Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 667: Chai Jing


Li Ang shook his head and said, “The brain worm is too low in intelligence, and may lack a soul?

In short, it does not produce high-quality power of faith. “

Chai Chai blinked and said, “Then let go of their intellectual constraints.”

“There is a risk of rebellion.”

Li Ang frowned: “Rebel pets bite most people,

And if the self-aware brain worm betrays it, the consequences will be unimaginable. “

Chai Chai thought for a while, then asked, “Don’t you set a lot of restrictions?”

She knows how much restriction Li Ang, who is suspected of suffering from persecution paranoia, has imposed on her creations——

Fungal spores have a limited division cycle and will die automatically once the period is reached;

Most of the soldier bees have no digestive system, can’t eat independently, and can’t survive independently in the wild, and they have to return to the hive every once in a while to replenish energy.

After being captured, it will directly trigger the self-destruction mechanism and melt into **** to prevent the enemy from capturing;

The vast majority of swarms have different immune system deficiencies,

Li Ang, who knows the defect, can release specific allergens at any time, stimulate the abnormal activity of the immune system of the Zerg unit, and destroy them in large quantities;

With the exception of the queen bee, all swarm units cannot reproduce independently – the few worms that can divide themselves must also receive permission from Li Ang before they can produce new individuals.

All measures are to prevent the swarm from getting out of control.

“Countless literary and artistic works in human history have proved that the Creator must be extremely vigilant about his creations.”

Li Ang shook his head: “There can never be too many restrictions.

If possible,

I also want to make all the swarm units into a social division of labor like a bee colony and an ant colony.

Let them know their mission from birth, perform their own duties, work diligently in their posts until they die, and will not give birth to the idea of ​​rebelling against the queen bee or the creator.

It’s just that I need to re-edit the genes for each new species, which is a huge amount of engineering – the swarm is still in the stage of rapid mutation and evolution, and new populations are produced every day, it is impossible to go to the breeding box every day to patch .

And even if the gene is edited, I am afraid it is only suitable for low-level labor swarms that don’t need to think – such as worker bees.

As for the more advanced cerebral worms, I have yet to find a solution that combines intelligence and loyalty. “

According to Li Ang’s expectation, the cerebral worm will be the command unit to assist him in controlling the swarm.

The information of all swarm species is engraved in their genes, and they naturally understand the characteristics of each bug,

Can remotely manage individual swarms under its jurisdiction through neural connections, pheromones and even brain waves,

Command the swarm for gathering, breeding, and warfare.

Even, the brain worm can also undertake the work of scientific researchers, thinking and analyzing the future evolutionary direction of the swarm, and cultivating new species of the swarm.

All of this is premised on loyalty, of course.

Chai Chai rubbed his palms when he heard the words, his eyes flashed with wisdom, “How about… let me try?”


Li Ang raised his eyebrows, “What can you do?”

It’s not a mockery of Chai Chai, it’s just that this guy has completely degenerated into a domestic pet that doesn’t work hard and doesn’t distinguish between grains.

What can’t be done, the first place to eat.

“Hey, hey, give me pen and paper,”

Chai Chai couldn’t help but be so excited, he split six arms from both sides of his body, each holding a pencil,

The six arms moved in unison, writing and drawing on the paper, and soon the whole paper was filled,

Then raised his chest and handed the paper to Li Ang.

“The Book of Revelation?”

Li Ang read the title on the paper and raised his eyebrows,

Sweeping his eyes and clasping his hands in front of him, Chai Chai, who was complacent, patiently continued to read.

“In the beginning, the loving father created heaven and earth, light and darkness, divided water into upper and lower, called sea, land and sky, and created birds and beasts to make the world prosperous. That’s how it happened.”

“The loving father was especially fond of swamps and swarms. He created the first worm, named Adam, and blessed it, saying to divide and reproduce, to fill the swamp, and to manage plants and fungi.”

“The loving father said that it was not good for the worm to live alone, so he cut Adam into two pieces, the head was Adam and the tail was Eve, one male and one female, which can be genetically recombined to produce fertilized eggs and develop into new individuals. Sexual reproduction.”

“The loving father said that sexual reproduction can increase the ability of offspring to adapt to natural selection, which is good. Genetic variation is good.”

“The loving father let Adam and Eve live in the Garden of Eden–a swamp with beautiful scenery, lush vegetation, and trees bearing fruit. The fruit of the tree was instructed by the loving father not to be eaten or touched.”

“Adam and Eve were bewitched by snakes, devoured the forbidden fruit, and gained self-awareness and wisdom.”

“Self-consciousness and wisdom are not a good thing. Adam and Eve had a lot of pain, arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, and lust. It was the original sin.”

“The loving father was disappointed with the original worm and expelled it from the Garden of Eden. From then on, the children of the original worm, the swarm, had to walk the world and experience suffering.”

“The loving father still cares about his creation, and he has chosen his closest and most trusted holy wood as his messenger in the mortal world.”

“Sheng Chai listened to the teachings of the loving father and came to the mortal world to lead the swarm and teach them kindness.”

“The swarm does not believe in the holy firewood. After witnessing the holy firewood walking on the water, resurrecting the dead, and turning the clear water into a happy water for a fat house, they believe it. Following the guidance of the holy firewood, they are transformed into different species, each acting in its own way. Job, work for good.”

“The cells of the insect swarms who do not believe in holy firewood will reach the end of their lives on their own and melt into slag. Their souls will fall into **** and suffer from hunger and hesitation forever.”

“The Holy Chai said: Repent! All sentient beings, including the swarm, have original sins. Only by devoting themselves to good deeds, working hard, and faithfully obeying a loving father, can they wash away their original sins and enter the Garden of Eden only after death.”

“Saint Chai said: The Garden of Eden is the garden of the Father, a place of glory, praise and joy, perfectly holy and without sin.

The loyal ones who ascend to the garden can live forever with the loving father and enjoy a happy and beautiful life,

In the morning, there are 72 bottles of fried chicken-flavored energy blocks for At night, there are 72 pieces of nutrient solution in the flavor of Fat House Happy Water, which are injected into the potholes in the swamp for play and play .

Worry-free and worry-free. “

“Sheng Chai said: There are enemies of a loving father in the world. They do not believe in a loving father, and are enemies of a loving father. The swarm is the spear and shield of a loving father. Follow the guidance of Saint Chai, destroy the enemy, and spread the righteousness of the loving father. .”

“Sheng Chai said: In addition to the swarm, there are other races with different appearances. They don’t know the righteousness of a loving father. They are bad, but they can still be saved. They need patience and kindness.”

“The wisdom of the holy wood is higher than the mountain and deeper than the sea, and the swarms are enlightened and take refuge.



Holy, praise the Father. “

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