Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 68: Causes

Special ritual…

Li Ang narrowed his eyes and immediately thought of the large number of Ksitigarbha stone statues in the Yuanke Village, and asked, “Killing relatives?”

Hishima’s Shinto and Buddhism are deeply integrated,

In ancient times, the living conditions in the rural areas of Ridao were harsh. Ksitigarbha was regarded as the protector of prematurely deceased and miscarried children. He would use his sleeve robe to take away the souls of those who died, protect them from evil spirits, and at the same time let them He listens to Buddhist scriptures all year round in the sleeve robe, accumulates merits, and hopes to be reincarnated.

“…not exactly kinslayer.”

Shogi Ogasawara said in a hoarse voice: “Mother and son, brother and sister, husband and wife, lover…

The ancestors of Yuanke Village believed that,

Severing the strong, inseparable emotional bond between two people can unleash a powerful force.

Not limited to relatives. “

“Is that so?”

Li Ang nodded, “Then why did the Hiratsuka family open the entrance to Huangquanguo?”

“For the seal.”

Ogasawara said: “The ancestors of Yuanke Village believed that Huangquan Kingdom was the kingdom of evil spirits and the dead.

All the hatred and resentment in the world will pour into the Huangquan Kingdom.

Huang Quanguo’s existence is difficult to understand by human beings,

They couldn’t understand the existence of Huang Quanguo,

But they know that once the strong resentment in Huangquan country spreads to the world,

It will cause huge damage to the world of mortals, so that all living beings die and ghosts walk at night.

Therefore, the ancestors of Yuanke Village came up with a solution,

Every four years,

Just use the way to cut off the fetters between people and release the power,

Confrontation to eliminate the grievances in Huangquan Kingdom.

This program is the Fate Moment Celebration. “

Ogasawara paused for a moment, then said hoarsely: “For ordinary villagers and outsiders, the fateful celebration is just like the publicity,

Just hang lanterns, set off fireworks, dance, sing, and have fun.

Actually, there are only two most important parts of the Fate Celebration. Shrine dance, a karmic festival with the Hiratsuka family.

Yuanke Village is located in remote areas,

The Hiratsuka family is the builders and owners of the village,

He is also the manager of the shrine and the maker of the rules.

When the Yuanke celebration begins, villagers and tourists gather at the shrine to drink Guiquan wine and watch the dance.

Guiquan wine is brewed from Guiquan well water and has special effects.

After drinking Guiquan Wine for a period of time, he will fall into a state of anesthesia and hallucinations, and he will be unaware of the outside world.

When Noh performers and audiences are immersed in Noh performances,

The people of the Hiratsuka family will appear, and the people in their family will choose two people who are suitable for the karma festival. “

“The Hidden One.”

Wang Congshan frowned, and immediately thought of the woman with her eyes gouged out in the previous hallucination.

“That is, blindness in both eyes, relying on the spiritual sense in the dark to perceive people in the outside world.”

Ogasawara explained: “The Hiratsuka family has a special bloodline, and their spiritual consciousness is inherently higher than that of ordinary people.

In order to select the one with the highest spiritual knowledge,

In each generation, they put all the children of school age in the clan in a dark, soundproof closed room and let them play a game of hide-and-seek.

Can find everyone,

Or the last one found,

Will be chosen as a blind person, and have both eyes gouged out,

Since then, she has lived in the secret room of the Hiratsuka family, without any contact with outsiders, in order to maintain her own purity. “

He said slowly: “The blind people selected in this way can use invisible eyes to see the karma between people.

When the blind person finds someone who meets the conditions of the karma sacrifice,

The rest of the Hiratsuka family will bring the two back to the Hiratsuka mansion and come to the well.

Give one of them the scissors and let him kill the other with the scissors in a state of confusion,

And put the body fragments into the spring well, which was corroded and melted by the well water.

This step corresponds to the scene in which the samurai offered leeches to the **** of karma in the myth,

Mainly to open the entrance of Huangquan Kingdom. “


Li Ang smacked his mouth. When they came down from Guiquan Well, they saw eyes, fingers, hair and other bits and pieces in the well water with their own eyes. Thinking about it carefully, it was really disgusting.

It’s like taking a bath in an unsanitary offal soup.

The corners of Wang Congshan’s mouth moved. The Guiquan wine that Yuanke Village used to entertain outsiders turned out to be made of chopped offal soup. The key is that she also drank it.

Ogasawara Shogun didn’t know the psychological activities of the two, and continued: “The Well of the Spring is connected to the country of Yellow Springs. Under the influence of many years, the well water will also be contaminated with abnormal things, which can melt the limbs of the deceased.

The Guiquan wine made from well water will make people immersed in hallucinations and unable to extricate themselves.

My teacher, who is also a folklore scholar, visited Enke Village a long time ago and was received by the Hiratsuka family.

He mentioned that the people of the Hiratsuka family usually don’t drink the water from the Guiquan Well, but use another well.

The reason is that, on the one hand, the water in the Guiquan Well is unknown,

On the other hand, it is the ancestor of the Hiratsuka family, who is also integrated into the well-water of Guiquanjingjing – being selected for the karmic sacrifice, not necessarily outsiders, as long as the conditions are met, the internal members of the Hiratsuka family will also be selected, Have a karma festival. “

Ogasawara said hoarsely: “After completing the first step, the entrance to Huang Quanguo was briefly opened,

The Hiratsuka family,

It will lead the remaining person from the karma sacrifice to this space.

Put it into a metal square box like a coffin, pour the water from the Guiquan Well into the box, and then transport the entire metal square box through the rails to the edge of the cliff,

At the edge of the cliff, tie the hemp rope to the metal square box and slowly lower it into the abyss.

As the effect of Guiquan wine gradually fades,

The person in the box will slowly wake up and realize what he did before,

Then, will be swallowed up by the pain of unparalleled regret.

In this process The strong emotions released by cutting off the karma will suppress the domestic grievances and calm them down.

With the passage of time, the person in the box gradually became hopeless and calm, and finally assimilated by the water of the returning spring,

With people and boxes, they sank into the abyss together, once again suppressing grievances.

At this point, a complete karma sacrifice is finally completed,

Until four years later, the seal’s effect fades and a new cycle begins. “

Ogasawara slowly exhaled a turbid breath, and his eyes stayed on the bottom of the cliff, above the dull and dull metal square box.

“This box should contain your mother, who is also the wife of Shuhei Fujimura, Masumi Fujimura.”

Li Ang said: “Since the box is still hanging,

So obviously, there was some kind of problem in the last round of the karma sacrifice, so that the suppression could not be completed. Instead, grievances in the Huangquan Kingdom emerged, and the karma village was wiped out. “

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