Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 599: Our Lady

Tyrannosaurus continued: “Most animals in nature are good animals that obey their nature.

They hunt just to survive, even if some of the methods in the hunting process are cruel (such as parasitic wasps), it will not produce much negative emotions,

Adding trouble to Hades.

But humans are different,

The pace of human development and progress is too fast, and its impact on nature is far beyond the scope of ordinary species.

A single pelagic fishing kills tens of thousands of fish,

Exploitation of the rainforest could leave millions of animals homeless,

Humans are exterminating other species every second.

All creatures in nature have the right to survive,

However, what human beings have done has far exceeded the needs of survival and has become greedy. “

Tyrannosaurus said slowly in a gentle tone: “Although each low-intelligence life produces very little negative emotion,

However, the accumulation of sand becomes a tower,

Coupled with the negative emotions produced within the human race,

Has overwhelmed Hades——

There are about 20 billion resident souls in the entire Hades area,

2 billion of them are workers working around the reincarnation project,

Of the remaining 18 billion, 10 billion are evil spirits wandering in the wilderness, and 8 billion are stranded in the underworld or permanent residents for various reasons.

Now, the number of staff and permanent residents remains the same,

On the contrary, the evil spirits wandering in the wilderness, as well as the chaotic demons caused by negative emotions, are increasing day by day.

If it goes on like this, the underworld will collapse sooner or later,

At that time, we will usher in the destruction of both worlds. “

Even when describing the terrifying future, Tyrannosaurus’ gentle tone did not change, he said slowly: “Hehe, there is a saying in human society, called,

If you can’t solve the problem, then solve the person who asked the problem.

From the perspective of utilitarianism, the most efficient way is undoubtedly to directly destroy human beings.

But we didn’t choose to do that. “


The mule asked under the direction of Li Ang.

Tyrannosaurus shook his head, “There are two reasons.

We, who live in the underworld, cannot directly interfere with the world on a large scale.

As a survivor of a long-dead race, I really don’t want to wipe out the hope of a new race.

Of course, we have a compromise of last resort, which is to gradually reduce the supply of human souls, peacefully and slowly reduce the total number of humans, and weaken its influence in the natural world. “

When Tyrannosaurus said this, the other human councillors did not respond,

Fury, with his hands down at his sides, bowed his head respectfully, and stood beside the mule as if he had not heard anything.

“However, before implementing that kind of plan, we would like to see if there are other options.

Discuss how to solve the problem. “

The tyrannosaurus said: “You see, there are two main types of problems caused by humans,

One is to infringe on the survival rights of other species, causing other species to have negative emotions,

The second is the negative emotions generated within the human race.

In the first question, the most likely to cause negative emotions is the modern farming project of human beings.

I don’t know if you have been to the feedlot,

The pigs, cows, sheep, chickens, ducks…are locked in small cages that can hardly turn around, forcibly stuffed with feed, injected with hormones, and subjected to unbearable pain for a long time.

In the end, he was skinned and cramped by humans, drinking blood and eating meat, and draining the last trace of value. “

Tyrannosaurus paused, then said slowly, “I’m not human, so I’m more qualified to speak.

The behavior of modern farms does not conform to the natural law of hunting.

If you replace ChéngRén with animals in the feedlot, and replace humans with animals,

Then, in the eyes of human beings, it is undoubtedly a terrible purgatory on earth. “

Indeed, if this sentence is spoken by a human, then he may be the Virgin or the Virgin,

But when the person who said this was a Tyrannosaurus that had existed for more than 60 million years, was nearly 15 meters long, weighed 14 tons, and possessed powerful extraordinary abilities,

Then this passage can only be regarded as the accusation and criticism of the loyal seniors to the juniors.

“Attorney Kevin, we would like to know whether you think human involvement in modern farming projects should be considered a sin.

If it is a sin, what punishment should be accepted. “

Tyrannosaurus asked peacefully: “What I mean here,

Not just human workers engaged in farming projects,

It is all human groups that benefit from modern breeding projects.

Any member of human who has purchased animal meat, although he did not kill the animal himself, may be responsible for indirect mass slaughter,

After death, bear a heavier punishment than before. “

….is this the last link?

The mule was silent, just as Li Ang His second-stage mission has been completed, and the current third-stage mission is [successfully persuaded the Hades Council]

As a broker, Mule is also a professional intelligence analyst,

He noted that the mission goal of the third stage was to convince the Underworld Council,

There is no limit, what angle can be used to persuade the parliament of the underworld – whether it is human beings who are guilty and need to be punished, or human beings who are innocent and do not need to be punished, they can pass the customs.

At first glance, this task seems very easy,

However, he didn’t know the position of the members of the council-there were five dinosaurs and seven humans.

‘What shall I say? ’

The mule licked his lips and used this gesture to call for help from the raiding team from an angle that the councilors could not see.

“Tsk, what a hassle.”

The witch frowned and said solemnly, “If you stand on a human standpoint, then of course you don’t have to think about such issues.

Humans have evolved over millions of years to the present, but they do not live to be vegetarians,

Humans, like other animals, have the right to eat meat – and the modern breeding project is to ensure that the industrial capacity of human beings can benefit every compatriot in the way of the right to eat meat.

However, from a higher perspective of the underworld… breeding and killing is undoubtedly harmful. “

“Because the other party is the administrator of the underworld, or a dinosaur whose head has been extinct, there is no way to persuade him with the reason of ‘you have the right not to eat meat, but you can’t erase my right to eat meat’.” /

The black Trojan scratched his head and said in distress, “It’s hard to do…”

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