Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 696: Unexpected

“At this time, she should also take turns calling the rooms on the eleventh floor one by one, and she is about to call your room.

We can’t let her find out that the line is busy, or we’ll let her know your location. “

On the other end of the phone, the existence claiming to be Kafi said very quickly, “I am now a bodyless spirit, which has been permanently captured by the hotel,

So even though I couldn’t leave the tenth floor, I was able to know some of the hotel’s hidden rules–rules that help players survive their deadlines.

All you have to do now is put on your cat ear headphones and listen to the phone ringing in the other room,

Then immediately went to the room where the bell rang, unplugged the phone there, and threw it in the elevator…”


Dan Fei spoke for the first time, her voice hoarse and low like his own, “The phone rang again just now next door, and it’s over now.”

On the other end of the phone, there was a brief silence.


Caffey’s voice broke out, “No! She must be busy on the phone now, knowing you’re at 1172 on the eleventh floor,

You’re screwed even if you hide in the elevator now!

The safe time in the elevator room only lasts until 06:07,

After that, the elevator car is no longer safe – it doesn’t matter if you press it or not in the elevator car, she can break into the elevator and eat you.

Other players won’t help you, they can’t protect themselves,

And helping you means opening the door, and no one is that selfless.

The only way…”

On the other end of the phone, the self-proclaimed Caffey gritted his teeth, “I just hid on the tenth floor and used the hotel’s rules to restrain her.

But doing so can lead to dire consequences…

Not good!

She’s up! I heard her footsteps in the stairwell!

Damn, she saw me! She saw me at the end of the hallway and smiled at me!

She knows you’re on the eleventh floor!

Quick! quick!

Dan Fei, get out of there! Take the elevator to the tenth floor! ! “

Caffey’s voice on the other end of the phone, frantically urging, hoarse,

Dan Fei in room 1172, holding a phone and a pen, breathing stagnant.

Who should he trust?

Tread, step, step.

In the stairwell of the corridor on the left side of the eleventh floor, there were clear and pleasant footsteps.

Getting closer.


It’s over.

The clock in the room pointed to 07:07, and a faint morning light shone through the living room window.

Li Ang slowly exhaled a turbid breath and put the motionless oil painting in his hand on the ground,

The green vines that danced around the body also returned to peace and were put into a white coat.

The room is still a mess,

All kinds of sundries on the tables, chairs and benches were scattered all over the place, and the white towel from the bathroom landed on the ground wet, like a dehydrated fish.

The seawater in the room has been emptied,

It’s just that there’s still a lot of white salt left on the carpet – the traces of seawater being pumped away.

And the original four paintings in the room…

At 07:07, the old woman in black and the demon child disappeared from the room and reappeared in the painting,

Their posture changes,

Lie down on the canvas, all face is bleak, motionless,

The belly is bulging, and the belly is bulging up to a meter, and it looks like an inexplicable, strange and frightening feeling.

And the nobles hunting in the woods, um…

Now there are no nobles and no forests, just a lake of broken trees floating.

In this painting of a sailboat in a heavy rain, most of the sailboat sank in the sea, and only a few crew members stood on the exposed bow of the sailboat, struggling to support.

The last girl covering her face with a fan,

She was sitting on a chair, her head bowed, not knowing whether she was alive or dead.

These four paintings are in a static state,

It seems that the end of the curfew time has also deprived or sealed their own abnormal attributes.

“Can’t kill, can’t destroy, it’s really troublesome…”

Li Ang complained, putting the four paintings together, leaning against the edge of the fireplace, and not hanging them back on the wall.

After a long night of fighting, even he was a little tired.

This level of fatigue can be easily healed and restored with divine power,

This script mission only said that no summons could be used, and did not say that it would forcibly isolate all contact between the player and the summons,

The swarms living in the breeding box can still provide Li Ang with a weak power of faith.

However, the recovery speed of divine power is still too slow for an abnormal attack once a night,

It’s best to save and save as much as you can.

Li Ang stretched his back and didn’t go to clean up the tragic room for the time being. Instead, he approached the security door, put his eyes on the cat’s eye, and continued to wait in the room for a few minutes.

He spent the whole night calculating the time mentally, to prevent the existence of anomalies, and modified the clock time, showing that it was 07:07, but it was not actually there.

And for the sake of safety, he waited for another ten minutes or so on the premise that the mental arithmetic had reached 07:07, in order to prevent the mental arithmetic error and violate the curfew time.

Just as Li Ang peeked out through the cat’s eye,

The door to the stairwell on the fifth floor was pushed open,

Bai Hao is walking out of the stairwell, followed by Black Saint Child, Ghost of Meguro, Bob, 13MARK, Yuyi Xin, Epidemic Doctor and others.

After the Kafi incident yesterday, the players decided not to meet in the lobby every morning,

Instead, the player who lives on the highest floor, namely Bai Haozheng, goes down from the fourteenth floor floor by floor, actively looking for the player on the next floor,

Everyone gathers directly on the floor.

In this way, players can be prevented from being attacked by anomalous existences, being seriously injured and unable to report to the lobby on the first floor, while others are completely unaware of the situation.

Bai Hao was waiting for the seven people to come to the door of 0508 and knocked on the door – the room was soundproofed very well, but if the players living inside were still alive, they should be looking out through the cat’s eye at this time and could see them.

The faces of the seven people with player nicknames floating above their heads are heavy, and Bob’s face is even tighter, his face is full of sadness, his palms are tightly clenched into fists, and he seems to be forcibly suppressing his grief and anger.

These seven people are all residents from the 14th to 6th floor, the only one missing is…

Dan Fei?

Li Ang raised his eyebrows, pushed open the door, and greeted Bai Haozheng, “Good morning.”

He also has his player nickname floating above his head, verifying his identity with the other party.


Bai Hao nodded. Through the gap in the door, he inadvertently glanced at the tragic scene in room 0508, “Did something unusual happen last night?”


Li Ang waved his hand, indicating that he didn’t need to care, “Where is the Danfei?”


Bai Haozheng pushed his glasses and sighed, “We arrived at room 1172, where there are traces of battle, and Dan Fei’s one hand and one foot…”

He glanced at the epidemic doctor behind him, who silently took out a clothed dark left arm and a right leg from behind,

The cross-section of the severed limb is very rough, as if it was eaten alive by a beast, dripping with blood.

“We also found notes that Dan Fei left in the room and notes he left on paper before he was attacked. Something has happened to him.”

Bai Hao was taking out the blood-stained notes, paper and pens from his pocket, sighed, and said faintly, “Anyway, let’s find someone else first,

Room 1172 has been sealed off. Photos and evidence have been taken at the scene.

When everyone is ready, let’s go back to the eleventh floor,

Look at what happened to Dan Fei last night. “


Li Ang was not touched by Dan Fei’s death,

He nodded indifferently and agreed to and walked out of the room. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the clock at the end of the corridor, which was the same time as the room.

No errors.

Li Ang followed behind Bai Haozheng and others. He didn’t rush into the stairwell, but squatted down and carefully checked the carpet at the door of room 0508.

In the early hours of this morning, some seawater penetrated through the gap of the door,

But now the door carpet is not damp at all, and there is no salt residue at all.

“The room and the corridor are really relatively isolated… The residue in the corridor will disappear quickly, while the room will remain forever.”

He groaned, stood up, and closed the door,

Follow everyone and walk downstairs.


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