Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 615: Survey


Chai Chai froze for a moment, “Huh?!!

Fake, right? That’s obviously the voice of a soft girl…”

“It’s true.”

Li Ang rubbed his temples in distress, “Ah, so annoying…

You didn’t say anything weird to her, did you. “


Chai Chai shivered and said in a conditioned reflex: “I just said some earthy words, and I didn’t say anything that shouldn’t be said at all.”

Li Ang frowned and said, “Did someone knock on the door or call or text me?”

Chai Chai shook his head like a rattle, “No.”


Li Ang sighed deeply and walked to the bedroom with heavy steps, looking preoccupied.

Chai Chai looked at Li Ang’s back, worried, but also a little confused,

The landlord who can keep this man away…what is the holy grail?


“Is this the new base?”

On the game plaza, Wei Linglan, who was wearing a suit of the Special Affairs Bureau, looked up at the ten-storey street buildings and muttered, “I don’t know how much it cost…”

“It’s not cheap anyway…”

Chu Yin, who was standing next to her, looked a little listless, with heavy dark circles under her eyes looking very haggard, “I really want to sleep… Where is Captain Xing… I just want to sign my autograph and go home quickly sleep…”

The place where Wei Linglan and Chu Yin stand is the real estate purchased by the Special Affairs Bureau in the game plaza.

The special affairs bureau was notified by the system at the same time as the ordinary players, but their reaction speed and coordination ability were faster and stronger.

In 8 hours, the think tank weighed the pros and cons, and worked out dozens of solutions for different situations in the game plaza.

When ordinary players are still thinking about whether land speculation is an IQ tax at this stage,

The Special Affairs Bureau has built a trade union, bought real estate, and began to reproduce real-world office buildings in the game plaza as they are – the system is the best construction worker, it is very easy to demolish and build .

The basic skeleton of this new building was generated directly with money,

As for the decorations and furniture inside,

Some were bought from the system, while others were brought by the players of the Special Affairs Bureau, and shipped one by one.

Wei Linglan and Chu Yin are the strong men who were temporarily pulled over,

The two of them had desks, chairs and benches in their backpacks, and they came here both as porters and to sign a union contract.

The guild that kills the game can provide some good buffs for subordinate players, and it is easier for guild members to form a team. In the future, there may be tasks that require the strength of a whole guild, or even several guilds to work together to overcome.

It is very necessary to sign.

Of course, eggs can’t be in the same basket,

The Secret Service currently has three small unions of fifty members, which are only experimental,

A large number of operators are still waiting to see,

The follow-up will not follow until the think tank has fully analyzed the pros and cons based on further evidence.

“Yo, it’s you two.”

The thick male voice sounded from the side, Wei Linglan and Chu Yin turned their heads and saw Xing Hechou, who was also wearing a suit, approaching——

His stature is too burly, a black suit does not add elegance, but has a “big brother of a dynamic social group”.

Xing Hechou, as an excellent front-line operator of the Yin City Mobile Task Force, was also appointed as one of the presidents of the three experimental trade unions this time.

According to the suggestion of the Abnormality Society, the three labor unions were named “Bi Fang”, “Chongming” and “Gou Chen”, and it was Gou Chen that Xing Hechou governed.

“Hello Captain.”

Wei Linglan and Chu Yin greeted Xing Hechou, the latter stepped forward and said with a smile, “Come here to sign the trade union contract?”


Wei Linglan nodded, “Because I was teleported farther, I came a little late.”

“I feel like I’m dying…”

Chu Yin weakly took out his mobile phone and glanced at it (the square cannot communicate with the world, unless you use a friend to call. You can only use the mobile phone without signal to check the time), and said sadly: “It’s four o’clock in the morning… Captain, when can we sign the contract?”

“Sign it now.”

Xing Hechou took out two long contracts from the void, along with the quill, and handed them over.

Chu Yin yawned and scribbled a few strokes. Wei Linglan took the contract, glanced at it, and signed his name.

The moment the signature was written and the tip of the pen was raised, the contract turned into ashes, and the voice of the system prompting the success of joining the guild also rang in their ears.

“Okay, the bonus provided by the guild has to be confirmed by myself and must be opened in the player panel.”

Xing Hechou glanced at Chu Yin, who was sluggish, and asked, “Why are you so sleepy? Are you still investigating that case?”

The case he was talking about was the mysterious disappearance of human trafficker Qi Lianxiang.

After discovering Qi Lianxiang’s disappearance, Wei Linglan immediately reported the situation, notified colleagues in other departments, and collected surveillance video in the area to try to find clues.

As a result, nothing.

The man who took Qi Lianxiang was very cunning and had a very high awareness of anti-reconnaissance. He was never exposed to surveillance.

Furthermore, the man obviously controlled Qi Lianxiang, and asked the latter to follow him out of the city gradually, to the surveillance blind spot on the outskirts of the city, and eventually disappeared.

After the incident, the disappearance and accidental death cases of dozens of people originally mentioned by Qi Lianxiang were also re-examined.

As more and more doubts surfaced, it was finally determined that there was a driving force behind these events.

Although Qi Lianxiang is a wicked human trafficker, the deceased in a series of disappearances and accidental deaths also have more or less criminal records,

But in any case, before being tried, they are all innocent – the special affairs bureau is very sensitive to cases involving players, and no matter what, they can’t let go of the superhuman’s bullying.

Xia is still banned by force, let alone a player who can fly into the sky and move mountains to reclaim the sea?

“Well, still investigating.”

Wei Linglan nodded, “Ordinary murder cases can be solved with the help of divination spells or aroused spirits, and the real murderer can be caught.

It’s just that these cases have a longer time span and fewer clues,

The past and present of all the dead and missing have been covered up by the supernatural with divine power,

Cannot be seen with divination. “

As one of the management team of the Mobile Task Force, Xing Hechou had only heard about this case, and asked with a frown: “God cover up… I remember that there seem to be some comrades in the bureau, who possess the ability of gods. ?”


Wei Linglan nodded and said, “However, divine power has a first-hand nature,

If a **** takes the lead and uses divine power to cover up the cause and effect of an event,

Then the later gods had to spend a huge amount of divine power in order to eliminate the influence of the former.

It’s like an oil painting of a master’s masterpiece,

To destroy it, just pour a basin of ink on it,

And if you want to save it, it will take thousands of times of energy to restore it to its original state. “


Xing Hechou suddenly realized and nodded, “Then you now…”

“As representatives of the Special Affairs Bureau, Chu Yin and I assist colleagues in other departments to investigate this case using normal criminal investigation methods.”

Speaking of this Wei Linglan’s expression was a little gloomy, “We turned over the past files and investigated the relevant personnel in that industry chain,

Everyone, without exception, either died or disappeared, and in the end there was only Qi Lianxiang.

She, probably the last person on the killer list,

If the killer doesn’t commit any more crimes after letting her disappear, we may have a hard time catching him.


“Unless what?” Xing Hechou asked subconsciously.

“Unless, the colleague in the bureau who has the qualifications of a **** can be the first to complete the promotion and become a **** of a higher level,”

Wei Linglan said solemnly: “In that case, we can clear the fog and directly target the murderer,

Let him, nowhere to hide. “

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