Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 621: Cost

Li Ang is playing tricks again,

Tang Long is a fictional character from a documentary-style street stall literature.

In this article, Tang Long, formerly known as Frank Chen, nicknamed “Big Axe”, is the champion of the underground black boxing,

His deeds are shocking,

What comes from the most brutal Siberian fighter training camp in the world, can complete 600 100kg squats in two hours, easily kick off iron poles with sweeping legs, kill polar bears with bare hands….

Because the street stall literature is very exaggerated, crazy and cool, full of gimmicks,

It was widely circulated more than ten years ago,

It even made many people believe it to be true, thinking that there is an underground boxing champion named Tang Long in the world.

In the end, it was tied with the legendary “Dragon Group Instructor” and “Tianbang Killer”, and became an urban legend passed down by word of mouth among netizens.

As an intelligence dealer, the mule naturally knows this old stalk from more than ten years ago, smacking his mouth, not knowing how to complain.

You want to kick the iron pole too?

Why not lock out the entire gene?

The mule complained in his heart, and on the surface, he kept looking at the product list.

The following items, there are [medical surgery], can cure most diseases, including but not limited to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, AIDS,

It can also cure old ailments and repair old wounds

Can even regenerate severed limbs – Tiny life potions can also cure many diseases, regenerate limbs,

But there is no way to regrow the severed limbs that have lasted for more than ten years, and there is no way to cure some congenital diseases.

Even if the killing game has advanced to this level, micro-life potions are still expensive and scarce,

It’s not something ordinary people or new players can afford.

“The cost of medical surgery is similar to that of cosmetic surgery, both are very low, and the operation time is very short.”

Li Ang said casually: “On the contrary, it is more troublesome to clean the operating room, and it must be kept clean and sterile all the time.

The operating room is powered by gasoline and diesel generators,

For water, either pick it up from the water tank in other stores, or buy it directly from the online store. It’s more troublesome…”

The mule didn’t hear Li Ang’s complaint, his eyes focused on the next item.

【Alienation Transformation】

Implant alien organs for customers,

For example, the “Hand of the Minotaur”, the image is four muscular arms, long on the back, so powerful that it can easily smash concrete walls;

【Hydra Heart】, installed in the abdominal cavity, can speed up blood supply and increase the upper limit of exercise capacity;

[Holy Snake Venom Gland], installed on the fingertips, can spray colorless and odorless atomized toxins, very suitable for disguising as a villain boss who likes to talk trash, and quietly poison the opponent by the time of talking nonsense;

Reengineer your brain so you never need to sleep.

Remodeling the eyes so that they can see invisible light and see objects at night.

Remodeled limbs to incorporate insect-like hydraulic structures to run faster, jump higher and be stronger.

The mules are horrified, and the transformation technology of other organizations is just a commodity that is simply put on the shelf for sale in Li Ang’s place.

And, the further down the list is the retrofit item,

The more insane the surgery is.

For example, using host genes to create a disc-shaped beetle that can obey simple commands.

The beetle can hover in the air below 800 meters, and according to the host’s instructions, spit out needles comparable to heavy bullets at the target enemy below. The amount of ammunition depends on the size of the breeding beetle.

Alternatively, hypertrophic lepidopteran larvae are implanted in the subject’s arm, and the subject only needs to make a specific movement (such as a certain gesture), and the worm hidden in the arm will spit out silk threads, allowing the subject to The sorcerer can fly through high-rise buildings like Spider-Man.

Alternatively, the worm eggs are implanted into the spine. After the eggs hatch and become adults, they will monitor the host’s physical condition, secrete various hormones, affect epiphysis healing and bone strengthening, enhance muscle density, increase the host’s height, and last for a long time. Strengthen the host’s body.

The mule endured the tingling of the scalp, read the entire list, sighed in relief, and looked up at Li Ang, “…Can these operations be performed on novice players?”

“If you are a novice player, you must first strengthen your physical fitness, and only after reaching a certain level can you accept the alienation transformation.”

Li Ang said: “Actually, I don’t have much experience. As expected,

Ordinary people with all attributes of 5 can at least become superhumans with all attributes of 9 to 10 after receiving a full set of transformations.

Able to kick cars, smash walls with one punch, and resist light bullets with one kick,

Easy to annihilate a heavily armed tactical squad with alienated organs with different functions. “


Listening to Li Ang’s description, the mule was so shocked that he almost wanted to shout “This child is so scary”.

He squeezed his slightly trembling fingers, forcibly calmed down, and asked in a deep voice, “What about the time, cost, and efficiency of the surgery?”

Li Ang thought for a while, “It’s hard to say, if it’s the basic [strengthening body], plus two or three kinds of [alienation transformation],

Four operations can be performed in three days. The cost per person is around 2000-3000 game coins. “

Actually, Li Ang is conservative,

Consumed by reconstructive surgery,

Just the swamp power, the sanity consumed by the biological master, and the various worms he cultivated,

The former can be restored naturally, and the latter are all grown from the pool and cost little.

“Two or three thousand…”

The mule’s eyes are a little dazed, according to Li Ang’s description,

The subject who has completed the operation is at least equivalent to a mid-level player of Lv9-Lv10 in terms of strength.

How much does it cost for a large organization to cultivate a Lv10 from scratch?

Association organizations need to devote resources to the player, formulate a training plan for him, buy equipment and props for him, and also buy people’s hearts, ensure his loyalty, and bet that he will not die suddenly during the dozens of life and death trials— – If the player dies, all previous investments will be wasted.

And now, Li Risheng actually said that he can produce Lv10…

Although it is the simplest Lv10, it does not have title skills or equipment items, and it may take a long time to adapt to the new body.

But it’s crazy enough.

Mule can imagine how many lone wolf players will cross the threshold and how many secret societies will cross the threshold and ask for cooperation once the store’s reputation is out.

They will describe bright prospects, promise huge benefits, pay sky-high remuneration, and try to meet all reasonable and unreasonable requests from Li Ang,

If I can’t reach a cooperation with Li Ang, or he is bought by a competitor

These secret societies will also do everything possible to thwart sabotage at any cost,

Even directly targeting Li Ang,

Threats, kidnappings, blackmails…

The mule’s thoughts turned sharply in his He raised his head and was about to speak to persuade the other party not to put this product list into practice,

I saw the eyes in Li Anglong’s mask.

Easy and easy, lazy and comfortable.

Li Ang leaned against the wall and drank the last drop of Coke,

An electric light flashed in his palm, alchemy was activated instantly, and the can was compressed and deformed, and finally turned into a delicate and compact fidget spinner.

With a flick of the gloved finger, the top spins rapidly, making a rustling sound,

The light reflected from the mirror of the blade is reflected on the mask of his dragon head.

Li Ang’s mentality has already undergone subtle changes, and he is no longer the same as in the past, fearing that his identity will be leaked,

He has completed his revenge on the past, and it is time to step forward and take a look at the new world ahead.

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