Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 670: Hot pot

What’s going on in today’s society? I finally played a game, and I have to be sprayed by my teammates all the time. “

Li Ang frowned, put the phone on the table, and continued to hang up.

This is a hot pot restaurant,

On a rare weekend, Li Ang and Wang Congshan came out to have a hot pot,

The latter insisted on eating clear soup on the grounds of losing weight.

In desperation, Li Ang had no choice but to choose the mandarin duck pot with the clear soup and the red soup as a compromise,

By the way, I also told a supernatural story about the mandarin duck pot equal to the yin and yang pot, which attracted Wang Congshan’s eyes.

These people are doing everything they can to prevent out-of-town diners from eating only clear soup.

While the waiter has not yet served the food,

Wang Congshan was lying on the table, her left arm stretched forward, her index finger pointed to Li Ang who was sitting opposite the table,

An expression of burnt-out energy.

“What’s wrong, so fake.”

Li Ang calmly took a sip of orange juice and said casually.


Wang Congshan let out a long sigh from her throat, straightened up slowly and sat up, her eyes were blank, and she kept mumbling to herself, “The end of the term… mock exam… one model… two model… Three-mode…”

As the top public middle school in Yin, the academic pressure inside the experimental middle school is not small,

Seeing that the end of the semester is approaching, the students who are about to enter the third year of high school usher in rounds of mock exams.

Originally, they have heavy schoolwork, and they have to make time every day to exercise and strengthen their physique,

Now it’s exam week again, and I’ve swiped my exam papers until I vomit.

“A person like you will never understand…”

Wang Congshan’s eyes gradually became clearer, and she looked at Li Ang with jealousy and resentment.

This guy either sleeps a lot during the day,

Or hide behind book barriers, play rubber fights, read comics, make small crafts with pencil sharpeners, and blow drool bubbles.

But his grades were as stable as an iron egg, and he never panicked.


Wang Congshan gritted her teeth, held two chopsticks and stuck them into her mouth to bite back and forth, like an angry wild boar.


Li Ang’s phone came with the sound of the group muting,

The other five pushed the crystal together, and as the crystal burst,

Ending this stage of hero selection, we have our own teammates spit out fragrance and anger teammates to choose heroes blindly.

“Oh, it’s over.”

Li Ang picked up the phone and thought for a moment, then suddenly touched his forehead and said sadly: “The player has retired, and he is no longer on the field,

My youth is over, what’s the point of keeping this game?

Let it all go with the wind.

I am a remnant of the old age, and there is no boat that can carry me in the new age. “

After speaking, Li Ang held down the phone icon,

Do you want to uninstall “Honor of Kings”?


? ? ?

Wang Congshan, across the table, blinked and hesitated.

Can you delete it?

Is it your first-level point of the Great Wild Starfall, teleportation, flashing and grinding?

Forget it, anyway, she’s too busy to play this game now, so delete it.

“Di, your meal has been delivered.”

A silver-white food delivery robot drove over with hot pot ingredients. The waiter took out stacks of ingredients from the robot’s grid and placed them on the table.

The effect of these food delivery robots is to make the restaurant look more cool and tall, and it does not replace the work of the waiter.

But I heard that Europe and the United States have begun to apply robot labor on a large scale in various industries,

Inside restaurant delivery, outside restaurant delivery, taxi driver, long-distance freight driver, accountant, insurance salesman, bank clerk, farmer, construction worker….

According to the estimates of some think tanks in the United States, more than 50% of the world’s jobs can be perfectly replaced by robot labor,

There are 60% of jobs, 30% of which can be done by machines.

Human workers who are tired and retire have no advantage in the face of machine labor,

And even those occupations that require the most creativity and human-human interaction (such as artists, nurses) will be hit hard.

This painful and frictional career change process should have been completed within a 10- to 30-year time frame,

But the compulsion to kill the game has accelerated all this.

Companies need to save costs, factories need to expand and upgrade production lines,

The entire industry also needs to be transformed and upgraded to improve productivity.

The Prometheus Labs company once again played a special role, mass-producing robots of all kinds, promoting robotic production lines,

This has also aroused widespread opposition and hostility from people in Europe and the United States, believing that Prometheus Labs stole their work and was going to smash the robot production line——

Just like workers in Great Britain smashed textile machines two hundred years ago.

However, Prometheus Labs also made a statement – the wave of robotic workers is not about taking all jobs,

On the contrary, the wave of machines will drive workers to the tertiary industry and create more new types of jobs.

They seem to be right, the United States and some European countries have launched a new round of infrastructure,

In addition to the super-giant building and its supporting facilities that can accommodate the entire city’s population,

There are also new construction, reconstruction and expansion of railways, highways, industrial and civil buildings, etc.

Upgrades of vehicle and ship production lines.

Civilian ships are groundwater one by one,

The military shipyard is in full swing to expand the plant and recruit workers,

Contractors across the United States continue to receive orders from military bases, and key laboratories produce a large number of new papers every day.

War, they are preparing for a large-scale war that may come at any time, but it is temporarily uncertain who the opponent is.

The hot pot is slightly boiling, and the aroma of the food spreads,

Diners in the restaurant chatted casually, talking about the annoying job, annoying boss, the pressure of life, and it was noisy and lively.

The street outside the window is still full of traffic,

A slanting sun shone through the gaps in the steel jungle and onto the windows, rendering them a warm and lazy orange.

“What are you waiting for?”

Wang Congshan picked up the plate and poured the ingredients into the hot pot. Her dipping plate contained only vinegar, soy sauce and coriander. In her words, it was “a classic combination, a perfect match”.

At this point, their tastes are pretty close.

“Ah, yes.”

Li Ang scratched his head, took out a small blue ceramic cup from his schoolbag, put it on the table, and pushed it to Wang Congshan.

“What is this? Give me a cup, implying tragedy?”

The class leader took the cup and glanced at it, and found that there were some dirt and stones in it, and a very small green succulent plant grew in the dirt.

It looks like a rainbow jade.

“This is…”

“For you to raise for you,”

Li Ang said seriously: “I watched some experts on TV claiming that computer screens and mobile phone screens generate electromagnetic radiation every day, and the signals emitted by 5G base stations may cause cancer.

Although a Russian friend of mine said,

The 5G base station of the crooked country is not good!

The 5G base station in Yin City, good!

But it’s best to take precautions. “

“Are you watching a British TV channel?”

Wang Congshan squinted her eyes and complained, playing with the pot of succulent for a while, smacking her mouth, and muttering, “Is it bad to send flowers?”,

While he honestly packed his schoolbag, he carefully wrapped Succulent in a tissue and put it into the bag on the side of the schoolbag.

It was rare that Li Ang gave her something, so he just accepted it with reluctance.


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