Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 656: blocking

Li Ang thought for a while, “What does the rulebook say, is there a restriction on not being able to form a team?”


Sunset melted gold and spread out his hands, “In addition, this can’t stop caring people.

This rule statement is a very brief thing after all,

Players who are willing to cooperate can cooperate secretly with just eye contact, without violating any of the rules.

In addition, I went to consult the guide just now, and she also said that the act of forming a team to slaughter other teams has happened in the history of death chariots in the past.

This was the case last year and last year. “

“That’s the trouble.”

The witch curled her lips, “No wonder the teams at the front of the first echelon deliberately hang behind Kratos in a tacit understanding, and have never attacked each other. They entered the renovation area at the same time.

They are probably afraid that they will go out alone and be slaughtered by Kratos? “

“It’s possible.”

Sunset Rongjin frowned and sighed, “The best result is that those teams and Kratos fought each other, and the two sides delayed at the exit for a while,

Just let us drive out of the rest area and escape the blockade while taking advantage of the chaos,

Go full throttle to the finish line.

But that’s too idealistic.

The worst result is that Kratos slaughtered the teams all by himself, and then it was our turn to be kicked out of the repair area and face Kratos alone. “

Speaking of this, the three players were silent for a while. They were already considered strong and masters within the player group, and they were among the dragons and phoenixes.

But knowing that he may have to face Kratos who slaughtered gods like slaughtering chickens – even the weakened and low-end version of Kratos, he is still a little frightened.

“Don’t be so pessimistic.”

Seeing the gloomy and gloomy appearance of his companions, Li Ang said with a smile: “There is also a possibility that in the first few teams,

There is a car in the stalemate,

Find a way to escape Kratos’ encirclement, so that

In order to ensure that his first place will not be taken away, Kratos must give up slaughtering other teams and drive to chase,

As a result, other teams, including us, have a chance. “

“…is possible.”

Sunset Molten Gold frowned slightly, looked up at the front of the refurbishment area, and muttered: “I hope other teams can give me some strength…”

A few people are talking, their rest time is almost over,

The vehicles in front of the first echelon who entered the repair area before them also drove out of the repair area and came to the track.

The third track is different from the previous two,

According to the statement in the rulebook, the road surface of the blood type track changes dramatically every year. The only constant is that the blood track will set some more restrictive terrain.

There is a way to make use of the terrain and gain speed advantage for teams with weak personal combat power.

The entrance to this year’s **** track is a flat and vast desert,

Yellow sand, gravel, tumbleweed that occasionally rolls across the road, a monotonous eerie blue sky, giant cactus standing quietly under the scorching sun, and a straight road running through the desert.

The sunset molten gold looked at the road ahead and muttered to himself: “This road… looks like a desert bus.”

“Uh, what bus?”

The witch raised her eyebrows, “Is this also the name of the game?”


Lee Ang nodded and said, “This is one of the most boring games in the world, where players need to drive a bus from Tucson, Arizona, through the desert, to their home in Las Vegas. “

“It sounds normal, why is it boring?”

The witch feels a little inexplicable, “It’s better than simulating mountains and rocks.”

“…you may not know,”

Mentioning this, the tone of Sunset Melting Gold is a little subtle, “This game is about complete immersion, that is, the time in the game is the same as the flow rate in the real world, and players really need to drive 8 hours in the real world to complete 600 kilometers of driving.

And the scenery in this game is almost exactly the same, no changes can be seen, no scenery, no traffic, no passengers getting on and off.

In addition, its operating feel is extremely bad, it will automatically shift to the right, and if you are not careful, it will drive into the desert next to it, get caught in it, and the game can only restart. “

“It’s not the most perverted.”

Li Ang added: “This game can’t be paused or saved yet,

The car overheats once stopped, causing the game to have to be restarted and the car driven again.

And after the driving is completed, the player can’t get any reward, only one point from the settlement page,

And a prompt to restart the game. “

The corner of the witch’s mouth twitched, “…then what’s the point of this game?”

“Spoof, joke, taunt,”

Sunset Rongjin spread out his hands and sighed: “Because this game is so boring, it has a dark humor of magic realism instead.

What most workers in the real world do is boring work like a desert bus,

Mechanical, numb, uncreative, unenthusiastic, unfulfilled, meaningless other than to earn enough money,

It is completely incomparable to those high-end people who possess a lot of wealth through exploitation and use it to live a so-called “rich and colorful life”.

Playing, playing,

Let the player start thinking about life, reality, family, work and the meaning of life.

It can be called performance art that awakens human beings from numbness in modern society. “

The quartet of Jin Ge iron horses, including him, really played and cleared “Desert Bus” when they were partying together,

And after the customs clearance, I strongly suggested to my superiors that “playing “Desert Bus” once was included as one of the rigid requirements for joining the Whale Song Organization,

This is to prove that those who want to join the organizer recognize that the Whale Song Organization shoulders the sacred responsibility of liberating the vast number of laborers from exploitation.

And Li Ang used to play this game…to fight with the to prove who is more boring,

The loser will have to pay for one week’s breakfast of seaweed rice **** at the breakfast stand outside the school.

The result is obvious, Li Ang, who is bored enough to name each of his leg hairs and compose epic stories for them, wins.

Under the complicated gaze of the drivers, Kratos drove the flat vehicle into the desert highway, and after driving a distance, he slowly stopped.

This pale-skinned bald-headed strong man put the car across the road, while he stood on the car, looked at all the drivers in the repair area, and silently took out the Chaos Double Blades.

“There is no passage here.”

Kratos raised the blade and said slowly: “Either surrender, give up the game,

Either try to charge here and be killed by me,

You, you have a choice. “

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