Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 64: Small noodles

“It is also possible that the melody hummed by the human voice is not coherent and requires some kind of instrument.”

Li Ang thought about it, took out the mouth organ that belonged to Tetsuya Ogasawara from his pocket, blew on the mouth organ, and played this melody.

As before, after he started playing the melody, the half-leeched brewers looked over again.

This time, Li Ang played without interruption. After playing, he returned to the beginning of the musical note and repeated it continuously.

All the brewers, including the half-leeched children, followed the melody, gathered around several large wooden barrels, picked up wooden sticks, went deep into the wooden barrels full of black lacquer mold, and began to stir.

A few minutes later, as if the brewers had finally finished the huge project, they put down the wooden sticks, and Li Ang also stopped playing the counterpart organ.


One of the leeched brewers, murmured turbidly,

Li Ang couldn’t understand what the other party said at all, so he nodded calmly, with an expression of “I think the leech is right”.

After making a grunt, the brewer raised his green translucent arm and slammed it into his chest, splashing green juice.

I rely on.

Li Ang couldn’t help being taken aback by the sudden change. What’s the matter with this guy, because he played nicely, he had to dig out his heart to show his appreciation?

Fortunately, the worry didn’t last long,

What the brewer pulled out of his chest was not the heart, but two wine bottles covered with green slime, and handed them to Li Ang.

After Li Ang took it over, all the half-leech workers in the abandoned house all made a “pop” sound, as if their bodies were being pulled apart from their bones, they melted and collapsed on the spot, turning into pools of green mucus.

Only Li Ang and Wang Congshan were left standing with wine bottles in their hands.

Wang Congshan was stunned, “…what’s the situation?”

“…It should be the same as the human head lantern in the atrium. It solved the last wish and ascended to the sky to become a Buddha.”

Li Ang explained: “Just now I saw that in this brewing department, all the facilities are complete, and there are workers working.

These are the only casks that no one is working around – these casks are supposed to be used for raw brewing.

Nishima sake can be roughly divided into two categories: ‘Quick Brew’ and ‘Raw’ according to the different production techniques.

The former is the product of modern food technology, using artificially cultivated lactic acid bacteria to make wine mother,

The latter put the koji, steamed rice, and water into a vat, using the natural lactic acid bacteria in the air to stir and ferment.

In contrast, the production process of the raw wine system is obviously more time-consuming and labor-intensive,

In the most traditional production process of raw yogurt, there is also a step called ‘mountain unloading’, that is, the steamed rice and koji in a wooden barrel are manually ground for several hours. “

Li Ang said: “Because the mountain unloading process is quite laborious, the brewers will hum the so-called ‘Song of Grinding Raw Yung’ in order to cheer up, and everyone will work together to grind the raw wine.

Well…the ghosts in the brewing department were probably doing brewing work just before they died, and they got stuck in the step of grinding raw wine,

We’ve finished singing the Shengyou Grinding song, which is probably the solution to their last wish.

Of course I’m just guessing,

Maybe these guys in the brewery thought I was handsome and gave me the last two bottles. “

“I believe it.”

Wang Congshan let out a breath of foul breath and fanned the air to dissipate some of the unpleasant smell in the air.

“I got the wine, let’s go back to our lives.”

Li Ang stepped out of the brewing department. He knew a little about the brewing process of Nishima, mainly because when he was a tutor in the past, there were always some parents, because their children’s grades have improved significantly (especially the final grades of the high school entrance examination have skyrocketed) I am very grateful to him, and every time the festival is over and the exam is over, I think of giving him gifts.

Tea, shopping cards, moon cakes, belts, watches, figures, and even drinks (regardless of whether minors can drink or not).

Li Ang is quite professional. Cheaper gifts can be accepted reluctantly, and expensive ones will be rejected after checking the price, so as to avoid unnecessary favors.

After wiping off the green mucus remaining on the surface of the two wine bottles given by the winemaker, you can see that the wine bottles are filled with clear wine, and when you sniff near the cork of the wine bottle, you can clearly smell the smell of wine.

The two returned to the same way and came to the atrium,

Li Ang kept his mind and asked Wang Congshan to wait outside the rope corridor with a bottle of wine. He took another bottle of wine and approached him.

The big face on the door of the knotted room smelled the smell of wine. He opened his eyes. There was a rare flash of emotion in the turbid eyes, and his mouth was slurred.

The latter pursed his mouth and drank the wine greedily. When the bottle was exhausted, he let out a long sigh that was still unfinished and turned into fly ash.

“The relationship is really just an alcoholic.”

Li Ang shook his head speechlessly, and waved his hand to signal Wang Congshan to come over. The two stepped into the knot room and saw a pair of large scissors quietly placed on the table.

A dark red string is wrapped around the handle of the scissors.

This should be the special scissors mentioned in the mission objective,

Li Ang stepped forward, just as his palm touched the handle of the scissors, a flower suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and a messy picture flashed in his sight, and his consciousness sank into the illusion.

The scene of the illusion is in the courtyard of the Hiratsuka mansion, probably in the evening.

Compared to reality, the fantasy Hiratsuka mansion is more prosperous and brightly lit.

Li Ang’s perspective is lying on the ground,

As the angle of view rises and tilts, he realizes that his angle of view appears to be the pair of scissors.

A woman wearing a Noh mask and a kimono picked up the scissors from the ground, and her throat kept whimpering, as if she was in a state of madness.

The neng face she wears on her face belongs to [small face], that is, a young and beautiful woman.

Beside the woman, there is the well of Guiquan,

Around her, stood a circle of figures,

These people are wearing kimonos, wearing no-masks on their faces, and are silent,

Everyone worked together to hold a round hemp rope, surrounding the woman and the well, as if waiting for something.

As the evening sunset was covered by clouds, the woman wearing the neng mask slowly raised the scissors in her hand.

The angle of view Only then did Li Ang see that in front of the woman lay another unconscious child who was also wearing a mask.


Scissors pierce,

The illusion ends abruptly,

Li Ang swayed slightly and regained his footing. With the support of Wang Congshan, he took a deep breath and realized that in reality, less than half a second had passed.

Wang Congshan only saw Li Ang shaking violently after touching the scissors, and immediately worried: “What’s wrong?”


Li Ang didn’t answer, but from his schoolbag, he dug out the two Noh Noodles he got from the Fujimura’s secret room.

You can’t go wrong, such a fine carving technique…

The woman who appeared in the fantasy was wearing the same mask as Fujimura’s family, and even she was probably the missing Fujimura Masumi.

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