Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 631: Leek

Blackstone’s Razor can be said to be both lucky and unfortunate.

Fortunately, he was in the dark, unconscious, and didn’t know what was happening to him.

The unfortunate part is also that the consciousness is blurred, and it is impossible to surrender to end the game and stop Li Ang’s experimental behavior on him.

The product launch lasted nearly 40 minutes,

Li Ang used the body of the Blackstone Razor as a shelf, displaying the products in his store one by one.

What A-099 product, which will cause crazy diarrhea after taking it, and lose ten pounds harmlessly in three days, a bowel-clearing potion.

A-112 product that will make the sweat glands of the whole body emit an elegant fragrance after coating, the body fragrance potion.

There is even a potion of A-199, which lasts up to 30 minutes after taking it once.

(This potion only makes the appearance appear to change gender, and the essential organs have not changed. The transformation process is more uncomfortable, and it is only recommended to use it in necessary cases.)

The forging service of the B series could not be demonstrated on stage, so Li Ang just gave a general introduction.

The next highlight is the medical service of the C series, the body strengthening of the D series, and the body transformation of the E series.

The blackstone razor in a sluggish state, its broken limbs were first healed, then chopped off, healed, chopped off, healed, chopped off again…

Soon, Li Ang’s hands and feet were neatly stacked on both sides of the podium, and the leeks that came down were very festive, with a feeling of a bumper harvest.

In order to demonstrate the power of medical technology in the Clean Furnace Shop,

Li Ang also let the black stone razor grow out of the arm section of the thigh, and the thigh section grew out of the arm, the scene is quite strange,

Almost **** off some of the less able-bodied audience members in the audience.

After the last wave of leeks,

Li Ang demonstrated the products of the D and E series on the Blackstone Razor.

What replaces the legs with springs with blades, one jump can jump 20 meters high;

Wings are attached to the back of the spine to give the ability to fly;

Have a talking face on the back of the head. If you don’t want to wash your face when you wake up in the morning, you can twist your neck and use the face on the back of your head to go to work;

With the progress of the wonderful demonstration, the audience on the first floor of the sky arena also increased,

Many players heard that someone was holding a product launch here, and they all came to the audience, watching the excitement.

There were also some players who chose to leave midway, presumably following the instructions of the upper level of the association organization to go to the southeast corner of the game plaza to inspect the shop called Wushou Furnace on the spot.

After the 40-minute product launch, the huge hall was almost full,

Li Ang nodded with satisfaction, bowed to the audience, put away his fingers, and ended his control of the Blackstone Razor.


The hapless Blackstone Razor fell heavily on the ground, and a huge [Down! ] Handwriting.

I’m…what’s the matter?

Blackstone Razor, who was lying on the ground, blinked in confusion, and the blurred vision gradually became clear.

After a brief delay, intense pain flooded into the brain, and Blackrock Razor suddenly remembered the last scene he could recall—his opponent breaking through the ground, cutting off his limbs, grabbing the back of his neck…

By the way…what about my limbs?

Blackrock Razor moved his head slowly, looking over his shoulder.

There is nothing there.


Blackstone Razor screamed and screamed. He originally thought that he was seriously injured on the head and could not feel the existence of the limbs that had regrown.

Unexpectedly, his hands and feet really disappeared…

Well, it’s not quite accurate to say that it’s not there, there are so many hands and feet stacked in front of his head.

Under the emotion, the broken surface of the limbs that Blackstone Razor barely healed burst again, oozing blood, and flowing to the ground.

No one cares about his fate,

As he fell to the ground, Li Ang scored 5 points for knocking down his opponent, plus 8 points for cutting off his limbs, he directly won the game and jumped off the ring.

The game was over, and the Blackstone Razor with broken limbs was also teleported directly out of the ring, and the four original hands and feet fell around his body, like a fruit set in a restaurant.

The two commentators dryly announced the end of the game (they couldn’t talk at all during the conference, and even ordered a pizza to eat when they were bored),

Wan Li Fengdao stepped forward and said to Li Ang with a wry smile: “As expected of you, you can actually treat the ring competition as an advertising conference.”

“It works well.”

Li Ang smiled smugly, “After this battle, the Wushou Furnace was fired in one shot. It’s gratifying, it’s gratifying.”

“Is it early?”

Wanli Fengdao couldn’t help reminding: “There are many shops of the same type as you in the square, and they are all organized behind the scenes. Seeing that you are in the limelight today,

We will definitely send someone to your store to test, try to buy, and discuss cooperation.

If it doesn’t work, it may even destroy you. “

“Don’t worry.”

Li Ang shook his head indifferently. If he was an ordinary lone wolf player, he would have rushed to find a large organization to hug his thighs after he became famous, so as to prevent him from committing crimes.

Opening a store is a decision made by Li Ang after careful consideration. The growth of his personal strength also requires the support of a large amount of game currency. Private stores are undoubtedly the best choice.

It depends, whether other organizations start fast, or whether he grows fast…

Seeing that Li Ang didn’t want to talk more, Wanli Fengdao didn’t talk further. Li Risheng has always made plans and then moves, and does not need others to make decisions for him.

“What about that guy?”

Wanli Fengdao pouted towards the Black Stone Razor below the ring. This unfortunate **** with broken limbs is still lying on the ground screaming again and again, surrounded by players, and no one stepped forward to him Help.

“Seek more happiness.”

Li Ang spread his hands indifferently and said casually: “I don’t know if there will be any chemical reaction after drinking so many potions in one breath.

But before I left, I added some ingredients to his body to slow down the self-healing ability of his werewolf bloodline,

On his own words, he may have to lie in place for four days and nights before he can regenerate limbs.

If you want to recover, you have to shout in place, ask for help, ask those associations that sell medical services, help him regain his mobility – just that, it will definitely be a big scam pen money. “

Blackstone Razor has broken hands and feet and cannot heal himself. Judging from this situation, he probably doesn’t have any micro-life potions on him to drink.

It seems that it must be slaughtered by the unscrupulous hospital.

Lee Ang is not at all interested in the fate of this unfortunate bastard,

He and Wanli Fengdao had a casual chat and said goodbye,

Ignore those players who flock to add friends and apply for business cooperation,

Exited directly from the plaza and returned to the real world.

(Author: ahem, in fact, the author does not receive any money from V letter reading, QQ reading, QQ browser and other channels. If possible, I hope the readers will come to . to support.)

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