Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 66: Return to the Spring

The Enke Shrine, which was still whispering a little, quickly quieted down.

Two rows of musicians wearing Noh masks took their seats one after another and picked up their instruments.

The dancers stood in the center of the shrine, accompanied by the sound of musical instruments, and began to perform the Noh drama about the samurai’s wife search for the myth of the mountain.

Wang Congshan stood on the spot, squinting to watch, the form of performance in front of her eyes was still traditional Noh,

The dancer bends the knees, shifts the center of gravity down, presses the soles of the feet against the stage, does not lift the ankles, sits like a compass and makes slow circular motions, dancing and singing.

Aside from the so-called “poetry” and “beauty”, Wang Congshan doesn’t appreciate this art form at all, but finds it a little weird—

With the sound of bleak flute and drums,

The dancers moved slowly, wore masks with no expression changes on their faces, and sang obscure lyrics, Kebai,

And the candles in the shrine flickered, and the light fell on them, forming bizarre shadows on the surface.

Although the fireworks outside the shrine are bright, I always feel that there is a cold and weird atmosphere brewing in the shrine.

However, everything seems to be working fine.

Wang Congshan frowned and looked around.

I saw the villagers and tourists who came to watch the performance in the shrine, all standing in place, keeping quiet, and there was no abnormality.

She hesitated for a moment, then took a step. Like a virtual shadow without substance, she easily passed through the surrounding crowd and walked towards the gate of the temple.

I don’t know if there is any meaning, but the main hall of Yuanke Shrine has no gate,

Only under the roof, hangs a betting rope.

Wang Congshan walked to the door, really wanting to step out, but she touched a wall of air.

The hallucination caused by Guiquan Wine seems to be the size of the main hall of the shrine.

Wang Congshan hesitated for a moment, turned her head, and carefully observed the Noh performance and every audience around her.

In the hall, the Noh performance has reached the point where the samurai’s wife died in childbirth, and the samurai went to the **** of Mount Hazhang to ask for help.

The actor who plays Yu Zhangshan’s karma **** wears a mask with a white face and a kind smile on his face. The upper and lower jaws of the mask are broken and connected with slender hemp ropes.

Wang Congshan understands that this is not because the shrine is in financial trouble and cannot provide a complete neng face——

When I was at Fujimura’s house before, Li Ang casually mentioned to her that Noh actors respect masks as sacred, and put Noh noodles as treasures in a wooden box covered with brocade, and cannot be shown to outsiders. Every time a performance is performed, the mask must be turned to face oneself, and said “I’m going to play you” to the face, which means that after the actor puts on the mask, he is no longer himself, but the character represented by the mask.

The reason why the mask of this **** of karma will be damaged is because this type of mask is also called “Weng”, which is derived from Kagura singing and dancing, which is older than Noh drama. /

That is, the upper and lower jaws are disconnected and connected with a rope.

Wang Congshan knew little about the details behind this, but that didn’t stop her from noticing that the energy face of the **** of karma was extremely delicate, and it looked like a real face when worn on a human face.

Like… a mask found in the Fujimura’s back room.

Thinking of this, Wang Congshan suddenly realized something,

The masks worn by all Noh actors here should be provided by the Fujimura Shuhei.

Just as she fell into contemplation, the Noh performance in the field reached a new **—

The samurai broke his promise and saw the rotting corpse full of maggots in advance in the hall of Huangquan Kingdom. He was horrified and turned around and fled.

And the rotting corpse (actually the samurai’s wife) was chasing after him.

The actor who played the wife of the samurai changed from the previous [Zengnu] Nomen to a Nomen similar to [Hannya], and put on tattered clothes.

Two actors are in a circle in the center of the hall, one running and one chasing,

The musician’s accompaniment gradually became mournful,

The shrine candles shake violently,

The two actors who played the samurai and the samurai’s wife ran around the stage like crazy, chasing after them, ignoring the dignified manners and traditional steps of dancing,

And in the center of the stage, it is the **** of karma who sits cross-legged on the ground and bows his head, smiling but not smiling.

Many spectators watching the performance seemed to be taken away by the plot and stood motionless.

Everyone seemed to be involved in an invisible vortex, and they focused all their attention on the performance.


Wang Congshan keenly sensed something, the state of everyone present was not right,

Even wearing masks, you can still see the reddish skin on their necks and the bulging veins.

The smell of wine.

Wang Congshan suddenly woke up, no wonder she always felt a little strange,

After entering the hallucination, she could smell a faint scent of alcohol.

This smell is not just from myself who just drank Guiquan wine,

It also comes from the surrounding Noh audience, and even the performers of Noh — who have also drank Guiquan sake.

Are the effects of alcohol on?

Wang Congshan had doubts in her heart. After drinking the Guiquan wine, she saw the vision of a few decades ago when the village was not destroyed.

So what do other people see after drinking Guiquan Wine?

While she was thinking, the Noh performance on the stage continued,

The samurai grabbed a hemp rope hanging from the top of the stage and climbed up,

And the Samurai’s wife is revealed below.

The husband and wife recognized each other, and the samurai climbed back to the world along the hemp rope to ask the **** of karma for help.

Because everyone present was in a state of inexplicable confusion,

During the entire performance, only those musicians were still reluctantly playing music, making noisy and messy music,

The actors who were in charge of the performance were so crazy that they couldn’t even say a line, so Wang Congshan knew the plot in advance and knew what they were doing.

Tap Tap Tap.

The sound of footsteps came from outside the shrine, Wang Congshan turned to look,

I saw a group of people who also wore face masks and filed into the shrine.

The group clearly came with a purpose,

One of the women wearing the “Qiaoji” mask, with the help of others, stepped forward tremblingly,

Stand behind all audience members as if observing something.


Wang Congshan’s face was expressionless. She could see that the woman in front of her, who was wearing a “Qiao Ji” mask and did not know her exact age or appearance, was blind——

Hashihime’s mask has holes in the eyes,

Through the hole, you can see the collapsed eyelids of the other party.

The opponent’s eyes were gouged out.

And in the Hiratsuka mansion, there happened to be a ghost wandering around the room with his eyes gouged out.

Are these people from the Hiratsuka family?

What are they going to do?

Wang Congshan didn’t wait too long,

The woman with no eyes pointed to the audience, pointing to a mother and son who wore energy masks and could not see their appearance.

The people on both sides immediately stepped forward, gently pulled the arms of the mother and son, separated from the crowd, and walked towards the gate of the shrine.

The mother and son obviously drank the Guiquan wine, and they looked confused and unknowing when they were being held.

As soon as she walked out of the gate of the shrine, something fell from the mother’s sleeve and landed on the threshold of the shrine.


Wang Congshan took a deep breath and raised her legs to follow the group of people out of the shrine. As soon as she took a step, the surrounding scene melted like ice and snow under the scorching sun.

The surrounding hallucinations gradually disappear,

Wang Congshan blinked, and her eyes returned to clarity.

She is still standing in the center of the shrine, wearing a kimono and a Noh mask on her face, and she can faintly smell the smell of wine with every breath.

Bang bang bang bang.

Intense gunshots sounded from behind,

Wang Congshan turned around abruptly, only to see Li Ang holding an assault rifle, crouching at the gate of the shrine, shooting down the mountain.

“You stood there for ten minutes, and the ghosts from the bottom of the mountain have already come up.”

Li Ang knew in advance what Wang Congshan wanted to say, “Have you found a clue?”


Wang Congshan nodded heavily, took off her mask, took off her kimono, strode forward, and asked very fast: “In the illusion you saw when you picked up the scissors, the well is that water well. Is the mother next to her wearing a black-and-pink kimono?

And the child she stabbed to death with scissors was wearing a brown kimono with hexagonal patterns? “

Lee Ang hit the head of a ghost under the mountain with a without looking back, he said, “Well, what’s wrong?”

These appear to be Venus flytrap-shaped ghosts converted from villagers, slow-moving, and have just passed the torii and climbed halfway up the mountain.

“That’s Masumi Fujimura and her son.”

Wang Congshan took a deep breath, “If I’m not mistaken, we will soon usher in the end of the script mission.”

As she spoke, she picked up something from the threshold at Li Ang’s feet.

It was a small two-finger-sized wooden sculpture of a mother holding a swaddling baby.

It was the mother and son Jizo that the two had seen at the entrance of the village before.

The moment she picked up the mother and son Jizo, a system alert sounded in their ears.

[Three-stage mission objectives have been completed]

[Four-stage mission objective: Enter the well of the return spring, find the Ogasawara General, and end the Fate Village Incident]

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