Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 703: Vulnerable

That’s a woman.

It wasn’t raining on the stone bridge, but she was holding an umbrella.

It was a long-handled oil-paper umbrella with a bamboo handle and a red cover. There was a white pattern in the middle of the umbrella with a pattern of blooming cherry blossoms printed on it.

The woman has long black hair and is wearing a modest kimono,

The ghost of the hidden eyes has no research on the kimono, so I can’t identify the specific type of the costume, only a rough description.

Kimono with purple pattern on a white background, a large number of flowers on it, a beige sash, a flower-shaped woven pendant on the left side, and medium length sleeves.


The ghost of Muhidden spit out a mouthful of black smoke expressionlessly, and the blade of the giant naginata in his hand hummed as if he was thirsting for blood.

He could see the umbrella the young woman was holding, the kimono she was wearing, the hairstyle she was wearing, the clogs she was stepping on,

But when he focused on the other person’s appearance, his mind was blank, and he couldn’t complete the construction of the other person’s appearance in his mind anyway.

The hidden ghost has some regrets in her heart,

During the day, the players gathered together to analyze the TV video Wanli Fengdao saw last night. Bai Hao was the first to make sacrifices and took a certain risk to extract the memory clips of the video from Wanli Fengdao’s mind.

At that time, in order to avoid possible memetic contagion, the Black Saint Child and the Ghost of Muhidden chose to retreat without saying a word, instead of watching the dynamic cartoon drawn by Bai Haozheng,

When the woman combing her hair in the dynamic cartoon ignores the hotel’s “daytime safety” rule and turns her head and smiles at Bai Haozheng,

There is still some happiness in the heart of the black saint and the ghost,

I feel that if something goes wrong, the abnormal events related to dynamic comics will definitely find Bai Haozheng first,

This way they are safer.

But now, the hidden ghost regrets it.

The river under the stone bridge was foaming, with a large number of dead fish floating on the river,

Perfectly matches a picture in the description of Wanli Fengdao at the time.

If at that time, the Ghost of Hidden Eyes had chosen to watch animated cartoons, maybe he would have recognized the young woman who was combing her hair in the mirror, whether it was the umbrella figure in front of him.


The dull sound came from behind, the hidden ghost did not turn his head,

With the player’s five senses far exceeding that of ordinary people, he clearly sensed that it was the sound of a loose stone brick behind the stone bridge.

The stone bridge is about to collapse.

“Who are you?”

The hidden ghost asked, his voice strong and strong, shaking the air, “Where is this?”

The woman in the kimono stopped and looked at the ghost of Mehide quietly. She didn’t answer, but slowly turned the bamboo umbrella handle with her slender fingers.

Like a young girl who is in love, she saw her crush on a stone bridge and was shy and hesitant, how to say hello to her.

Ka Ka-

The sound of loose stone bricks was louder, and the entire stone bridge was shaking slightly.

The anxiety and unease in the hidden ghost’s heart is even more intense. He has a vague feeling that if the stone bridge collapses, but he does not escape from the dream,

Some very, very bad things will happen.

“What’s your name!”

The Demon of Meguro roared loudly at the woman in the kimono, and a black smoke-shaped suffocation swirled rapidly around his tall body and the Naginata.

For a long time, the woman in kimono slowly opened her mouth, her voice soft and gentle, “Excuse me, are you also here to kill me?”

The eyes of the hidden ghost suddenly widened, and subconsciously asked: “What?”

“You too came to kill me, right?”

The woman in kimono seemed to be apologizing to the other party for the trouble she caused. She bowed a little embarrassedly, and said apologetically, “I haven’t seen the hotel staff for a long time. I thought they were there. An accident happened in the last accident…

Ah, the bridge is about to collapse,

If you don’t kill me, you’ll be trapped here forever. “

Hidden Ghost’s mind is full of confusion, anxiety, fear and unease, he faintly feels that he has touched some truth about the hotel,

With a Naginata, he growled, “What are you talking about?

Who are you? “


The stone bridge behind him has begun to collapse, and a large number of stones fell into the river, splashing white foam,

The location of the hidden ghost is also shaking wildly.

“…you, aren’t you a hotel employee?”

The woman blinked her eyes, as if she realized something, and there was some sadness in her eyes, “Are they all dead…”

Who are they referring to?

The hidden ghost wants to ask questions, but the speed of the stone bridge collapse is too fast,

Countless stones fell into the river. Every time a stone fell, a large number of dead fish would rise from the bottom of the river, rise to the surface, and emit a foul stench.

Seeing that the collapse of the stone bridge will soon erode the foothold,

The ghost of the hidden eyes kicked the ground, with a dexterous pace that was completely inconsistent with the burly figure, lightly swept across the stone bridge, and rushed to the woman in kimono,

Reach out a large hand and hold the opponent’s neck.

As the guard of the young master in the other shore organization, the equipment and items on the ghost of the eyes will naturally not be too shabby,

The special effect of one of the exercises he cultivated happens to include “suppressing the spiritual body and absorbing the power and memory of the opponent.”

The hidden ghost is very sure that the other party is not a normal human, but some kind of alien,

However, he far underestimated the vulnerability of the other party,

He just stretched out his palm, and his fingertips just touched the skin of the opponent’s neck,

The neck of the woman in the kimono burst and broke, turning into countless pieces and flying backwards.

More fragile than paper…

The eyes of the Hidden Ghost were full of astonishment. He opened his mouth, and just as he was about to say something, he was driven by an unstoppable force and flew straight into the air, flying higher and higher.

The sound of the wind whistled in my ears, and the stone bridge below that completely collapsed into the river became smaller and smaller, and finally turned a little gray.

The next second, the hidden ghost suddenly woke up from the bed, breathing heavily with bloodshot eyes.

It wasn’t a dream.

The ghost of Muhidden jumped up from the bed, grabbed the banknotes on the bedside table, and went straight to the living room.

He still retains the physical characteristics of the demon form, holding a naginata sword in his hand,

A system beep also sounded in his ear, indicating that he had just killed a life and was rewarded with 500 game coins and experience points.

What the Hidden Ghost experienced just now was not a hallucination. He did kill the kimono woman in a weird way that he didn’t even know about.

The ghost of the hidden eyes is writing quickly on the paper, and he feels that,

What the kimono woman said and the video Wanli Fengdao saw last night are all revealing the essential secrets of the hotel,

He must record it, he must let his young master Black Son see it, and maximize the chance of Black Son’s survival.

The time…is 03:28,

I was “in a dream” for three hours…

The hidden ghost quickly wrote down the words on the paper, but subconsciously flashed in his mind, the description of Wanli Fengdao during the day.

One of the pictures he saw was a close-up of the corridor of the Dolphin Hotel.

The hallway is featureless, the specific floor cannot be distinguished, and the clock at the end of the hallway shows 03:33.

Three-thirty in the morning…

The time when Dan Fei received the call last night, the time in the video Wanli Fengdao saw, the time when the hidden ghost woke up at this moment.

3:30, what does it mean to be in this Dolphin Hotel?

“One less…”

The very abrupt, indistinguishable, ethereal and low voice of the human voice was introduced into the ears of the hidden ghost,

This guard from the other side organization, with cold hair standing on end, his right hand had no time to put down the pen and paper, and his left hand held a huge naginata and slashed backwards.

The sharp blade draws an arc like a half-moon,

The wind blew up the carpet table and chairs, slamming them against the wall.

“One less.”

The ethereal low voice sounded The Ghost of Hidden Eyes looked around in astonishment and swallowed.

The voice did not come from room 1208, or even on the twelfth floor.

That voice echoed throughout the hotel.

“One less!”

The low voice suddenly raised its pitch, and the ground of the hotel trembled slightly, as if something broke in.

The ghost of the hidden eyes ran to the door of 1208 with a pen and paper, and the huge body bowed down, pressed against the main door, and looked out from the cat’s eye with one eye.

He saw that the light at the top of the elevator car on the left side of the eleventh floor was on.

Start on the first floor and work your way up.

Someone, or something, pressed the elevator button and was coming up.

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