Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 597: Lobby

Beyond human…

The mule’s expression froze slightly, keenly aware of the special meaning hidden in the other party’s words,

He just wanted to ask aloud,

But the bee put down Erlang’s legs, leaned forward, glanced at his watch, and said lightly, “We’re here.”

The hull shook slightly, and the liquid in the wine glass swayed,

The bee got up from the chair,

Fury, who had been listening silently from the beginning, hurriedly drank the wine glass, wiped his mouth, and stood up, his hands hanging at his side respectfully.

The mule followed, and through the window in the captain’s cabin wall he could see the land outside.

“Please come with me.”

The bee nodded slightly, strode out of the cabin, and brought the two to the deck.

“That’s the test.”

Li Ang floated behind the mule and said calmly, “The meaning of what the bee said just now is to imply that the underworld attaches great importance to lawyer Kevin.

Don’t be stingy with giving him some benefits, maybe even making him otherworldly. “

The black Trojan horse floating in the back smacked his mouth with a complicated expression, and couldn’t help but ask, “Brother Sombra… Did you really come up with the words you just said in an instant?”

“Talk and think.”

Li Ang said calmly: “Our employer is playing a lawyer who has jumped from the prosecutor.

Combined with the rainbow fart that Fury had touted and praised before,

And the case of the king of torture asked by the bee,

He may also be a moral and conscientious Anglo-American lawyer.

As long as it is substituted into the human design,

It’s easy to imagine what this character would say. “

The black Trojan was a little painful, “…Is it easy?”

“Of course,”

Li Ang nodded and said solemnly: “Empathy is the ability to experience the inner world of others,

When I have nothing to do,

I often create imaginary virtual friends in my mind,

What kind of overbearing president is so overbearing that he does not use paper in the toilet;

It’s okay to live in a kennel and experience life as an urban soldier;

The genius inventor who invented pedal wheelchairs, massage coffins, and winter mosquitoes;

A top serial killer who escaped the pursuit countless times, but suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder, cleaned up the victim’s home, and was eventually arrested;

Give them a plump character, have a brain talk with them, learn their strengths,

Developed to the extreme, it can even allow virtual friends to take charge of the body and help you work and study, which is simply too convenient. “

“This is not a virtual friend at all!”

The black Trojan said in surprise: “This is basically a schizophrenia, isn’t it?!”

Li Ang’s body suddenly trembled, then he turned his head and stared at the black Trojan horse, with a very different low magnetic voice, he slowly corrected: “This is not schizophrenia, to be precise, it is a separate identity Identify barriers.

It is an honor to meet you again, Mr. Terminator,

I say hello to you on behalf of the thirty or so brothers and sisters in my head. “


The black Trojan was startled by Li Ang’s straight and strange eyes, and exclaimed loudly in his heart, “Damn it! This thing doesn’t really have multiple personalities, does it? ’

Li Ang looked at the horrified expression of the black Trojan horse, and pretended to be deeply paused for a few seconds, then suddenly laughed and returned to normal, “Hahaha, just kidding you, don’t you really think I have multiple personalities?”


The black Trojan laughed awkwardly and wiped the cold sweat from his palms on his trousers imperceptibly.

Playful and tyrannical teammates… so annoying!

Their interaction fell into the eyes of the forest cat and the witch,

The forest cat just thinks these two are a little weird – most advanced players in the killing game are a little weird,

The witch raised her eyebrows and said nothing, thinking silently in her heart, ‘This shadow man has two brushes, no wonder he was spotted by the mule and invited to join the raiding team.

Hmm… Maybe when the quest is over, maybe ask the mule for information about this person? ’

The organization of the witch’s syndicate has a total of twelve chief members,

Two pairs, acting together,

Only a group of dead people can be replaced by the following people.

The witch has no problem with her current partner,

Now I want to inquire about Li Ang’s information, but as a member of the organization, I am just reviewing talents for the organization.

This short episode did not affect the mule following the bee to the deck,

Now the ship has crossed the Styx and reached the other side,

The river bank on this side is equally empty and dead. The only difference is that a transparent hollow glass column is erected on the bank.

The diameter of the hollow cylinder is about 30 meters long. There is a door on the side near the Styx, and the interior floor is covered with a soft beige carpet.

There is a circle of seats on one side of the inner wall, and a vending machine is placed on the innermost side.

Overall, it looks a bit like entertainment equipment in an amusement park?


The deck on one side of the cargo ship pops up again, turning into a sloping downward step,

The bee stepped on the steps, walked ahead, and introduced to the mule: “This is the escalator that leads directly to Paradise Mountain.”

The mule was taken aback for a moment, “Is there an elevator in Paradise Mountain?”

“Of course, otherwise, what do you think the officials of the underworld rely on to commute to and from get off work?”

The bee said naturally: “Although Paradise Mountain is a man-made concept,

But it has now become the workplace of the official Hades,

All staff must rely on escalators to travel to and from the vast territory of Hades. “

Talking and talking,

The bee has come to the front of the giant glass column, he snapped his fingers and let the door outside the column slide inward,

Lead the two of them into it and sit on the seats.

The gate closes automatically,

From the ceiling, a light blue light shone down.

“Hello, all passengers and friends, welcome to take the branded train named after Goat brand super-concentrated strawberry bitter gourd beverage. This train is DM81532 train, which goes from Minghe bus station to the parliament hall on the ninth floor of Paradise Mountain. This train is DM81532. The whole train is non-smoking, please fasten your seat belts, the next stop is Paradise Mountain.”

A soft and mechanical female voice echoed in the room,

Bee and Fury expertly pulled the seat belts from the back of the seats and fastened themselves,

The mule imitated everything and couldn’t help but ask: “What is the goat brand super-concentrated strawberry bitter gourd drink?”

“Oh, that’s a specialty of Hades and it’s very popular with us,”

Fury explained: “Although the special environment of the underworld will amplify the emotional feelings of the spiritual body,

But over time, even intense sensory stimulation will become slightly numb.

Only super-concentrated vegetable juice drinks can touch our age-old spirits,

However, some untrained new spirits will give the super-concentrated strawberry bitter gourd drink the evaluation of “you can see **** after drinking it”.

For newcomers, it’s best to start with a tonkatsu sandwich drink, or a regular drink like Charpinnus pineapple juice. “

The bee interjected at the right time: “I personally recommend the watermelon and clam Oh? Did Mr. Bee like salty and sweet flavors?” Fury nodded, “It’s really good taste.”

Where is it good! Do you people in the underworld have problems with your tongue? ?

The mule was frantically complaining, but there was no expression on his face.

The glass cylinder trembled slowly, and the mule felt a weaker-to-stronger thrust from below. Looking outside, he could see that the scene below was rapidly shrinking.

He saw the freighter docked by the river,

I saw the upper and lower reaches of the Styx River, those souls lined up in dense long queues,

I saw a 5G base station made up of countless twisted monsters,

I saw a gigantic city inhabited by billions of souls.

Thousands of worlds, a panoramic view.

The elevator rose rapidly, breaking through the gloomy clouds in the blink of an eye,

The black Trojan horse and others silently sighed at the grandeur and vastness of Hades,

Bee and Fury look calm,

The mule involuntarily reached out and grasped the rails on both sides of the seat, tensing his face to resist the load of the acceleration.

After a long time, the elevator finally began to slow down until it came to a complete stop.

Ding Dong——

As the reminder sounded, the elevator door slid to one side,

Appearing in front of the player is a ring-shaped parliamentary hall.

Around the hall are thirteen high platforms, each with a chair behind it.

Five Dinosaur Monarchs and seven Human Senators look down on the transparent elevator and the mules in the elevator.

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