Saint asked him to tell supernatural stories,

The bathtub weird that Liu Wulan met warned her not to trust others,

The woman in kimono who met the ghost of the hidden ghost even chatted with him.

It is the player’s entry that caused the hotel mutation,

Or is the hotel recovering gradually by taking lives?

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