Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 700: Luck

“What do you think?”

Bai Haozheng asked seriously: “What Dan Fei wrote.”


Li Ang frowned and thought for a while, then turned to look at Bob.

From the beginning, this black old man had red eyes, clenched his fists, and suppressed the grief in his heart.

Caffy and Dan Fei are his very good friends, and the relationship between the three has continued from the real world of childhood to the game of killing.

But it’s only been two days since I entered the script mission,

Kaffy was eaten alive, Dan Fei was left with only one hand and one foot,

Leave him alone in the dolphin hotel that is full of danger…


Caffy was the first to die, and Dan Fei encountered extremely terrifying abnormal events for two consecutive nights,

Correspondingly, 13MARK on the eighth floor and Ω who lived on the first floor had a bye for two consecutive days without incident.

It’s not fair!

Bob wanted to shout out loud,

However, he also knows that the sticky note is purely random, and it is useless to resent the injustice of fate, and it can’t be blamed on other people.

“Bob, you and Dan Fei should know each other very well, right? Look at the handwriting on this piece of paper. Is it Dan Fei’s?”

Lee Ang handed the paper to Bob,

The latter took it with a cold snort, frowned and glanced at it, “It should be Dan Fei’s handwriting, his W likes to draw like waves, and B likes to write in one stroke,

Can’t be wrong, it’s his own handwriting. “

Li Ang nodded, “What about the smell of saliva on it? If you smell it, does it belong to him?”


Bob stretched his neck forward and said dumbly, “How would I know the smell of his saliva? Did you misunderstand me and him?”

“A real good friend is to know everything about each other,”

Li Ang said righteously: “I don’t even know the taste of the other party’s saliva, what kind of friend is this?”

…just be happy.

Bob’s eyes twitched, but he didn’t pay any attention to Li Ang’s strange request.

“The taste of saliva is second, just take a look at the handwriting on the note.”

Bai Haozheng said lightly: “Is it the handwriting of Dan Fei and Kafei? I still don’t know it.”

“You mean, it’s possible that Caffey left the content on the note?”

The mule raised an eyebrow, “This can explain why the content of the note is contradictory,

If the writing belongs to Kafi, then maybe it can prove that the hotel can restrain the spirits who died in the hotel…”

Bob took the note and observed it carefully for a while,

Finally shook his head, “Unlike Kaffi’s handwriting, his handwriting is more straight and clear, and the letters don’t stick together.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.”

“…that’s odd then.”

The mule groaned, looked at the paper and said, “According to Dan Fei’s own analysis last night,

There are several interpretations of note content.

One, connect the phone line to the desk phone in the room. If a call comes in, don’t answer it.

Two, answer the phone, but don’t speak.

Third, answer the first call, but not the second.

The first guess was rejected after he checked that the telephone line was intact,

The second hypothesis, because the phone rang in the corridor first, after hesitating for a few seconds, he chose to follow the accommodation guidelines and did not open the door to go to the corridor to answer the phone,

As for the third hypothesis, he was also denied by himself——

The landline phone on the right side of the corridor on the eleventh floor rang, he did not answer it,

Naturally there is no reason to run to the next room and take a double risk to answer the phone.

And, the 1172 room where he was, also rang the phone,

Under various factors, he decided to answer the third call. “

“The following content is suddenly interrupted,”

Bai Hao frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: “It may be that he heard some news during the answering process, which greatly disturbed his mind,

Let him not write the phone call on the note.

Of course, it is also possible that the abnormal existence is directly across the phone, controlling his body and stopping him – but this possibility is relatively small,

If the anomaly exists and can be controlled over the phone,

Then he should not even be able to write the following text, and was killed directly. “


Li Ang nodded, turned his head, and glanced around the room, “The blood volume in the room is almost equal to 50% of Dan Fei’s body size,

Combining different types of bloodstains, and where the debris is scattered

I think Dan Fei should have been attacked on the sofa in the living room first,

At that time, he had prepared for the defense, set up the room, and was confident that the other party could not easily break into the room – when he was attacked, he maintained a standing position, stood by the sofa in the living room, and also had time to write.

However, the other party easily entered 1172, and the action was so fast that Dan Fei had no time to respond,

An arm was cut off.

He threw away the paper and tried to resist, but was directly knocked down by the opponent, flying sideways into the corner of the living room,

Bump into furniture along the way.

However, Dan Fei did not lose all his fighting power. He quickly got up, stepped on the ground, and straddled the living room.

Slashing at each other with an axe – as evidenced by the splattered blood on the wall carpet along the way.

The next thing is, the two sides are fighting in the narrow living room,

Dan Fei soon fell into the wind, was cut off her right leg and fell to the ground,

Grabbed by the ankle of the left leg, he was dragged along the carpet and out of the door – the vertical drag of blood on the carpet and threshold proves this.

The other party dragged Dan Fei out of room 1172 and closed the door outside,

Because the corridor will be cleared and refreshed, there is no blood on the carpet in the corridor…”

Li Ang pondered for a while, then turned to look at Bai Haozheng and asked, “When you came, the door should be closed, right?”

“It is closed, but the house is not locked.”

Bai Haozheng said: “There is no lock, which proves that the door of the room was opened last night.”

Players have discussed before that at night the door should be closed and locked inside the house for safety.

Dan Fei can’t be stupid enough not to check the gate during curfew hours,

The only explanation,

The so-called ‘they’ can open locked doors.

Wanli Fengdao frowned and asked, “What do they mean?”

“They, and she, are separated,”

The mule tilted her head and said, “‘she’ should be the old woman in red that Dan Fei saw last night,

And ‘they’ might refer to all the anomalous beings in the hotel?

If that’s the our living conditions will be even worse…”

Bai Hao nodded, “Dan Fei didn’t leave the room and executed the contents of the note, but was attacked abnormally from downstairs,

This shows that his behavior really violated the instructions of the sticky note before he will be punished. “

“It can only be said that his luck is not very good.”

Li Ang shook his head and said, “The content of the note is too vague and there are multiple explanations, so he just executed the choice that will trigger the punishment.


Judging from his account, he seems to be certain that the footsteps in the corridor originated from women, most likely from the old woman in red last night.

The woman is from the tenth floor. I suggest we go to the tenth floor and search around to see if we can find any other remnants of Dan Fei. “


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